New Follower: Vanae Maiden

Wich other "follower" would you like?

  • Korgonne

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Naleen

    Votes: 14 58.3%
  • Cunt snake

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Cock vine

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Raskvel

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • A robot

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters


Jul 15, 2016
Vanae follower

So, since we can now have a varmint pet (check the wiki if you want to know how), I been thinking of being able to have other creatures with you, like the Vanae. I like them a lot and would like to have one aboard. Yes. That’s my only reason to make this.

I’m making this post to see if this kind of expansion could be added to the game, since I saw on another post that the creator of the vanae has left the development of this game, and I would like to be sure if this is possible without going against his wishes in case that he doesn’t want their creations to be touched.

Anyways, this would be the quest for obtaining the vanae, in case of receiving the OK to make it, I would write it properly. Take this as a “basic idea” of the final quest. I must say, though, that English is not my first language, so bear with me.

So, you go to Mhen’ga and Penny tells you that she thinks that there are hunters on the jungle. She cannot go here because her duty keeps her in the town, but Steele can offer to go.

Once in the deep jungle, Steele find three hunters and some cages with some native species. If Steele is a smuggler or a technician, he can open one of the cages so the hunters get scared and leave, avoiding the fight. Whatever the method used, Steele release the creatures and all but one escape. This one is a vanae maiden (the pink one), and when asked why she don’t leave, the vanae respond that she has no place to go. Steele decide to take her to Esbeth to see if Penny could help her, and in the way back the vanae explains that she discovered that is infertile, that feels the Sky Mother (Vanae’s goddess) cursed her and she exiled herself from her tribe. Besides, without being able to get pregnant and grow tits, she can’t advance in her society. Once on Esbeth, Penny says that she can’t take the vanae to her tribe cause is dangerous and can’t take care of her either, so Steele offer to take her on the ship. After some paperwork with Penny, Steele has an authorization to carry the little squid girl.

Once in the ship, you can sex her when you want.

Notes about this quest:

¿why is the vanae sterile?

I dunno, genetic lottery went bad for her?

¿why did YOU make the vanae sterile?

Is a reason for her to not want to go back to her tribe. Pregnancy is closely related to social status for vanaes. Also, having a baby every time you have sex with her could fill up the nursery pretty quick if she had similar fertility to other vanaes. Sterility for her can be fixed on the second part of her quest.

¿Why a vanae maiden instead of a hunter? I liek hunters!!11!!

That can be changed on the second part of the quest too.

¿Will you make unique sex scenes for her?

I would like to, but my English writing is not good enough for sex scenes with the quality of the current ones in-game. The sex scenes should be just the vanae ones with some changes to take out the part of taking her virginity and she getting pregnant.

¿Why we need to make papers with Penny to have her aboard?

The fact that you can have a varmint with no repercussions rustled my jimmies a bit. You can walk around New Texas and nobody says anything (Not even Gianna, and that thing could EAT HER!). Besides, Natalie says that you need permissions and shit (you could have tried to convince Ogram or Big T for a piece of paper or something to show that you can carry a dangerous animal between planets), so that’s why you need permission from the local U.C.G. Peacekeeper to take a life form from the planet, to make ME happy and be more convincing.

Other things that could be added:

Giving her a name?

Friendship meter? (Monogamy is bad seen in Vanae society, so she will be more willing to have sex with you and only you the higher is your relation maybe)

Some scenes where you find the vanae with someone of your crew (chatting or screwing)?

Taking her to fight like the varmint?

Second part of the quest: making her fertile

Once the Bio-Science Center from the Nursery is implemented, you can have the option to make your vanae fertile. If you do, the vanae will be sent there for a couple of days and you can’t interact with her. You will also have option of letting her change to a vanae hunter (the violet one) after her first pregnancy or keep her as a maiden permanently, release her in mhen’ga once she is fertile or keep her with you. She won’t be as fertile as an average vanae (keep in mind that I don’t think that it will be a good idea to flood the nursery with baby vanaes…) but more as other species. Also, the pregnancy could take less time (the Codex mention that a vanae pregnancy last 6 months) so you can have more babies.

Other things that could be added:

Choosing a new color for the vanae? Thanks to genetic manipulation, her color could be changed? Maybe even adding busts for the other colors? (a onetime choice, not changing her every time that you want)

The codex mentions that vanae have always have full vanae twins as offspring. Maybe the possibility of hybrids or certain character traits that could be inherited from the PC? Maybe not even twins, but single babies (because of the reduced fertility)?

She won’t fight if pregnant, or maybe you can’t even take her with you after recovering her fertility at all? (You gain babies but lose your fighting companion?)
Last edited:

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
All of those but the cunt snake and cock vine are sapient though. And said parasites already have their own mechanics.


Jul 15, 2016
All of those but the cunt snake and cock vine are sapient though. And said parasites already have their own mechanics.
yeah, but with the power of MODERN SCIENCE (or porn logic) you could take them as "pets". basicly, taking them with you but not as part of your crew... I couldn't think of a word for that...


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
porn logic
Around here we call it space magic.

My 0.02$ is that everything on your list has their own bucket of problems that would keep this from working. Even robots. Especially robots. It would probably be better to invent a entirely new sexy combat pet race.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Why you not went for calling her pet? Well of that whay you posted is seems she more turning into PC slave...en I mean inadventure servant like Reaha before finishing her cure path and freeing her. Pet sound totaly wrong. Inadventure servant of crew member/follower would sound better.


Jul 15, 2016
Why you not went for calling her pet? Well of that whay you posted is seems she more turning into PC slave...en I mean inadventure servant like Reaha before finishing her cure path and freeing her. Pet sound totaly wrong. Inadventure servant of crew member/follower would sound better.
yeah, you are right, I should have called her different... thanks for the alternative names

Edited to call her "follower". (sorry but I cant change the poll title...)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well then since you not want have pet Vanae but as normal crew member. I must say you are brave person. Probably taking on Naleen as I see it leads in poll may be slight easier to try come with crew member expansion. Still sometimes you would never know if you can if you at least not try.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
While I naturally approve of a vanae follower/pet/whateveritscalled, I must say I find the inclusion of Cunt snake and Cock Vine in the poll odd. Do you mean we have them in the forms we find them in the wild just hanging on our ship? As I guess a way to allow someone to have both without needing to have them attached to their PC? If so I guess it could work if a tad redundant since the folks who would want them probably already got them as tail parasites. But hey who knows!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Maybe those two could be attatched to some npc. Like with ants their could have 4 arms but PC would never have it. Similary npc may have both type of parasite tails attatched. But then would it be pet/follower cuntsnake/cockvine or npc that their part of? Thou with vines we seen this larger version with many of them fused together but would it make great addition to ship I not sure.