New Beginner Weapon?

Tobey Maguire

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2020
I just want to say I have not written anything yet and just want your opinion on this idea I have and whether i should just trash it or if it has potential to be in TiTs.
(If it has potential I am willing to write it myself and am not asking y'all to write it as I know you are all busy)
My concept basically involves having a alternative option to the rock. When you remove your melee weapon by default you are left with a rock as your weapon. While I understand a rock is better than no weapon at all couldn't you just use your fist?
In the game there are only like 3 fist like punching weapons which are located in Uveto (which I consider as late game content) so a brawler type PC or punching type weapon is unattainable until later.
The weapon I would want to introduce, depending on what you say, is brass knuckles, 4oz gloves, or a simple wrapping that boxers use under their gloves. Obviously they wouldn't be basic like those things as they would just be the base or model for the actual weapon.
For the location it would be the first probe location(sorry I forgot how to spell it) and could be an alternative to the rock or just another weapon.

It would start off with 5 physical damage so it can be starter friendly.
The damage would increase depending on your physique.
For every 5 points of your physique 3 points of physical damage is added to the "fist weapon".
This would prevent it from being OP but still relevant as a weapon as you level up and go to tougher places.
Its all really just suppose to be a starter weapon and it adds another type of weapon to the beginning.

If this idea seems stupid that's fine with me you can reject it i completely understand.

If you think it has potential I would start working on it.
I don't think it affects the lore of TiTs so that shouldn't be a problem
I should just have to write the description of the weapon and figure out the mechanics, right?
If I have to do more then please tell me I am willing to do this myself.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I like it too... BUT, you may want to lower that scaling a bit. At max physique those puppies would be dishing out 65 damage knockouts no sweat(without factoring in other things) while the current highest melee weapon is the phasic whip at 40 damage if you're a tech specialist, 30 if you're not. It's also very easy to get to max physique. I'd recommend something like every 20 phys you get 5 dam and then for every level you get 2 dam, for a current grand total of 50 damage. Even so, that's a lot of damage, but as we progress better weapons will present themselves faster than levels are added and they'll catch up right quick. And it'll ensure your weapon will stay relevant for longer.

Tobey Maguire

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2020
So after reading the mechanics for the weapon again it would be OP.
I'll probably change it to +2 physical attack for every level so the max attack without any boost would be 25.
Any suggestions on what I should base the design on?
The examples I provided were
Brass Knuckles
MMA Style Gloves/4oz gloves
Boxing Wraps
I think it would be best if I only choose one and it being a beginner weapon should be simple and something any regular citizen can buy. If you have any better ideas on the design or model I would appreciate it.
Lastly I just want to confirm that if I do this i only have to write the description of the weapon and its mechanics.
It won't affect the lore but if I have to write other things I need to know so I can write those parts as well.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I'd vote for brass knuckles if you don't want it to be too complicated. On the flip side I'd imagine bracers that project hardlight fists would be pretty cool.
Lastly I just want to confirm that if I do this i only have to write the description of the weapon and its mechanics.
As far as I know that is all. If you need anything else I'm pretty sure a dev will notify you after they've seen the submission.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Personally, I'd go with a pair of cestuses (or cesti if you prefer). They're basically what Mal and Preacher are describing, but the name grounds them a bit. Go with a more high-tech look than just some cloth or leather wraps: leather gloves with protective metal plates. Basically, padded gloves with hardlight projectors giving the illusion of only slightly bulky, glowing fists.

Give them the Kinetic and Poison damage types and a chance to Stun.


Tobey Maguire

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2020
Personally, I'd go with a pair of cestuses (or cesti if you prefer). They're basically what Mal and Preacher are describing, but the name grounds them a bit. Go with a more high-tech look than just some cloth or leather wraps: leather gloves with protective metal plates. Basically, padded gloves with hardlight projectors giving the illusion of only slightly bulky, glowing fists.

Give them the Kinetic and Poison damage types and a chance to Stun.

View attachment 12427
That's pretty good
The thing is im trying to make a beginner fist type weapon and this one seems like something you would get later on.
Ill try to do both but im gonna be honest even if I submit it I doubt they will accept it


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
That's pretty good
The thing is im trying to make a beginner fist type weapon and this one seems like something you would get later on.
Ill try to do both but im gonna be honest even if I submit it I doubt they will accept it
It could still work with the scaling damage you were talking about.

Tobey Maguire

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2020
It could still work with the scaling damage you were talking about.
The thing is the hard light design seems like a weapon that would show up later.
Still though I like your design if you want you could do it. I don't feel right taking another persons idea unless you're okay with me doing it.
If you are ill give it a whack if the first one succeeds
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
The thing is the hard light design seems like a weapon that would show up later.
Eh, I disagree. If your weapon was a firearm, then yeah, but a melee weapon would just be a natural progression of hardlight dildos that are available very early on (well, natural for TiTS :p).

Still though I like your design if you want you could do it. I don't feel right taking another persons idea unless you're okay with me doing it.
If you are ill give it a whack if the first one succeeds
By all means, have at it, now or later. If I thought I could do it justice, I'd start my own thread. :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
If it's going to be a starter weapon, then let it be a starter weapon: get rid of that scaling shit. If you look at most of the starter gear on Mhenga it's mostly mundane items. A long as you don't make something absolutely boring like a dirty stick it should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2015
I like the idea of a punchy weapon, how about something based on the Batman Shock Gloves?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
I like the idea of a punchy weapon, how about something based on the Batman Shock Gloves?
Like the Custom Shock Gear?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020

Tobey Maguire

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2020
I'm against special gimmicks for starter gear. Instead of a scaling mechanic just make different weapons.
I want the gimmick that way it can still be relevant and usable later on.
Also its kind of realistic because as your strength increases so does your punching power essentially making the weapon stronger.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
That also raises the question of why does it need to be scaling?

The actual amount of damage you're doing by punching someone in the face is negligible. All you are doing is punching the face chunk of metal into someone's face, and to be honest, someone in power armour is not going to feel that, regardless of how strong you are.

So what to do? Do you scale weapons, or do you increase the number of options available?

The answer is keep it simple. Instead of focusing on one weapon that could easily get sold, make other weapons that can step in later on and suit the needs and tastes of the player. I mean, a knuckleduster is cool, but what about a gauntlet that releases an energy burst when it impacts?

You're taking a complicated step, when really its about setting up a smaller and more manageable errand for yourself.

Tobey Maguire

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2020
That also raises the question of why does it need to be scaling?

The actual amount of damage you're doing by punching someone in the face is negligible. All you are doing is punching the face chunk of metal into someone's face, and to be honest, someone in power armour is not going to feel that, regardless of how strong you are.

So what to do? Do you scale weapons, or do you increase the number of options available?

The answer is keep it simple. Instead of focusing on one weapon that could easily get sold, make other weapons that can step in later on and suit the needs and tastes of the player. I mean, a knuckleduster is cool, but what about a gauntlet that releases an energy burst when it impacts?

You're taking a complicated step, when really its about setting up a smaller and more manageable errand for yourself.
Thats true
The thing about this weapon is that even with full physique the weapon maxes out 24 kinetic damage with no boost so its only relevant if you focus on a strength build.
But then again youre right about the simplicity and it would be easier for Fenoxo to code if he liked it.
I'll change it depending on the feedback I get but im leaning towards removing the gimmick like you said.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
The thing about this weapon is that even with full physique the weapon maxes out 24 kinetic damage with no boost so its only relevant if you focus on a strength build.
Weapons get + Attribute/2 damage. 50 Physique would be +25 damage.

I'm confused. Is this a weapon in it's own right? If so, it should have it's own relevant stats.
Or is it a flavor replacement for 'Rock'? Then it's not going to be relevant for most people, as they will want a proper weapon.

Tobey Maguire

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2020
Weapons get + Attribute/2 damage. 50 Physique would be +25 damage.

I'm confused. Is this a weapon in it's own right? If so, it should have it's own relevant stats.
Or is it a flavor replacement for 'Rock'? Then it's not going to be relevant for most people, as they will want a proper weapon.
Yeah I made some changes and posted it on Event Submissions if you actually want to see the finished product.
I put 2 different models
One with the gimmick
One without the gimmick but I fixed the stats so its a beginner friendly and not OP
Depending on the feedback I get or if it inspires someone from the TiTs team they will know if its acceptable or not and where to make it better.
I just put my idea in this thread because this is where WIP and thoughts are suppose to go