Of scrotums and legs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
First and foremost, do keep in mind I am not well versed on TiTS' code at all.

Today I decided to experiment with my Steele's appearance and fiddle with DracoGuard. Now that the likes of Knot a Problem, Bumpy Road and an infant TiTSed are available, I can shape my Steele's male genitals the way I want. Except that... I can't. After changing my Steele's arms, legs and cocks, I noticed that the character description talked about a "scaly scrotum". Having a feel it had to do with a part I had TFed via DracoGuard, I rushed to the Dong Designer assuming it had to do with my Steele's now-reptile knobs. But that was not the case at all. Using another TF item to reverse what DracoGuard had modified, I found out that the scaly feel of my Steele's sack was actually related to legs (in this case, gryvain ones) rather than cocks.

What's the rationale under this? Does it mean balls have no arrays other than ballFullness, ballSizeMod, ballSizeRaw and balls? If that's the case, how did GaloMax get the loosen/tighten sack option? Could a tranformation item related to getting different scrotums (e.g. furry, scaly, wrinkly) ever be developed?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Rationale is, that's what the code says to do.

if(InCollection(target.skinType, GLOBAL.SKIN_TYPE_FUR, GLOBAL.SKIN_TYPE_FEATHERS)) output2("A fuzzy " + target.sackDescript(true,true) + " filled with " + sTesticleDesc + " swings low under your " + target.multiCockDescript() + ".");
else if(target.skinType == GLOBAL.SKIN_TYPE_SCALES || (target.legType == GLOBAL.TYPE_GRYVAIN && target.hasLegFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_SCALED))) output2("A scaly " + target.sackDescript(true,true) + " filled with " + sTesticleDesc + " swings low under your " + target.multiCockDescript() + ".");
else if(target.skinType == GLOBAL.SKIN_TYPE_GOO) output2("An oozing, semi-solid sack with " + sTesticleDesc + " swings heavily beneath your " + target.multiCockDescript() + ".");
else output2(StringUtil.capitalize(indefiniteArticle(target.sackDescript(true,true))) + " with " + sTesticleDesc + " swings heavily beneath your " + target.multiCockDescript() + ".");

There are no ball flags, only variables that influence count and their ability to produce. The difference between a character with internal testicles and external testicles is merely the value of the balls variable.

In order to have your balls described in some other way, you'd either need to change your skin type, leg type, or remove the 'scaled' flag from your legs, none of which are probably particularly appealing if you're going for a Reptilian look.

Even though it would probably be better, changing to have separate ball flags would probably necessitate editing an awful lot of scenes.

What are you trying to do, anyway? why wouldn't you want scaly balls on a scaly Steele?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Thanks for the reply. Even if knowing that there are no ball flags disappoints me a little.

I was not looking for a scaly Steele at all. As I said, I was just experimenting... and DracoGuard was a major part of it :p Even if I aimed for a scaly Steele, scaly sacks are a turn off for me and my Steele (just like my CoC Champions) sports a mismash of various traits. This Steele I'm running is a nyrean/vanae hybrid of sorts with other things thrown in for good measure. Some of the other traits are related to scaly beings (horns, wings, cocks), but I am currently not interested in scales except in legs... and that's because I got tired of those nyrean/myr's "fuck-me boots", I have yet to unlock Lucifier and I didn't want to risk anything with Ruskvel or Ovir Ace/Positive.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Thanks for the reply. Even if knowing that there are no ball flags disappoints me a little.

I was not looking for a scaly Steele at all. As I said, I was just experimenting... and DracoGuard was a major part of it :p Even if I aimed for a scaly Steele, scaly sacks are a turn off for me and my Steele (just like my CoC Champions) sports a mismash of various traits. This Steele I'm running is a nyrean/vanae hybrid of sorts with other things thrown in for good measure. Some of the other traits are related to scaly beings (horns, wings, cocks), but I am currently not interested in scales except in legs... and that's because I got tired of those nyrean/myr's "fuck-me boots", I have yet to unlock Lucifier and I didn't want to risk anything with Ruskvel or Ovir Ace/Positive.

Oh. Well, no problem, then. Just change skin type or delete the scaly leg flag.