[Outline] 'Overdose' treatment transformative


Sep 8, 2016
Edit; I'm getting a lot of suggestions, working them into my copy of this item. Will re-submit later.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
the massive height increases,the melee damage increase,the appearance of the udder which i remember fen saying such a thing would never be in game,the breasts rows on the taur half,need i go on?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Differs from 'normal' treatment in that the changes keep happening randomly, unlike the 'modern' treatment where you experience some changes only at the beginning or the end of the drug. This is because the 'Overdose' you gain access to is an early prototype, as explained by Shizuya.
I swear Shizuya tells Steele that Overdose is a new formula based on a centuries-old attempt at UGC reverse engineering the Treatment, not an early prototype of the Treatment.


Sep 8, 2016
the massive height increases,the melee damage increase,the appearance of the udder which i remember fen saying such a thing would never be in game,the breasts rows on the taur half,need i go on?

Was it? I didn't see that as a restricted submission but I don't doubt you that it's somewhere. I was going for some monstrous thing if you OD on a drug called 'Overdose,' but can just tone down the height and melee damage, make the muscle perk cosmetic only.

I swear Shizuya tells Steele that Overdose is a new formula based on a centuries-old attempt at UGC reverse engineering the Treatment, not an early prototype of the Treatment.

I may have read it wrong. That's nothing for me to change, however.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
Was it? I didn't see that as a restricted submission but I don't doubt you that it's somewhere. I was going for some monstrous thing if you OD on a drug called 'Overdose,' but can just tone down the height and melee damage, make the muscle perk cosmetic only.

I may have read it wrong. That's nothing for me to change, however.
"Not much is known about Overdose but, it is a reverse-engineered version of the UGC's attempt to recreate the original Treatment. It is supposedly based on a 200-300 year old UGC formula but has been recently popped up again, being made from scratch within the last fifteen years." This is a direct quote from her entry on the wiki.

Good luck with your project, but I believe that if it was in the game right now I would stick with the current tried and true version of The Treatment set to Bimbo. Your version of "overdose" just has too many undesirable transformations for me to even bother with. Taur body, multiple breast rows, udder, extreme height increases... it all adds up into being very firmly in the "not for everyone" category.

I would recommend that you try to get feedback from those who have worked on The Treatment, worked on Treated characters, and worked on Shizuya. It would most likely be invaluable help for your project..


Sep 8, 2016
I likely should have done that before I outlined this, I don't know why I didn't reach out to everyone first.

Thanks for the advice!


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2017
No offense, but I had my own idea on what Overdose does and a lot of this doesn't really gel with that. I was planning on making it an actual item either included in Shizuya's xpak or sometime soon after. I don't have a problem with you doing a similar item, I think Shizuya even mentions that there's other bootlegs out there and they're just not as advanced/stable, but it can't be the same one Shizuya took.


Active Member
Dec 8, 2017
Wanted to write/submit a treatment based product
It's clear you poured your ideas into this and are really enthusiastic. I'm not adverse to more treatment content, so here's what I liked :)

A lot of my Steele's end up defined by what treatment outcome they get. But even when they're completely lust driven, it's not an option to take another medipen of the stuff (Or equivalent). Just to see what happens. Sound logic to a Stud or Amazon that always wants MORE.

The possibility to immediately and explosively bad end, with variants based on your original treatment path, would be awesome. Won't mess with anything else in the game either.

Another way to reach 12ft tall! Galomax ain't for everyone.

A way to clear the treated flag. Now this poses a problem because getting all the perks from 2 or more paths of treatment could be OP. Not to mention confusing.
However a way to completely clear the treatment, perks and all, would be appreciated. Probably players out there who stick with one character for a full playthough, only to end up regretting which version they got, or taking it in the first place.
Could be an NPC, or tie in with the bad ends. Like, if you are in public when the bad end would trigger, instead you get rushed off to space hospital to have life saving giant dick surgery which ends up reverting all your genital/milk/etc stats back to bases levels. Along with the treatment perks.

The whole hyper sexual giant, herm, taur, everything treatment. Not for everyone obviously. But if it only triggered when you were already halfway there...? Already a 3 dicked, 3 pussied taur or something. It's not going randomly mess with those not 'asking' for it.
Could be a whole new treatment path.

Perk-wise. A heavy downside like becoming corrupted and some of this could fly. e.g. 'Overdose Overload', where Steele's breasts keep growing daily with no end! It's funny, impossibly over-sexual, a lot of things TiTs does well.
If all the perks were just that, exaggerations of the existing paths. That had either no effect on combat, or equal downsides, I'd be 100% behind it. Fits with the bigger horns and muscles for bro guys, moar milk for cows.

The brackets are suggestions, not feedback, so feel free to skip.
(Several existing perks could be powered up without being game breaking. Another level of Inhuman Desire. If Autofellatio Queen, restored health as well as energy. If a male's Pheromone Cloud got so strong that it doubled the lust damage you dealt AND took. There was something about Amazonian milk completely revitalizing those who drank it, so maybe Amazonian Endurance/Treated Milk doing that?, and Innocent allure further upping sexiness a little and making the enemy hit-chance affect proc even on failed tease attempts)

If you drop the Overdose drug name (QuestyRobo def got dibs), choose your own brand spankin new one, and keep working on it. I certainly hope it finds a way into the game someday :)


Sep 8, 2016
No offense, but I had my own idea on what Overdose does and a lot of this doesn't really gel with that. I was planning on making it an actual item either included in Shizuya's xpak or sometime soon after. I don't have a problem with you doing a similar item, I think Shizuya even mentions that there's other bootlegs out there and they're just not as advanced/stable, but it can't be the same one Shizuya took.

This is fine. I will re-do this without incorporating Shizuya. I should have asked before I submitted. I look forward to your expansion and an actual 'overdose!'

@Kazama, thank you for the feedback. I will change it from 'Overdose' to be something else, to just Dr. Saltz having made a 'custom' treatment. I will drop the 'clear treatment flag' aspect as per your suggestion.