New Texas Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015


  • No, New Texas is not a main story planet. There is not, and will not be, a probe to be found here.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So @Savin would NT ever get any larger expansions aside adding 1-2 rooms for new shops?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I love this planet. Fucking cow girls, milking cow girls, riding cowgirls, looking at cowgirls, give ice cream to cowgirls made from milked cowgirls.

Great vacation spot.

I´m really hoping to see that breeding farm. It will make the experience that much better for my one taur character...and it´s breeding, a fetish pretty high up on my list.

Oh. And I can´t forget to mention Gianna. I love that sweet android :D  


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I agree with shadefalcon 100% :perfect:  (how does one do that thing where you turn someone's name into a link that also tells the individual being mentioned they were mentioned, might be useful to know some day.)
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Jul 11, 2016
I agree with shadefalcon 100% :perfect:  (how does one do that thing where you turn someone's name into a link that also tells the individual being mentioned they were mentioned, might be useful to know some day.)

You mean like THIS?! @EmperorG

Just put an "@" followed by the name. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
You mean like THIS?! @EmperorG

Just put an "@" followed by the name. 

Thanks, was trying to find an example of someone doing it, but was having no luck. (I swear when you don't look for stuff you find it everywhere) 
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
This is definitely Misty's and my favorite planet.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Idk about this...a see a shit storm that out competes Kelt, Queen of the Minotaur shit, Doc Badger and Steph combined brewing. Regardless...

Are there any plans for more cowmazons in the future? That's like the only redeemable thing on New Texas (outside of Canda and Yammi).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well been thead for NT itself run in reisk of been with highest potential of flame wars to happen @JohanLitvisk (Btw a cool new avator this time you set up ^^ How work on that race of diablo-like for TiTS ongoing for ya?)
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Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Might as well repost these 2 questions since there's a self contained thread for it now.

Number one lies on the incestuous side of things. Would it be considered odd on New Texas to drink your relative's milk? Namely a sibling.

Second, what does New Texan citizenship entail? Would a New Texan be able to give a vacation visa to someone? Would Steele be able to become a citizen? If so, how?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Would Steele be able to become a citizen? If so, how?

Already possible through a bad end. Being a treated taur which gets public used a lot, you´re offered to live there and get fucked forever.

I don´t know about the basic average guy, but Steele? Getting treated and applying to live there should suffice I believe.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
So @Savin would NT ever get any larger expansions aside adding 1-2 rooms for new shops?

No current plans for it (outside the possible dungeon thing maybe someday). Wouldn't rule it out: Fen's boner for the place knows no bounds.

IAre there any plans for more cowmazons in the future? That's like the only redeemable thing on New Texas (outside of Canda and Yammi).

Treated Reaha. Nerassa's kind of one -- she's a treated amazon, light on the cow. 

Those are the only ones I know of, but I'd love to see more. Cowmazons are A+ #1 fetish.

A younger bull that still lives at home and comes back from doing whatever manual labor males do around New Texas would probably be offered a drink from his mother and/or sisters. I feel like it would be totally normal.

Misty pls. 

Muh boner.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
On an unrelated note: There are no actual NPC cum-cows, are there? I realized that when I was imagining what kind of NPC I'd create to run that maternity/breeding spa thing I came up with. I wanted her to be a cum-cow for the easy "is kind of air-headed when you first go to talk to her, excuses herself for a minute to go suck herself off, comes out super intelligent and well-spoken" thing that Dumb4Cum allows...

Sounds like a fun encounter xD  

On the topic of treatment and its perks. Has there been made any more plans for faux cow? Or is that still a "nothing written, but it´ll come eventually" kind of thing?

In any case, anyone have any ideas of their own of what type of perks one could get from that treatment variation?
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
It's more that cum-cows strike me as the most extreme form of Treated sexuality, combining both the male and female exaggerations into what is undoubtedly the most over-sexualized result of all the variants.

My thoughts had not drifted along this path, though I can see what you mean. 

That said, no, Reaha doesn't have an especially bad relationship with Brandy (name now pending revision). She's probably the *least* overtly lascivious out of the family, actually. At least publicly. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
My thoughts had not drifted along this path, though I can see what you mean. 

That said, no, Reaha doesn't have an especially bad relationship with Brandy (name now pending revision). She's probably the *least* overtly lascivious out of the family, actually. At least publicly. 

Oooooh!!! The family!


@shadefalcon's fault by the way.

...How could I know? I´m not psionic.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
New Texans (correctly) see breasts as a means of producing nourishment for others, and they seem perfectly content to capitalize on that at every opportunity. It might even be encouraged. A younger bull that still lives at home and comes back from doing whatever manual labor males do around New Texas would probably be offered a drink from his mother and/or sisters. I feel like it would be totally normal.

Whether or not it would be sexual is something else entirely. Perhaps close-relation stuff doesn't immediately go straight to nursing, which is a bit intimate, and maybe the female in question would just squeeze some into a glass instead. It'd be more casual, maybe.

I imagine weaning children must be extremely hard to do for NT moms. 'But dad and uncle still do it' becomes a pretty much irrefutable argument.

Do teenage bulls see breasts as something more closely related to being 'uncool' like motherly care or to 'cool' like sexual titillation?

Also, should nursing on your friend sister/mom's tits be considered as breaking the bro code?

The life of a teenage New Texan boy seems to be even more awkward and weird than that of his RL counterpart.

Second, what does New Texan citizenship entail? Would a New Texan be able to give a vacation visa to someone?

Owning, buying and selling property on NT's surface, taxation, legal gun ownership, voting. Pretty much the usual fare.

Don't think that any average citizen would be able to issue visas, though the invitation from one probably should count for something.


It's not too late to rename her Sherry :p
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I imagine weaning children must be extremely hard to do for NT moms. 'But dad and uncle still do it' becomes a pretty much irrefutable argument.

Do teenage bulls see breasts as something more closely related to being 'uncool' like motherly care or to 'cool' like sexual titillation?

Also, should nursing on your friend sister/mom's tits be considered as breaking the bro code?

The life of a teenage New Texan boy seems to be even more awkward and weird than that of his RL counterpart.

Awkwardness for days! Until you take the treatment and stop caring about that sort of thing.

It's not too late to rename her Sherry :p

I feel like there is a "The Cask of Amontillado" joke in there somewhere, but I'm not clever enough to suss it out.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
These are all great characters though.

I never said Kelt and Steph were bad characters, I was referring to the blatant special snowflake syndrome that Doc Badger and the Queen of the Minotaurs it rife with. The issues people had with Kelt are well known and documented and we all remember the treated Steph shit storm from earlier. Point is, everyone (or at least the large majority of pople) hated all four. We've seen what NT threads can spawn, having one general discussion thread about is gonna make it worse.

I'm just a cynic that's seen how talks about NT usually go.


Aug 26, 2015
With the rest of Treated Reaha. Ideally, there will be an option to help her get off-world and avoid being Treated. Results may vary.

I'll have to remember to look at that when I'm done with my project, then.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016


  • No, New Texas is not a main story planet. There is not, and will not be, a probe to be found here.

Might be fun if you were lead to believe there might be one there as an invitation from an interested NPC...


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Might be fun if you were lead to believe there might be one there as an invitation from an interested NPC...

Steele would have to be pretty stupid to fall for that, considering New Texas is a core-ward planet and not a rush one, you'd have better chances pulling that off on Uveto.