Possible to turn off notes in save?


Dec 9, 2015
G'mornin' everyone! This'll be my first post on the Fenoxo forums, although I'm a long-time lurker. Have to say before I go into anything else, I love the game and the direction it's going -- probably even more so than CoC.

Anyway, onto the actual topic: is it possible to turn off the notes when you try and save? I'm running build 0.6.20 (latest public) on Microsoft Edge, although I found it was the same in 0.6.19 as well. Normally, when I want to quickly save, I can just click the button and spam 2-1-1 and it's done. That is no longer the case as it defaults to the 'notes' textbox, requiring the player to manually click Slot 1 and backspace the 2 that you get from navigating to the save menu. The 'Yes' to overwrite has been moved as well, from 1 to 5. It seems on further inspection that the hotkeys for save slots have been removed.

All in all, it's just a headache that I'm not really sure what to make of. Was the change intentional? If so, was it because you wanted to limit the continuous save-whoring by making it annoying to navigate? Answers would be appreciated; I looked in the patch notes from 0.6.13 and couldn't find anything, at least from a quick search of "notes".

Thanks in advanced!

Edit: "Holy crap, Jacques00 had a huge pull request lined up for us to sort through. The biggest changes that’ll be noticed are the options to turn off save confirmation prompts and save notes, if you don’t want to futz with them." I fucking love you guys. Will become a backer as soon as a viable method becomes available.
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