Upon entering the Golden Myr city on Myrellion there is a merchant stall North West of the elevator, that is the location of Liriel. If you walk over the tile for the first time there's an interaction that will automatically occur and you are given the choice to tell Liriel "Go Ahead" or "No" but IF you choose to say "Go Ahead" every time you try to rest or sleep regardless of the location you will get the critical error screen and be forced to reload the game. Even spending a lot of time travelling by foor without rest before trying to rest does not fix the issue which can be rather frustrating if you have that encounter and don't end up resting after it for 14 in game hours only to find that critical error screen waiting. I had to do a lot of back tracking to figure out what decision actually made the rest/sleep function completely unavailable because of the critical error screen.
This is the critical error message:
This is the critical error message:
Version: 0.9.058-PUBLIC#3461 Message: ERROR: NONVALID FLUID TYPE PASSED TO fluidNoun. Stack:
at r (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/main.975cc437.js:1:9704141)
at o.value (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/main.975cc437.js:1:2582665)
at o.value (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/main.975cc437.js:1:2207212)
at o.value (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/main.975cc437.js:1:1991042)
at o.value (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/main.975cc437.js:1:1988453)
at o.value (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/main.975cc437.js:1:2602355)
at uT (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/main.975cc437.js:1:18306867)
at Object.gk (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/main.975cc437.js:1:17505840)
at https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/main.975cc437.js:1:11765406
at https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/main.975cc437.js:1:10410961