New Texas Yammi Disarm Bug

Balek Crisp

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2020
The United States
So I don't know what the heck happened, and at large I'm largely theorizing what happened here as I just found out in my most recent save.

While I was going through the new patch basically speedrunning while picking up Ramis and Yammi to stat train with while I'm on my ship. I get to recruiting Yammi, and like how it happens in-game I'm teleported to the ship. Thinking nothing of it, I decided to fly off to Myrellion. I'm guessing since I was teleported to the ship rather than heading through the customs normally, the game thought I picked up my weapons already and let me go. This then resulted in the complete loss of my Electric Shock Blade from Dane, as well as my Nova Pistol, but I didn't know of this at first. I also had my armor unequipped (though it thankfully remained) due to having nothing preventing me from walking out of the swimming area in the NT gym, so my exhibition stat increased without my knowing.

I'm naturally not too concerned about the latter. The former of accidentally losing weapons that are legitimately one-time or rare is perhaps the more concerning thing here. I'd ask that NT be looked into, as Ogram basically took my weapons, and now I have to kill Zaalt just to give Dane his weapon back.

Edit: So I figured out the issue. When you prepare to swim in the NT gym, the game seemingly adds an additional disarm on top of the existing one, effectively causing you to be disarmed twice. One can rinse at the gym, return to the check-in, and then the weapons are re-added. So it might not even be anything related to Yammi at all, but I could be wrong on that. Forcing you to rinse like it was done in the downloadable versions might be the idea to fix this.


  • Loriel (F) - 6Hrs 27Mins, 8 Days - Tarkus, Ingnam.json
    587.2 KB · Views: 2
  • Loriel (F) - 7Hrs 36Mins, 13 Days - Casstech Z14, Nye.json
    600.8 KB · Views: 1
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2019
Here's your save with your old inventory. This bug should be fixed for next patch. Thanks for your help.


  • Loriel (F) - 7Hrs 36Mins, 13 Days - Casstech Z14, Nye(1).json
    600.7 KB · Views: 0