Interesting! I'll put down a character.
- Name: Reese O'Callaghan
- Age: 24
Sex: Androgenous female
- Orientation: Bisexual
- Appearance: Reese is average in height at 5 feet 6 inches tall. Her lithe body is broad shouldered, with a square stance like a boxer, while her fluffy shoulder length hair and bangs are tied back in a bun. She's fairly pale. Both of her eyes are naturally narrowed, though the left is different from her brown right. It's a striking violet, rimmed with mechanical silver as a bionic eye. She has the usual female anatomy, with a surprisingly accommodating pussy and C-cup breasts. Her toned butt is plump and inviting, though virgin.
Reese was born into cold, rainy lands, with green hills and lush soil. Her parents were stern and hardworking folks, demanding that she and her siblings grow up the same way. Still, she always longed to see the big city, and dreamed of doing something more with her life than fieldwork. She got her chance, but in a way she never wanted. A raid on the family home left she and her family in shambles. Robbers fatally wounded her parents, and while standing in to help her siblings, she was stabbed in the eye. Police came, fending off the raiders, and when she awoke a week later, she was in a hospital bed with a new bionic eye, paid for with the vault money of her parents. She isn't sure what's become of her siblings, as they were gone when the police arrived. Either dead, taken as slaves, or worse, she hitchhikers her way to the big city to try and find clues of their locations. She's kind and trusting to a fault. When she hits a low though, everyone nearby will know it. She's incredibly awkward as well, and as she tries to be kind to others, she often ends up looking strange to them.