New transformation items?

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Heard there was a new update coming to coc2 for khimornos and i was wondering if taurium would show up?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Non-bipedal body types for the Champion and companions are a flat NO because it makes writing much easier when everyone can assume all the major characters have the same basic body type and you don't have to deal with two or three different variations of text for something as basic as legs or movement in almost every scene.

Also, Khor'minos is going to be coming out over this year and the next. Get comfy.

PS. That item? It's from a mod, which makes it doubleplus ungood and Never Happening in CoC2 even if it wasn't associated with a TF concept that's already been nixed.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
I'll be honest here, I absolutely get why taur and naga aren't happening from a writing stand-point. It would be absolutely awful to have to do so much work, especially snice not many would actually see it, although my one pro towards a taur TF in CoC2, would be the absolutely astounding number of other taurs that the player can bang. In TiTs there were like what? 2 or 3 tauric NPCS to bang? In this there's literally 3 right at the start of Khor, and then there's our precious centaur waifu as well, and potential for Alante content down the line if that's desired.

Again to make everything clear: I understand why it won't be made, and I don't blame you for it, nor would I try and request any content with it. All I'm saying is that out of all the Fenoxo games so far, this one certainly had the highest amount of possible mutual taur lovers to throw at the player if they desired to be tauric.
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