Obscure Music


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
Well I'm always up for new music obscure music, or just something I haven't heard before and I'll listen to basically anything with a beat I can jam to depending on my mood.So I began to wonder if anyone around here had some good obscure music to share. I'm talking the kinda stuff you won't hear on the radio.

Here's a couple of tracks I've come across which both have interesting videos. They fall into the category of swing, I didn't even realize there even was still swing music till I came across some recent stuff.

WARNING: The first one has some violence at the end for those of you who are squemish. Though I gotta say that dancer sure is committed to her job....and a little oblivious.

So anyone out there got some music to share?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Might as well post my favorite musician of all time:

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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
Well seems like this is almost sorta kinda catching on. Here's a few more tracks of varying genre's.

- This track is just nuts. If a hot beat is fire, this might as well be lava goddamnit.

- I can't remember where I first heard this but it's stuck with me.

- Something for people who wanted to hear some guitars. I earnestly thought Kamelot was a more mainstream band when i first heard them but seemingly everytime i ask someone they've never heard of them.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2016
Music is always going to bring people crawling out of the woodworks to squeal about how awesome it is and stuff. its pretty much inevitable once the topic comes up. Also, heres some more MUSIC. specifically, Nordic Folk music.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Oh this is a fun topic!

Well lets see, as for obscure I think I can throw out a few things as they come to mind:

1) Some Funk from Here come the mummies:

2) Electro Sci-Fi from Scandroid:

3) Good god I could fill a thread with just the non-well known Queen songs if I wanted to:
Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke:
Great Rat King:
Mustapha: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5Z6_Vsw_mo
Death on Two Legs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0xc7TD6s7A
March of the Black Queen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIvoaWCIt4I
Honestly pretty much anything that isn't the Flash Gordon Album or their greatest hits is both good and obscure, highly encourage folks to trawl through the Queen catalog.

4) Vietnamese folk singing is surprisingly good too, sadly I don't know the singers name since I can't read Viet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8lrOWzUYOA

5) The Correspondants have a good electro swing song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABS-mlep5rY

6) Disco from the band Latin Lover:
Laser Light:
Dr. Love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwtHVR9fvnM

7) Continuing with Disco, yet fitting better with the theme of this forum, I give you two very obscure songs. Big Tits and 69 by the band Sex Shop Boys!

And that should be enough for now in terms of obscurish stuff, if people like these suggestions you're welcome to ask for more, I pride myself in indulging myself on an eclectic mix of song genres.

P.s. I have no idea why some videos are just links and some videos that show up on here.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2016
Modest mouse is a rock band. sort of. thats the genre they say they are, anyway.



Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
......Oh my. That's a lot of music. I hadn't heard before. I wouldn't call Queen obscure but sure alot of their songs don't really get play aside from a select few.

As for why some didn't show as videos it might be the way you linked them, the media tag changes the url from the full hyperlink in the browser bar to something else. Or it may just be a limit on how many videos can be in one post...and I just hit the limit trying to post this one. Apparently 5's the max.

I have no idea what genre this falls into but it's certainly interesting to listen to and it's often one of the things on my playlist playing something that requires some sneaky/cautious/stealthy takedowns rather than in your face shooting/blasting.

Ok so she might not be quite so obscure anymore but i'd wager alot of people still haven't heard her music i mean people hear the word violin and make assumptions about what it's going to be........and on the heels of that thought......

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmEM2Lox_Cs -another black violin this time just Jamming

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUH8eZEWCa8 Lucifer Effect by Hopsin the lyrics "Trapped in a world I don't wanna be in but know that there's no way out" sums up this track. Not many have heard of hopsin. I and I really doubt anyone here has.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3r6pBqmanH4 - One more Jenkee's track, Guitar sound. give it a listen.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wRreoNRGwk One more kamelot track which honestly i think is one of their best.

......Did I mention I listen to a very diverse range of music?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Well of course Queen isn't obscure, but good luck finding any radio station that play's something outside of their top 5 line-up (Bohemian Rhapsody, We are the Champions, We Will Rock You, Under Pressure, and Another One Bites the Dust). The first two Queen albums are completely unknown to the general public of today, only folks who were fans back in the day really remember all those other songs.

Also I guess the 5 video limit thing is to prevent spammers from filling an entire page with just vid's.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The first two Queen albums are completely unknown to the general public of today, only folks who were fans back in the day really remember all those other songs.
It's funny, you see... One of the reasons why I like Queen is related to how they are my mother's favourite band and their music was played at home every so often. As I grew up and I bought Queen albums as presents for her, I realised I preferred their pre-A Night at the Opera stuff the most (with the second half of Queen II being something I adore even today), whilst she was into their post-ANAT work.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
It's funny, you see... One of the reasons why I like Queen is related to how they are my mother's favourite band and their music was played at home every so often. As I grew up and I bought Queen albums as presents for her, I realised I preferred their pre-A Night at the Opera stuff the most (with the second half of Queen II being something I adore even today), whilst she was into their post-ANAT work.

As long as it isn't the Flash Gordon soundtrack album, I'm a fan of most of Queen's work pre, during, and post Night at the Opera.

Interestingly enough fact, Pre-ANAT was when they still worked with their old asshole manager Norman Sheffield, with the very first song of ANAT being dedicated to just insulting him (Death on Two Legs for those wondering which song). From ANAT and on, Queen was freed from being under a shitty manager stealing all their money and could do more of what they wanted.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
Virtually the exact opposite of me.

But why though? I mean I don't get why people limit themselves to a narrow range of music. Some it's just misconception, like someone hearing a screamo band and assuming that's what all rock is like or hearing a gangster rap track and assuming that's all rap/hiphop and related genre's are.

I always like to listen to at least the first minute or so of a song before I start judging it because often, especially on instrumental beats, things change, the beat may drop or other instruments come in or the tone changes.

- This one actually has some....memories attached to it for me. I almost didn't post it but most people aren't familiar with Cornell's solo works. They only know him for being the front man in sound garden and audioslave(and some also know he was in temple of the dog.) Alot of his solo work is slower more....emotional songs like "She'll never be your man" or "Nearly forgot my broken heart.". The Euphoria Morning album is particularly melancholy. Now then for something more lighthearted.

-Hillarious...to me anyway.

And now the epitome of obscure and also geekdom
The Megas are a band who do specifically game based music....mostly megaman related.

- This one's a pretty fun track to listen to. Especially if you're a oldschool gamer.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
But why though? I mean I don't get why people limit themselves to a narrow range of music. Some it's just misconception, like someone hearing a screamo band and assuming that's what all rock is like or hearing a gangster rap track and assuming that's all rap/hiphop and related genre's are.

Because I'm a man of routine and familiarity. I can listen to bands or solo artists from a variety of genres, it's just very limited in scope.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Here's some really old songs I remember from my childhood that caused an impact.....whether positive or negative.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For the love of everything that's good and holy, please use spoilers or link to the videos using BBCode like this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
By far my favorite RQ song:

But this one is probably more appropriate for FenForums:


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
- Castlevania this time

A little something western feeling I love how they turned something as simple as fighting quickman into a whole story. Honestly I would link the whole "Get Equipped" album if the forums would let me. Most of the songs are from the perspective of the robot masters from megaman 2. But since I've only got 5 videos to work with I'm just gonna say metal dance and man on fire are definitely also worth listening to.....I'll get to their other two albums later....probably.

Song of storms. It'll probably be stuck in your head all day.

-and if that didn't get you the valley will.

and also here's some lost woods. Even Navi can't be annoying on this tack.

Also Kesil good and holy? Really that's what you want to invoke here? HERE? .....and the first to actually do it posted warhammer40k Slaanesh dedicated tracks. I couldn't help but laugh at that.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
That doom track though. It reminded me of some tracks I haven't listened to in awhile.

- seems appropriate after that last track though the ghostbusters theme is hardly obscure. I totally just ended up making a music set instead of what I originally meant to post. Oh well.
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