Night of the Living Floof: Kitsune Fanfic


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Ryuji wrinkled his nose as he step through the tori gate with Fumiko, "ugh, why are deigning to be in this hovel?" "My Lord," Fumiko clipped, "it's because the both of us had favors owed that were cashed in. Ryuji sniped at the jab, "No, I mean why is the throne even bothering to send us here?"

Fumiko sighed and flipped over some notes, "According to this, tax fraud. This year's tax forms had an unusually high amount of family exemptions claimed and it was signed by their long dead liege." Ryuji shook his head, "So that old coward finally cracked and indulging in her vices. Let's just get her sorry excuse over with and let the palace arrest these troublemakers."

As the pair briskly walked to the governor's office, they soon found their path considerably slowed. "Ah, excuse me madam," Ryuji awkwardly excused himself. "That's the fifth mother we come across and we're not even exited the shrine." The pair troubles did not end with the shrine as had to spend an hour waiting for the expectant mothers to pass them to say nothing of the legion of children constantly tripping into them underfoot.

Ryuji sighed, "Perhaps it was not in err that they claim so many tax exemptions after all. Although now it seems that the throne will have to send notice for them to not breed beyond their station." Ryuji frustrated and exasperated looked towards his colleague only to find her face marked by muted horror." "My Lord, where are all the men?" Fumiko squeaked out. "What?" "My Lord, if there are so many expectant mothers and their children out and about, then where are the men that produced them?"

Their train of thought was cut short by a soft moaning in the distance. Coming upon a park tree sat a black-haired woman trying in vain to fit her full suit of armor over her 9 month pregnant belly. It would be comical if the pair of inspectors weren't already unnerved.

"You there," Ryuji barked, "What is going on with this colony?" The young gilded woman moaned and wisped, gripping her red scarf for comfort. "It started so slowly at first. Our liege had finally been freed from her 2 hundred year exile and married her husband. They were blessed by a child soon after. And then another and another and another. It was not enough for her to feel the joy, she had to share it. Her husband, their pats are dangerous. Their pats do things to your body and mind. They're too good, too good."

The armored woman no longer focused on the pair, too insensate and caught up in the memories of her past. Cooing and yipping to the horrified pair, but before they could react, a pair of hands gently stroked their heads.

It felt good.
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