Plans for Mayterity content?



So what plans are you going to do for next Mayterity content?

Will there be any Minotaurs pregnancy such Serena, Rina, or Cassia?

Or other characters such as Zo or maybe Kohaku, Kurako, and Agni?


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2021
well, we can tell you that Zo is getting preg content, go check B's forum. As for the rest, who knows?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Seeing how B is already working on Zo, I'm guessing that he's not going to try and push out two pregnancy-related batches of content back to back especially given how much work he puts into his content. He's also said that while he has plans for Agni, he'd prefer to have a quest of hers completed before diving into pregnancy.

And yeah, the rest are anybody's guess.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
I think Kurako has potential, I think I read somewhere she might be getting concubine content. Don't quote me on that though.
Kohaku highly unlikely but not impossible. The Observer noted recently (don't remember which thread) that he considers Kohaku complete content wise, but still possible she might get more.
Zo already confirmed and Agni eventually as others noted.
So for Mayternity I think the only one we know for sure is Zo.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Chances are mayternity might be a bit lighter than usual due to km though.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
To add a bit more, we know Wsan has Plans for Evelyn but we also know that he did Elthara last May because he wasn't ready for Evelyn yet and we don't know if he's ready now. He's mentioned that pregnancy for Rina is a 'maybe' but that it's also the first thing on the chopping block if he decides to cut things so it might or might not happen at some point in time, and Cassia pregnancy is presumably out for most of the reasons that Naiyana is never getting any.

Aly has made clear (on Discord) a couple of things: 1) As a community writer she is under no obligation to write Mayternity content, and 2) any pregnancy content she writes is going to heavily involve the relationship and communication between the Champ and the other character.

The only characters she's involved with who would make sense to write Mayternity content for are Ryn and Serena and the first is a non-starter because of That Damned Cage (if she writes it and not Savin once it's reasonable for that content to get written) which is certainly not getting resolved in the next few months. Serena meanwhile has just gotten to the point of being comfortable having sex with the Champ and makes a point of telling us that she's on brown leaf so children aren't happening. Maybe that might change in the future but nothing's happened yet that would make a change in relationship status from 'cowgirlfriend' to 'let's talk about a family' realistic. Also, she's kind of working on a whole new NPC right now.

Kurako pregnancy content is something William has said he plans to do but he's also rather busy with TiTS work so I wouldn't hold my breath expecting it this May.

We know Livrea is getting pregnancy content eventually because she already has a parser for it in the documentation so the likelihood of that happening next month is pretty high.
Kohaku highly unlikely but not impossible. The Observer noted recently (don't remember which thread) that he considers Kohaku complete content wise, but still possible she might get more.
Right here.

Tobs mentioned on Discord that he paused working on Catte Temple Prostitution content to do Mayternity Things but considering how many characters he's involved with, that doesn't narrow things down all that much. :p
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Tobs had his hand in every basket, good luck guessing which egg it is. And yeah Williams content will come once he's probably got TiTs to a good point for his content there.

I respect Aly for trying to make it feel a bit more natural than the rest of the companions whom sorta, fall for the champ after a single fuck. But that's a product of 3/4 maybe 5 months the game logically takes place in.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
Observer's been posting excerpts on Discord, it looks like their Mayternity content is a new character. A sheepgirl named Noire


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Serena meanwhile has just gotten to the point of being comfortable having sex with the Champ and makes a point of telling us that she's on brown leaf so children aren't happening.
Thank Lumia her talk got patched so that she doesn't tell you she's on the leaf every single time you have sex.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2021
whaaaat, you mean constantly reminding the player she won't get pregnant wasn't intentional?


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
I mean it is the champ, someone who doesn't understand the concept of "pulling out". Might be best for them to know lol.


Aly has made clear (on Discord) a couple of things: 1) As a community writer she is under no obligation to write Mayternity content, and 2) any pregnancy content she writes is going to heavily involve the relationship and communication between the Champ and the other character.

The only characters she's involved with who would make sense to write Mayternity content for are Ryn and Serena and the first is a non-starter because of That Damned Cage (if she writes it and not Savin once it's reasonable for that content to get written) which is certainly not getting resolved in the next few months.

Just to butt in with my two cents: ...Would it perhaps surprise you that I've actually really wanted to see Ryn and the Champ just talk about family planning for some time now? Ryn is functionally the last of the royal bloodline. Typically that means that there's a bit of pressure to produce an heir - preferably by blood, sometimes by adoption - and considering the recent chaos in the Winter City, its effect on the royalty and aristocracy? That probably needs to happen 'sooner' (read: within the next few [canonical] years) rather than later.

In light of that - and especially considering that Elthara can already tease Ryn about seemingly laying the groundwork to make it easier for her to marry the Champ (when Ryn formally makes the Champ a titled lord in charge of the Wayfort) - it kinda feels like they really should have a "what about kids" talk, especially if the Champ can't conceive (either due to infertility or lack of uterus). How many kids do they see themselves having? Can the champ bear her a child? Does Ryn need to bring a third party (eg. Elthara) for that? Is the champ willing to look into options that would let them conceive? Is adoption viable for the station and circumstances? It's a conversation I just want to see them have sometime.