

Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
Am i the only bi-guy in the world (i'm including gay guys and straight women here) who is completely turned off by Over masculine guys/huge breasted women?

I wanna play a gay/bi dating sim (almost impossible to find) and i finally find one that's a work in progress.... and the guys look like steroid junkies..... What happened to average....

Lol probably gonna get flak from this but this is the only adult community i really feel somewhat comfortable in. :$
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's called "tastes". There are millions and millions and millions of people in the world, so, just like that joke about people having a double somewhere in the world, your tastes are bound to be shared by people somewhere. In this case, I am one of those people who dislike hunk guys and beachball-breasted girls in smut.


Aug 26, 2015
Indeed, not everyone will share the same interest for the flavor of ice cream you like, so tastes will vary from person to person (no matter what sexual preference you subscribe to or sex you are born in). Some flavors will invariably be more commonly liked than others thanks to the freedom of choice, but whatever turns you off or on is your own personal preference. As for others, people will like what they like, so as long as you aren't telling them they are wrong for liking something, then you'll be okay. Once you start accusing someone's opinion of being wrong (especially on a moral level) and that they should change it, then that's when you'll get a community backlash. Simply stating an opinion shouldn't get the pitchfork mob on your case, at least not normally anyway.

I am certain you are not alone in your preferences for the average. When you get to know a lot of people, you realize that tastes will vary from person to person, both in and out of smut. There are too many variables to what makes up a personal preference so I cannot say with certainty why exactly someone likes what they like, but I do know that, generally, part of it is social and the other part mental/biological, and like the actual taste buds of the tongue, a person's tastes may change over time with some preferences becoming stronger, weaker, broader, narrower, more attractive, more repulsive, etc. over time based on the individual's age and the amount/level of content they consume.

As far as fantasy smut is concerned, I don't think I have a strong dislike in anything--unless defecation and gory violence is involved, then it gets a bit irksome for me. I do favor the exaggeratedly endowed because that tickles my taste buds more than just average on average. The tickling is even more pronounced to me if the character starts off as an average or below average figure and transforms into the overly endowed sex diety. The size of the figure being a visual/conceptual representation of how lewd/horny/lusty the character may be. To me, that's pretty hawt, but I know not everyone will share that interest. Some people are more attracted to the acts of doing something or even mental states of certain characters and these can be the things that gets the boners--it could even be a combination of any of these--again, this stuff will vary for different people on the spectrum of interests.

In addition, I also make sure that my personal preferences in fantasy stay in the realm of fantasy, so my real-life preferences will differ dramatically because I know I'm dealing with a different set of variables. From my understanding, some people like to have their reality and fantasy bridged and have them cross over--while you can only do so much to alter your reality, your fantasy is what you make it; so if you want your alternate reality to be a bit more average in terms of a character's proportions, by all means have at it. I do agree that content for such an interest is limited, but it's out there--you'll either have to dig more to find it, or start creating your own if you want that audience to be relevant to you (if you build it, they will come!).


Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
Indeed, not everyone will share the same interest for the flavor of ice cream you like, so tastes will vary from person to person (no matter what sexual preference you subscribe to or sex you are born in). Some flavors will invariably be more commonly liked than others thanks to the freedom of choice, but whatever turns you off or on is your own personal preference. As for others, people will like what they like, so as long as you aren't telling them they are wrong for liking something, then you'll be okay. Once you start accusing someone's opinion of being wrong (especially on a moral level) and that they should change it, then that's when you'll get a community backlash. Simply stating an opinion shouldn't get the pitchfork mob on your case, at least not normally anyway.

I am certain you are not alone in your preferences for the average. When you get to know a lot of people, you realize that tastes will vary from person to person, both in and out of smut. There are too many variables to what makes up a personal preference so I cannot say with certainty why exactly someone likes what they like, but I do know that, generally, part of it is social and the other part mental/biological, and like the actual taste buds of the tongue, a person's tastes may change over time with some preferences becoming stronger, weaker, broader, narrower, more attractive, more repulsive, etc. over time based on the individual's age and the amount/level of content they consume.

As far as fantasy smut is concerned, I don't think I have a strong dislike in anything--unless defecation and gory violence is involved, then it gets a bit irksome for me. I do favor the exaggeratedly endowed because that tickles my taste buds more than just average on average. The tickling is even more pronounced to me if the character starts off as an average or below average figure and transforms into the overly endowed sex diety. The size of the figure being a visual/conceptual representation of how lewd/horny/lusty the character may be. To me, that's pretty hawt, but I know not everyone will share that interest. Some people are more attracted to the acts of doing something or even mental states of certain characters and these can be the things that gets the boners--it could even be a combination of any of these--again, this stuff will vary for different people on the spectrum of interests.

In addition, I also make sure that my personal preferences in fantasy stay in the realm of fantasy, so my real-life preferences will differ dramatically because I know I'm dealing with a different set of variables. From my understanding, some people like to have their reality and fantasy bridged and have them cross over--while you can only do so much to alter your reality, your fantasy is what you make it; so if you want your alternate reality to be a bit more average in terms of a character's proportions, by all means have at it. I do agree that content for such an interest is limited, but it's out there--you'll either have to dig more to find it, or start creating your own if you want that audience to be relevant to you (if you build it, they will come!).

See thats the funny part. I actually like super "hunky" types in text adventures (example being CoC I always over enlarged stuff) its probably the way i imagine the stuff is less ick compared to the way poeple draw. but yeah i was hoping to get a glimps of poeples tastes with this thread. Bit surprised by your wall of text makes me happy to see a well though out answer. =D


Oct 27, 2015
I prefer sissies. And to mix up the games so i don't get bored or stuck I play as a chick. I like the difference on coc tits and foe


Nov 19, 2015
Well look at it on the bright side. Makes it things in RL a bit easier (no offense to people RL but, I have my doubts that you'll find a nice looking girl with DD breasts and a great personality any time soon, or a hunky guy in salon waiting to be taken xD  ).

Did I have to pop my hopes and dreams? Suppose I did. Seeing as that is more or less the fictional factor to that kinda character being added to games...
Oct 10, 2015
I'm a bi dude and can only handle certain artists that do strong dudes. Plus, I tend to lean towards artists that focus less on the "Oh yeah, Hulk Hogan, I'm gonna fuck you in the ass; brother!" Type shit in leui of the more romantasized less slutty stuff. Plus, I actually really like traps, or average dudes with good facial hair.

  Big breasts are fine but I don't care about them that much, I dated a flat chested girl that wrapped her chest because she wanted to be a guy; so I'm 100% breast size really doesn't matter at all to me.

(I'm also sorry for implanting an image of hulk Hogan gay butt stuff into your mind)
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Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Tastes are tastes, no shame in enjoying mild body types. I'm bi myself and enjoy men of all body types, from bodybuilding bulls, to sissy... no real definitive sissy character in the game. Tastes is tastes man no shame in liking what you want.

Sorry for a tangent, but there is no stereotypical sissy character. You've got Embry, but she's transexual. Cameron's more of a lithe, submissive, bottom. I guess you can change Ben into a sissy, but that's less of a character and more of a sex toy with a personality. Huh.


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm a straight dude, or mostly straight anyway, who will gladly engage in gay stuff with cum flying everywhere in games. As long as there is some variety, I don't mind the unrealistic hunks. If that was the only thing, yeah then it would get as tiresome as stereotypical women in porn are. Luckily thanks to the depravity of people engaging openly on the internet we are getting more variety of everything it seems.


New Member
Dec 6, 2015
honestly it's is pretty annoying that all of the characters have out of proportion bodies, I can't name a single female character that doesn't have gigantic breasts.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
honestly it's is pretty annoying that all of the characters have out of proportion bodies, I can't name a single female character that doesn't have gigantic breasts.

Besides a couple of red myrs, (Liliana f. ex.), Bess (Depending on setting), Shekka, Raskvel females, etc.

Sorry, I just wanted to point out that there are some less endowed female characters.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
honestly it's is pretty annoying that all of the characters have out of proportion bodies, I can't name a single female character that doesn't have gigantic breasts.

Actually, while a lot of feminine-looking characters in TiTS have big ol' tits, only New Texans, Gold Myrs and a handful of other NPCs can be considered as having 'out of proportions' and 'larger than life' bust sizes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sexuality is a gradient and we are all special, special snowflakes :3

I myself really only like male characters that are built... Probably tying into the wish-fulfillment portion of my brain, but hey, I'm no psychologist.
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