Not sure if it's a bug. Please help.[ver. 0.6.7]


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Shortly after getting my herm character fem!Treated, I stumbled upon Herman's special scene. Later, when I got rid of Ditz Speech perk via editing while leaving every other one I'd gotten from the Treatment, the scene vanished.

Currently, Herman's wiki entry lists being Treated as an alternate prerequisite for getting the scene, so either there is a discrepancy there, or a bug in the game.

I'm still able to get every other NT scene or scene alteration that requires PC to be Treated.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It may be that ditz speech is the triggering flag and not just the treated bit. Idk, though, I'm avoiding it like the plague.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If you're save editing, it is entirely possible that lots of unexpected bugs or issues will come up that are otherwise impossible in the base game.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Code-wise, you can only get the scene if you have Ditz Speech, regardless of whether or not you're Treated.


Aug 26, 2015
Yes, in both cases, being Treated or non-Treated, as long as the character is a bimbo (has the "Ditz Speech" perk), then the option will be available. It doesn't seem like a bug, specifically, but it does look like an overlooked detail. The reasoning behind this may be because that there were supposed to be two kinds of checks for Treated characters: physical and mental, with variants for being male or female. Because there isn't a way to tell if a character has been Treated and is mentally a female, the checks for any bimbo perks were added with the generic Treated check. New Texas seems to be the only place that does this kind of check, whereas everywhere else the physical check is used for the Treated mental blurbs.

While the "physically" Treated function for females (isTreatedFemale()) is supposed to be used in cases where the treatment has changed the character to a female form, I've seen it being used in a few blurbs for the mentally Treated female (like the character being giggly or wanting to fuck all the time). This may also be an incorrect/overlooked detail and the same can be said for the physical male Treated function (isTreatedMale()). The physically Treated female/male checks seems to be used interchangeably with the Treated & Bimbo/Bro checks with a few scenes, so I doubt the physical check is being used exclusively for physical purposes. Because these functions are being used differently than originally intended, I think the physical checks have been depreciated and are used solely for the mental markers of being Treated instead, but only the developers can clarify on that point due to the the Treatment still being a very work-in-progress thing.