Net Neutrality


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Net Neutrality won’t vanish instantly like that just because of the vote you know. They gotta fight it in Congress. The FCC can't do JACK SHIT.

Stop acting like it’s the end of the world now and just go fucking call your reps. Just because it’s past the day of the vote doesn’t mean you can’t still do SOMETHING to stop it.

Also this may or may not be a true thing but I've been hearing that the vote was done illegally? I'm not sure yet. Though I did find THIS going around, which is interesting, but idk if it's legit. But if it is then holy shit.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
From what I understand, Congress can still overturn the vote if people get in contact with their representatives.

So you trans-Atlantic types should get in contact with your representatives and tell them to overturn the vote. Those of you who work over the internet, let them know that this will affect your business. Let them know that the FFC’s decision will directly affect you in a real and tangible way, something they will understand.

Edit and ninja’d by Emerald.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I had a conversation with a friend about this. Sure, the laws are repealed, and companies are now able to tax us for using websites, but it's very unlikely this will happen. Why? Easy. Because it will be literally the worst business decision in history. They would basically end up going to war with companies like Microsoft, and people will simply find shortcuts to avoid paying fees, so they would actually loose money. Not to mention the literal riots in the street that would ensue.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
Because it will be literally the worst business decision in history. They would basically end up going to war with companies like Microsoft, and people will simply find shortcuts to avoid paying fees, so they would actually loose money.
Dumb business decision or not the unfortunate reality is that it wouldn't even be an issue if no company wanted to do it. So in the unlikely scenario Congress lets the vote stay there's bound to be some ISP out there that'll start doing the fees. However I think Congress will overturn the vote and net neutrality will stay.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2017
but it's very unlikely this will happen.

No, it will. Comcast pushes for this legislature because they want to use it. Otherwise they don't push. They push with lobbying and lawyers, both are expensive.

I. Why? Easy. Because it will be literally the worst business decision in history. They would basically end up going to war with companies like Microsoft, and people will simply find shortcuts to avoid paying fees, so they would actually loose money.

Haven't you heard the story of netflix? They won't just half the speed from one day to another. They will slowly throttle the connection and go to netflix with: "hey you know, it would be a real shame if something happened to your Internet connection"

That has happened. It will happen again. It is internet protection money.

And honesty, netflix is fine, youtube is fine, Blizzard is fine and most other established companies. They have the spare change to negotiate. But what won't be fine are the new guys. What you won't see is big multiplayer games from new companies. League of Legends would not happen in the new environment.

I am not worried about steam, I am worried about and humblebundle. They will still work, but may be too slow to be competitive.

And circumventing it? How? They not only control your connection, but also theirs. VPNs don't help in that scenario. And you can be sure if they throttle every package they don't recognise. I am sure it already happenwd with TOR.