Possible Race condition on image pack loading


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
I think there may be a possible race condition on the checking of the image pack data and updating the image pack button:
As you can see, the image pack has been determined to be current, but the image pack button is still "Download Imagepack" and is still disabled - and there it stays, "Bereft of life, it rests in peace."
I suspect maybe a race condition between the async thread checking for image pack updates and the thread that updates the button.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
Oh, per the comment on image pack loading:

Testing if installed...
Unable to find sentinel file.
Querying image manifest for updated/missing files...
Sending message to render process for 0 images
Testing if installed...
Unable to find sentinel file.

And I have full permissions on both where the game files reside and where the game is storing the image pack data.