Perk Selection Choice and Edge Interaction


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So like I've been running through a few builds and had a few question on what perks people pick for what builds and some interactions in general and comparisons across. Classes.

like one thing I've been looking at. How does Aimed Shot work? I've been noticing it come up at weird times like in a Shot First Sequence with a Shock bow.
does it resolve sequentially with the stun making the next his aimed?
And when I hit a concussive shot sometime that says aimed shot. Is that always supposed to be an Aimed Shot?

Also on Smugglers Grenades. Is there a reason to pick Gas compared to save editting teasing or getting a gun? Most of the multiple battles seem to actually flat out immune to sex attacks.

speaking of grenades how do they compare across classes and Damage?

Smugglers feel stronger than Merc Carpet grenades. Whenever I use Cg it just feels like I should have Rapid fired them into the ground sequentially. Where as Smugglers grenages seems to just melt the opposition.

I haven't really tested Tech Disruptor cause of the degree of love I've been feeling toward weapon charge but extra effect might help even though the kinetic damage decrease may find it self strongly limited in use as every starts having elemental damage.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
So like I've been running through a few builds and had a few question on what perks people pick for what builds and some interactions in general and comparisons across. Classes.

like one thing I've been looking at. How does Aimed Shot work? I've been noticing it come up at weird times like in a Shot First Sequence with a Shock bow.
does it resolve sequentially with the stun making the next his aimed?
And when I hit a concussive shot sometime that says aimed shot. Is that always supposed to be an Aimed Shot?

Also on Smugglers Grenades. Is there a reason to pick Gas compared to save editting teasing or getting a gun? Most of the multiple battles seem to actually flat out immune to sex attacks.

speaking of grenades how do they compare across classes and Damage?

Smugglers feel stronger than Merc Carpet grenades. Whenever I use Cg it just feels like I should have Rapid fired them into the ground sequentially. Where as Smugglers grenages seems to just melt the opposition.

I haven't really tested Tech Disruptor cause of the degree of love I've been feeling toward weapon charge but extra effect might help even though the kinetic damage decrease may find it self strongly limited in use as every starts having elemental damage.
Aimed shot causes attacks to deal extra intelligence dependent damage when the target is stunned/blinded.

Kinetic disruptor deals untyped damage, and reduces all kinetic damage on both sides by half for a few turns. This is important because kinetic is the hardest type to gear against

A Clod

Active Member
Aug 15, 2017
While we're on the subject of smuggler abilities, mind if I ask how Leap Up works?

From what I understand, Leap Up allows me to stand up without wasting a turn when an enemy successfully trips me. So far though I still need to waste a turn standing up when I'm tripped by the vanae huntress.


Well-Known Member
While we're on the subject of smuggler abilities, mind if I ask how Leap Up works?

From what I understand, Leap Up allows me to stand up without wasting a turn when an enemy successfully trips me. So far though I still need to waste a turn standing up when I'm tripped by the vanae huntress.
It makes it so that you don't have to waste that turn to stand up. You can instead use your turn to attack or tease the enemy and you will automatically stand up without even needing to push that pesky button!

Also on a different note this seems as good a place as any but I've noticed that the Smuggler ability disarm shot doesn't seem to work like at all despite the fact that I just disarmed the enemy they will still continue to attack me as if I hadn't. The only time I've actually seen it work correctly is during group battles like in Anno's recruitment quest or Saendra Quest.


Aug 9, 2017
Also on a different note this seems as good a place as any but I've noticed that the Smuggler ability disarm shot doesn't seem to work like at all despite the fact that I just disarmed the enemy they will still continue to attack me as if I hadn't. The only time I've actually seen it work correctly is during group battles like in Anno's recruitment quest or Saendra Quest.
Heres an example of why they're still attacking you: If you disarm a Milodan Male, they're attacking you with their claws/fists, they really wanna beat you up. They wanna beat you up so bad they shut down Smuggler's entire kit for damage.
Wanna Flash Grenade them? Nope, they can smell you. Wanna stun them with Mag Binders? Nope, their Berserker ability grants them immunity to its stun. All you can do is shoot them and hope you win.

Also why do they have 470 health?


Well-Known Member
Heres an example of why they're still attacking you: If you disarm a Milodan Male, they're attacking you with their claws/fists, they really wanna beat you up. They wanna beat you up so bad they shut down Smuggler's entire kit for damage.
Wanna Flash Grenade them? Nope, they can smell you. Wanna stun them with Mag Binders? Nope, their Berserker ability grants them immunity to its stun. All you can do is shoot them and hope you win.

Also why do they have 470 health?
Yeah I can understand why the Milodan still attack you but what about other enemies? For example the Bothrioc will continue to attack you after being disarmed. What? Do they have so many weapons that you can never fully disarm them?

As a side note from what you said about the Milodan it sounds like Mercenaries are your best bet for combating them, well that or tease them into submission, and don't tell me that lust damage is ineffective too or you're basically SOL against them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I recall being able to one or two shot Milodans on my melee tech.


Aug 9, 2017
Yeah I can understand why the Milodan still attack you but what about other enemies? For example the Bothrioc will continue to attack you after being disarmed. What? Do they have so many weapons that you can never fully disarm them?
No idea on Bothrioc and their business, not really interested in them. Perhaps the ability is picky, though it does say "cannot use normal melee or ranged attacks", so those enemies might be just attacking with special abilities or special melee/ranged attacks. Then again, being unable to melee with your fists if you were disarmed would be the equivalent of being stunned, and being able to stun things at level 4 would be pretty unbalanced. (Then again, fists are shit weapons anyway.)
As a side note from what you said about the Milodan it sounds like Mercenaries are your best bet for combating them, well that or tease them into submission, and don't tell me that lust damage is ineffective too or you're basically SOL against them.
They are 100% resistant to pheromones, and 50% resistant to tease attacks. Not even my main strategy of throwing gas grenades (The thing that helped me beat Amara in like 2-3 turns.) did anything to them. Luckily you can disarm them to stop them from getting Crit bonuses from their axes. I think it even makes them only have one attack per turn instead of multiple, not sure though.


Active Member
Aug 21, 2017
I use a melee smug it's annoying that you can't really use skills against milodans but with alpha strike, can opener, and second attack with a weapon that can cause a burn status effect you don't need to do anything but hit attack plus smugs can stack evasion with stealth generator, cloak and dagger, agility, improved agility, and lucky breaks so Imo you really shouldn't be getting hit much fighting a milodan and if you're getting your ass handed to you survival instincts will get you out of trouble. Or use plasma Hawks


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Melee techs are really getting over on milo dons with their opened up damage that doesn't rely on status effects and can hit twice. I dont recall if overcharge is still getting boost by second shot. With a plasma axe and I guess grvitic disruptor shot can happen.

Melee merc can feel like a slugfest. Not the least because it feels like that do your thing but better but because their stuns are better, there stun resist is better and buffs thems, but you're primary offense with best weapons backfires so ducking hard when you keep stunning them and they bust loose.

It also murders you evasion.