Overcharge: Dmg and Stun formular?


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2021
According to the ingame description, overcharge does x1.5 dmg and has a chance to stun shieldless opponents. The wiki specifies, that overcharge does x2.0 dmg, if you have heroic reserves. So here are my questions:

1. Is it really only x2.0 dmg? Seems useless with second shot. I know that the mercs power strike does x2.0 dmg baseline and x2.7 dmg, if you have second attack. So is there any scaling?

2. How is the stunchance calculated?

3. The description says "If the targets shields have been depleted" but some enemies have armor instead of shield. Does the stun still work?

All in all overcharge seems rather underwhelming. Especially when compared to charge weapon, even after the nerf.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
1. I've heard 2nd Attacks/Shots have a 50% chance of hitting, regardless of Accuracy, unless the weapon has Bonus Hit Rate. Some weapons cannot be fired more than once/round (Slut Rays/Bimbolium Emitter/FZR). It's also useful for overcoming Defense. After level 8, it's essentially an on-demand Crit, even with weapons that can't Crit.

2. attacker.bimboIntelligence() / 2 + rand(20) + 1 >= target.physique() / 2 + 10
Taken from Flash. May or may not have changed.

3. Armor does not block the Stun effect. (Tested vs Sydian Female in Flash, didn't have a JS save handy.)

Overcharge has the advantage of being a flexible damage type, as it's based on your weapon. While enemies are often weak to Electric (if only their Shields), it is sometimes resisted. It's useless in the Shock Hopper fight, and actively detrimental vs the Janeria, for example. It also buys you a round of Rapid Recharge.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
I've heard 2nd Attacks/Shots have a 50% chance of hitting
Looking into the code it seems to be a 55% chance of hitting.
if (asFlurry && rand(100) <= 45 && !target.isImmobilized() && !attacker.inventory.rangedWeapon.hasFlag(GLOBAL.ITEM_FLAG_EFFECT_FLURRYBONUS))
{ // If this statement ends up true you miss your bonus attack.
// rand(100) <= 45 means that you miss your bonus attack if that's true. (I think this also applies to perks like Merc's Rapid Fire.)
    if (target.customDodge.length > 0)
        if (attacker.getClassName() === "PlayerCharacter") outputFunc(textify`You ${attacker.inventory.rangedWeapon.attackVerb} at ${target.getCombatName()}. ${target.customDodge}`, null, attacker);
        else outputFunc(textify`${StringUtil.capitalize(attacker.getCombatName(), false)} ${attacker.inventory.rangedWeapon.attackVerb}${(attacker.isPlural ? "" : "s")} ${StringUtil.indefiniteArticle(attacker.inventory.rangedWeapon.attackNoun)} at ${target.getCombatName()}. ${target.customDodge}`, null, attacker);
    else if (attacker.getClassName() === "PlayerCharacter") outputFunc("You " + attacker.inventory.rangedWeapon.attackVerb + " at " + target.getCombatName() + " with your " + attacker.inventory.rangedWeapon.longName + ", but just can’t connect.",null,attacker);
    else if (target.getClassName() === "PlayerCharacter") outputFunc("You manage to avoid " + StringUtil.possessive(attacker.getCombatName()) + " " + attacker.inventory.rangedWeapon.attackNoun + ".",null,target);
    else outputFunc(StringUtil.capitalize(target.getCombatName(), false) + " manage" + (target.isPlural ? "" : "s") + " to avoid " + StringUtil.possessive(attacker.getCombatName()) + " " + attacker.inventory.rangedWeapon.attackNoun + ".",null,target);
    return false;
and has a chance to stun shieldless opponents
Also, you can stun enemies with shields there's nothing in its code that checks for shields and I've stunned countless shielded enemies.
It's worth mentioning Overcharge's stun-lock potential; you can just keep spamming Overcharge and keep stunning your enemy over and over.

I do think Overchange does need a small buff to help match Charge Weapon though, since it's still better at being a damage boost over the course of the battle. Maybe a reduction in energy cost? Or making the energy cost cheaper with higher Intelligence? Or having damage scale with Intelligence a tiny bit? Idk, I'm not good with balance.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Looking into the code it seems to be a 55% chance of hitting.
Eh, close enough.
It's worth mentioning Overcharge's stun-lock potential; you can just keep spamming Overcharge and keep stunning your enemy over and over.
As long as your Energy holds out. Tech Specialists have the worst Energy recovery in the game, though there are ways around that.
1. Power Potions can now be carried in the Inventory instead of being automatically used when bought.
2. Lactation (Hand Milk). With proper management, it's possible to always have enough to max out your Energy.
3. Pexiga Saliva (have to recruit Yammi, uplift the Pexiga and can only have one at a time).
4. Zil Honey (inconvenient to farm).
5. Increase Max Energy: Queen Irellia's 'Snack', Honey Wine, Cum Highs (though Dumb4Cum is better for a Tech Specialist, and you can't have both without the Console/Save Editing).
I do think Overchange does need a small buff to help match Charge Weapon though, since it's still better at being a damage boost over the course of the battle. Maybe a reduction in energy cost? Or making the energy cost cheaper with higher Intelligence? Or having damage scale with Intelligence a tiny bit? Idk, I'm not good with balance.
One of the things that makes Charge Weapon so good is it's absurd Energy efficiency.

I don't know if you saw the design document with ideas for Levels 9 - 12. (9 & 10 were implemented as-is) In it, 12 was going to be another universal, increasing Maximum Energy to 150 and giving a choice of removing the Accuracy penalty for Second Attack/Shot, or get the other Perk. If they go through with it.
Removing the Accuracy penalty will mean that you're generally better off taking the 2nd Shot (for the extra Crit chance), unless your weapon can't Crit, can't be fired a 2nd time or you really need the Stun. Even then, Paralyzing Shock might be better (especially if you took Deadly Shock). Another 0.5x might be warranted at that point. I suppose we can complain then, if they don't do anything.
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