Pony Fall

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May 16, 2016
Hey there.

I'm new here, but I've been developing a game about ponies. It's called Pony Fall. Naturally it's set in the MLP-verse, so fair warning if the title didn't already let you know. There's no plans here for humans of any kind, and it's actually because CoC and TiTs went that route that I'm attempting this game.

Despite the fact that clopfics abound (technical term here, sorry about tossing it around the uninformed), the fans of MLP don't seem to have any good adult content when it comes to games. I thought this might be a nice project for the next few years if I can get my head around the code, and so I made this as a start.

It's currently version 0.01, which essentially means I've worked on it for two weeks in my spare time but has a working exploration and battle system. It also has one character, Applejack and one event written in for her. I know that doesn't sound like much, but I really wanted some critique -- mainly of my writing of that one aformentioned sex scene. I've been an avid student of CoC (I played it a lot like everyone here), so I wanted to get responses back from people who have some standards for an erotic text game.

Also, it seems like there's no good site to post this kind of content. I looked at 4chan, but the /mlp/ board doesn't allow NSFW content so this is where I went.

Anyways, if you're interested the link to the blog is down below. Another warning: the Applejack scene is non-consensual, so stay away if that pushes any buttons.


Hoping for some constructive criticism, but any response at all would be good to have. If there's interest, I'll keep linking here as I update in between real life work and such.


Oct 16, 2015
Hi there nonesuchwrites,

I have played thought (though still ooking for that pesky rope and stamina potion) and I have to say I am enjoying what you've done so far.

Something I would like to point out however is that the game glitches sometimes by taking away the "next" button to return to the explore/travel page so you have to click on on "check inventory" to get back.

Writing so far seems good and you have set out some good ground work - you do seem to have some sizing issues with box on the right with the text and numbers next to each other but I'm guessing that you could easily fix that.

I would like to eat that mushroom that you've put in the game but I can't..... thats a tease xD

Once I get to the sex scene I will let you know more on what I think till then keep it up :D

*Edit time*

Got to the sex scene and I have to say.... the writing was good, may need to be a little more descriptive to what the PC is feeling during it but other than that I think it works very well. It would be nice if you have other options to have sex with her though but I would guess that is in future updates?
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New Member
May 16, 2016
Well I've played the game, it seems like quite a nice piece for something that took you so short to make.

I noticed that there are some really long numbers if you have a bunch of exp and bits then lose a fight. The decimals go on for quite a few numbers before rounding up. Other than that, it's also a bit of a bother getting the rope since you have to keep spamming everfree exploration to get it. I assume the stamina potion is the same way, because Zecora doesn't have anything else other than that health potion. 

But it looks like you have a solid enough base to build from regardless. What do you plan to add? More of the M6? Will the sex stuff be with them only, or will other characters be included? What about M/M and F/F stuff?
May 16, 2016
Thanks for the feedback. I've been working on the game for a short while, and I do admit that 70% of the time I was trying to figure out how to make Twine 2 code work for a battle system and so on. I'll check the losing battle bug and the next button.

Also, I've debated on how the exploration mechanic should work. Obviously you can't just grab everything and run, but I do agree that spamming exploration and having to fight a bunch of battles is also tedious. As for making potions, the same problem is that you still need to find all the ingredients and then make it.

Hm. Maybe I'll code in a map that can be bought for 1000 bits that will allow you to select any of the events at will...? If anyone's got any thoughts, let me know.

As for future updates, I haven't posted the plan on my blog but I was planning on coding in all of the Mane 6 for now, each with three different routes -- corrupting them slowly, attacking them outright like with Applejack, or building their affection. After that I'll expand to other characters.

Regarding M/M and F/F, that's a long way off. Not that I don't feel like writing it but because writing in another gender would mean twice as many sex scenes for each character. As for M/M, once I get to Big Mac or Spike I'll give it a shot.

I'll write up a full plan including the fetishes per each character on my blog after work. The pairing is generally going to be you the protagonist with any pony you meet, at least for the moment. Once you reach a certain stage in the relationship you might be able to persuade ponies to interact with each other, but that's a ways off in terms of how much work needs to be done.


Oct 16, 2015
Will you be bringing in some TF's at all during this? e.g like CoC or TiTs where you have a descriptive section of what you look like something along the lines of -

"You conjure up some of your inherent magic to make a mirror and what you see looking back at you is a [6ft 6inch] [Unicorn] with [light brown fur covering your whole body], while manipulating your magic some what you can see your [star fall] cutie mark (just incase you give the choice or background options to change this) along with your [black tail] swishing back and forth which hides your [virgin] pucker and [overtly large] sack.

With a small grin you move the mirror down between your legs while thinking some erotic thoughts and out comes your [12inch] long [4inch] wide cock that looks great on you, watching a bit of pre drip out the tip as you think about all the mares you can fill up with it and thick semen"

[text] being the changes you can inflict on yourself that is.

Just a rough idea but I think you know what I mean by it - would be a nice add!

Look forward to seeing your respective lead ins with the group of "mares" maybe add in some randoms in the mix out the field? 
May 16, 2016
Adding TF's is certainly easy enough to do in the way you describe it, but it's always a matter of priority. If this project continues then I'll definitely add in basic transformative capabilities. In fact, having potions means you could unlock one-time-off scenes every time you brew one, but that is long down the line.

As for randoms early on...any ideas? In terms of male characters in Ponyville which I've coded, there's only really Big Mac or Spike. Any interest there? I won't be getting to areas like Cloudsdale or Appleloosa for quite some time.

Anyways, regarding lead-ins, Applejack's scenes are straightforward:

Submission - Domination scenes just like the one already written. Exhausting sex.

Corruption - Prostitution scenes, multiple partners.

Relationship - Vanilla. Possibly lots of anal.

I'll get to coding the others after Applejack is mostly done, but they'll all try to hit a different fetish per pony. It's complex stuff, and I'm a lot slower that I'd like to be. Work and so on, but I'll try for another update by the end of the week.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2015
For male characters Spike throws you into dangerous waters.

I would advise Filthy Rich and I know at least one girl ready to swoon under a domineering Dark Moon.


Oct 16, 2015
Adding TF's is certainly easy enough to do in the way you describe it, but it's always a matter of priority. If this project continues then I'll definitely add in basic transformative capabilities. In fact, having potions means you could unlock one-time-off scenes every time you brew one, but that is long down the line.

As for randoms early on...any ideas? In terms of male characters in Ponyville which I've coded, there's only really Big Mac or Spike. Any interest there? I won't be getting to areas like Cloudsdale or Appleloosa for quite some time.

Anyways, regarding lead-ins, Applejack's scenes are straightforward:

Submission - Domination scenes just like the one already written. Exhausting sex.

Corruption - Prostitution scenes, multiple partners.

Relationship - Vanilla. Possibly lots of anal.

I'll get to coding the others after Applejack is mostly done, but they'll all try to hit a different fetish per pony. It's complex stuff, and I'm a lot slower that I'd like to be. Work and so on, but I'll try for another update by the end of the week.

Well if you're going to add in randoms out in the field as it were you would need loosing scenes let alone winning scenes but I supposed you could just put in a filler for now but it would be nice while exploring the crossroads to come across something other than the meditation/thinking - finding random bits - getting lost. Possibly just add in fights? It would make it feel more interesting and you could put in the basic of the basic battles out there that only get harder when it turns night (though that may be a nice idea for all areas at night) Heck even at night in Ponyvil would be good for night time fun - have the bad ponies come out who will rough you up for bits/cakes/apples? and if you win you could get a little gang you could use for profits i.e. bits/cakes/apples/sacrifices (Drugged up ponies for you to have fun with *cough*) 

As for male on male its possible some people out there like the option to have a "gay" character that only likes those of the same sex may be a nice add in down the line - maybe use the mess that spike made to make him highly horny and come after you to satisfy himself? So if you loose you loose your virginity of your butt and if you win you get his? Possibly get a follower out of it?

I think you could do a nice text adventure here and I would like to see it continue (As I'm always looking for something fun to play ;P ) and there are a lot of people here that will have ideas for you to add in I hope you keep up with this!


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2015
Pony Fall as a name is not especially googleable and being googleable is important for names of stuff if you want popularity.


Oct 16, 2015
Pony Fall as a name is not especially googleable and being googleable is important for names of stuff if you want popularity.

It would also be good to note that under aged persons won't come across it as easily - people who know how to find these things will find them
May 16, 2016
New weekly update for the game. I did add in the randoms in the form of two m/m scenes. Lose to enemies while exploring the Crossroads to get to those scenes. Also, I'll keep Pony Fall as a name unless I find a better one. Suggestions would be welcome.

On that note, I'm studying the art of writing clop. Anyone know of any good Fimfiction fics, or websites that revolve around adult MLP-themed stuff? The closest I can find is Equestria After Dark, and it's quite bare.


Oct 16, 2015
Heya nonesuchwrites,

Just doing a play though of what you've done and just a niggaly thing to look at though this may be tied into your fight algorithm (fancy word xD  also see media picture) but instead of "have" it has "has" just wanted you to be aware.

Also I purposefully lost to Flim and Flam but all I got was a Game over scene is this supposed to happen? But I did get the "alternate" one later on :eek:  - enjoyed it though! Still may want to have someone read your work two of the sentences have errors - one saying grim instead of grin and the other missing "bad" from bad idea.

I went to twighlight's tower and read though the books but didn't get any skill from them - does it proc often or is it a rare thing? Or just for certain types of pony?

Keep up the good work!

Grammar error.png
May 16, 2016
Hey Simari, thanks for the update. Been sick with influenza for the last few days and sort of better now. Not really. But thanks for taking note of errors and letting me know. Real quick before I douse myself in meds and sleep:

-Sounds like you found a few bugs. I'll try to pinpoint why you didn't get the Flim Flam scene right away -- you should always get their scenes rather than a game over, and that goes for the Diamond Dog as well. I am aware that there's an issue with part of the text in the Diamond Dog scene missing and I've fixed that.

-Thanks for the spelling reports. If you and other players point out the parts at which you found the errors, I'll do my best to fix them.

-Finally, are you using old saves in the new version? That would explain why you don't find any skills -- you need to start a new game to get them.

Again, no new update this week since I didn't get much done, but Applejack's got all her submission scenes finished. Once I have the generic anytime events going for her I'll consider that first route done and move onto...something else. Still sick, but glad people are playing this super-early-alpha. Seriously, this is something you should come back to after a few months and hope it's around. Between work and dying, how does anyone find time to code and write? Fenoxo's got a great job, being able to devote his time to this.


Oct 16, 2015

Your health is far more important and something you should keep up on you know? 

I will make a note/list of anything I find but to be fair I have a weird mechanic in my head that usually corrects these mistake as I read :p  but still I do notice them every so often.

Looking forward to the content your going to release but remember your not under any pressure, unless you have sponsors I suppose but its good to have a schedule that you want to keep too.

Hope your better soon and filling up your game with some good content! :)
May 16, 2016
Okay, next update is up. As I'm still sick it's smaller than I'd like but Applejack's route is finished. You can now attack her 3 times, and after the third time she essentially becomes a slave character who you can order to perform several generic sex acts. Later this will allow for more actions, but...

The fight difficulty gets really hard during the second battle, enough so that you probably won't be able to win without a lot of grinding and health potions. Therefore, you can access a debug character with insane stats and lots of stamina potions by starting a new game.

Also appreciate the advice Simari -- I don't have any sponsors, sadly. Maybe if I hit financial troubles or when I have working game I'll do a Patreon thing so I can pay for artwork and stuff, but that's all in the future. If I do need to delay a release, I'll do so, but I want to keep working so I try for an update every Sunday/Monday.


Dec 15, 2015
The fight difficulty gets really hard during the second battle, enough so that you probably won't be able to win without a lot of grinding and health potions.

Well I definitely did a lot of grinding,(35 intelligence for two special attacks, 50 endurance, 50 attack, 27 speed, and level 9 as an Earth pony) but I only had to use 3 of my 16 or so Health Potions.


Oct 16, 2015
Hey nonesuchwrites,

Going for the third sex scene with Applejack noticed one spelling error along the way " You sense you can finall break her" may need to add a y :3

You have left it with a nice little oral scene too :)

Overall the work you have done to it now is good and I hope you can keep it up too! 


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2015
Well referring to the problem you stated on your blog.

Most people don't update every week but once a month and tons of people use Patreon to fund stuff like this.

But,  And a big but, you have to be careful that you have enough content before you try to make a splash with asking for money.
May 16, 2016
Well I definitely did a lot of grinding,(35 intelligence for two special attacks, 50 endurance, 50 attack, 27 speed, and level 9 as an Earth pony) but I only had to use 3 of my 16 or so Health Potions.

Frankly, I'm amazed that you spend so much time grinding. Even I wouldn't have the patience for that at this point. Guess I'll have to start adding in harder monsters/better equipment and more locations to explore.

Also Obscure, I will try and do more than one update per month, but it's a killer schedule I'm on so we'll see. I just hope I'll have enough content for a release after a month. It's that kind of crap I'm dealing with...

But I'd never ask for money on Patreon. I have literally spent only about 40 hours on this. If I did ever decide to try to turn this into some kind of funded project, I'd have to have been working on this for far longer and have way more done before I'd try that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
What other adult pony games do you know? The only one I know of is Cloptopia which is pretty fun. Got any others?


Dec 15, 2015
Frankly, I'm amazed that you spend so much time grinding

I only did that much since you said that the second Applejack fight was much harder. The hardest stat to grind is speed since that can only increase in the Everfree or through leveling up. Strength and Intelligence are actually quite easy to grind at the farm and library respectively so you don't need to increase them from leveling. Endurance is the only stat that I think cannot be trained and relies solely on leveling to increase it. The 27 speed wasn't intentional. I was grinding for materials to make Health potions and kept running into that event every so often.
May 16, 2016
What other adult pony games do you know? The only one I know of is Cloptopia which is pretty fun. Got any others?

Hoooooly $#%^%$. I had no idea that this game existed. Thank you for sharing it. I don't know any other pony games (aside from Banned from Equestria Daily and Mittsies' other flash games). The entire reason I started Pony Fall was because I wanted an in-depth pony game.

I only did that much since you said that the second Applejack fight was much harder. The hardest stat to grind is speed since that can only increase in the Everfree or through leveling up. Strength and Intelligence are actually quite easy to grind at the farm and library respectively so you don't need to increase them from leveling. Endurance is the only stat that I think cannot be trained and relies solely on leveling to increase it. The 27 speed wasn't intentional. I was grinding for materials to make Health potions and kept running into that event every so often.

Even so, that's quite a lot of effort! Here's a little secret bug I can't get rid of: if you save your game during exploration and reload it, you can get an entirely new event each time. That's how I power-grind for items when bug testing. I just explore Twilight's library or the Everfree, save the game, and then hit reload until I get the event I want. Don't spread the info around though; it might make things too easy.
May 16, 2016
Just played through Cloptopia for a few hours. Huh. What a weird game. Not what I was expecting, but...huh. I don't know why anyone would make a city builder adult pony game, but it was made really well. Too bad there weren't many scenes to unlock.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hoooooly $#%^%$. I had no idea that this game existed. Thank you for sharing it. I don't know any other pony games (aside from Banned from Equestria Daily and Mittsies' other flash games). The entire reason I started Pony Fall was because I wanted an in-depth pony game.

not really into pony stuff... but my interest has been piqued, where would one might find these? I did a search earlier and at least my search isn't cooperating lol


Dec 15, 2015
where would one might find these?

Tiarawhy.com and Mittsies.com. Tiarawhy has all of Mittsies work on their site as well as BfED and some other adult animations and comics. The only other adult pony game that comes to mind is Love Collector by dailevy on Patreon.
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