Possible Ramis/Kase content?


New Member
Mar 31, 2022
Gonna be completely honest here, I physically do not have the time nor energy to actually write this out myself and make it TiTs compatible. I just thought this concept was interesting based on already in-place personality traits/events/general lore.

So. We all know Ramis loves her sissies. Kase is a rather feminine submissive male kaithrit. All though we already have Anno's scenes with Kase, perhaps if Ramis and Kase are both crew members, the two could actually interact? Mainly as a possible option for a threesome with Kase/Ramis, but along with it, that would open up the doors so to speak of more kaithrit / kaithrit in-person interactions. As a possible means of also showing how the tail-touching custom works in context. As we already can have Kase demonstrate it (if the player is half-kaithrit or kaithrit), but it'd be nice to see it in practice, ya know?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Just for future reference, if you just want to share idea and you aren't planning on writing it, it should be posted here.

I really like this idea! I love both Kase and Ramis and Kase really needs some new content. And we need more tail-touching!!


Well-Known Member
Nonesuch is actually writing Ramis-Kase threesomes right now.

Also, Kase doesn't really strike me as a traditional kaithrit male; I doubt any interactions between him and Ramis would conform to kaithrit societal norms. Yes, he prefers his partner(s) to take the lead, but he's not from kaithrit-dominated space (to be precise, he's from a primarily human & ausar colony), and the way he talks and acts about his submissive tendencies makes me think it's a personal preference rather than something inherent in him:
Kase said:
“I enjoy being ordered around, something I think I picked up after I had a relationship blossom with my manager at Pyrite, back when I was still working on my home planet. She... gave me a taste for that sort of thing.” ... “It feels good being someone’s subordinate like that... so that’s my preference, if any: being told what to do.”
He's perfectly capable of being dominant if that's what his partners want: both of his threesomes with Anno and Steele have both submissive and dominant options, while the plans for his relationship with Sam had him being the dominant one in bed. He also prefers slow and melodic music, which is about as far as possible from Ramis' favoured music, kait-pop (which, from the name, is kaithrit in origin; Steele gets migraines from it and describes it as a "nightmarishly manic, screechy racket").
Plus, he was ambushed by a naleen and, armed with nothing but a stun baton, managed to get away with only a broken arm. I doubt most people who normally never stray from civilised areas (of which Kase is one) could do that, so he's not entirely incompetent at combat (or at least self-defence).