Possibility of mounts/vehicles?


Active Member
May 19, 2017
The hoverboard acc is a thing, but it is fairly pointless, Especially if you play a tech specialist, the drones you can get pretty much trump any other acc slot you can get... (trying to segue) Siegewulfe is a taur, (the appearance section makes no mention of height but assuming a decent size around 10-14 hands) there is little reason one couldn't ride her... (to clarify I mean ride as in with a saddle like a horse, I want to make it very clear I don't mean the other kind of ride) Now what purpose it could serve I have no idea, but considering the number of taurs you can collect I can imagine at least one (amber) she's very needy and clingy and would probably be willing to wear a saddle if it meant steele was always nearby heck if the saddle has bags you could have an expanded inventory (like a mini storage chest but for small items like tfs and such)

Realizes I haven't gotten to the vehicles bit... Insert equally longwinded bit about hoverbikes with the potential to have weapons on them (Like in star wars) and be usable in combat instead of just standing there like some sort of space cowboy


Active Member
May 19, 2017
Side note, Should taurs be measured in hands? I think they should be. makes sense even though most people including myself have absolutely no idea what that means... (I literally just looked it up but still)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
The hoverboard isn't accessory you can equip. It functions just by being in your inventory.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
There are mounts you can use on Uveto, you can buy at Maja's. They kinda suck in combat and reduce the amount of time to travel between tiles, however the time reduction only works in Uveto