Primary & Secondary weapon slots.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Yeah, first post on the new forums. Anyway this is just something that really bugs me in most games that feature firearms but only restricts us to one weapon slot. Would it be possible if we had two separate weapon slots for primarys/long guns and secondaries/sidearms? Also can we have separate attack buttons for each during combat so we don't have to switch to them threw the inventory on the fly when a situation without the quickdraw perk calls for it?
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Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
So you want to put a weapon away on your person and then take another one out from your person - and do so fast like - without the need for quickdraw.

... Uh? That's the entire point of quickdraw. If you want to switch weapons for a fight then the enemy gets in a free attack, nothing to it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
On top of that, TiTS weapon system doesn't distinguish primary weapons from sidearms. Case in point: both the strongest kinetic range and the strongest energy range weapons are technically sidearms.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
So you want to put a weapon away on your person and then take another one out from your person - and do so fast like - without the need for quickdraw.

... Uh? That's the entire point of quickdraw. If you want to switch weapons for a fight then the enemy gets in a free attack, nothing to it.

Perhaps I wasn't being clear. I just meant that we have two different ranged attacks available on the combat UI  for long guns and pistol type weapons. Realistically you should be able to switch from primary and secondary very quickly and vice-versa. If you want to equip a different gun in your inventory for either slot that's not already equipped then yeah standard game rules apply.

On top of that, TiTS weapon system doesn't distinguish primary weapons from sidearms. Case in point: both the strongest kinetic range and the strongest energy range weapons are technically sidearms.

True but there's currently not a plethora of guns in the game that I don't think it would be too difficult to implement separate flags for primary weapons and sidearms where appropriate. Also case in point I'm sure their will be new weapons in the future that will unbalance the current strongest weapons since that seems to be the trend with each new planet.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sidearm is usually a close range weapon. Problem is - all combats are at close range for now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Sidearm is usually a close range weapon. Problem is - all combats are at close range for now.

Yeah well wait till if and when we get automatic weapons besides the machine gun."


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
And I don't see no reason you can't use said weapons in CQC range really.. Seriously range combat in this game is such an abstract concept really.


Aug 26, 2015
Which is exactly why there's no distinction between longarms and sidearms.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Because it would require rewriting the whole combat system.

Well, making the distinction MATTER would. We could just slap tags on them, but there's no point because:

That's the entire point of quickdraw. If you want to switch weapons for a fight then the enemy gets in a free attack, nothing to it.

In the very, very rare situations it matters, you can soak an extra attack and swap. Or use your melee weapon, if it's just a Blind/Locked/Temporary effect.

There's really no point in having two weapons equipped in a slot other than "I don't want to spend a turn switching."