Need help with Manuel Overide during Azra's quest


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
it's a lights out puzzle. Not hard to solve.
Easy for you to say. I've hit every Light button in there, and no matter how many different buttons I push, or in what order I push them in, I can't get ALL of them to stay off without making turning the others back on. I even tried rapid typing the letter/number buttons on my keyboard that's on the Off/On buttons in the game and even that doesn't get me any closer to turning the bloody thing off.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
it's easy for anyone to say. pay attention to what happens when you press a god damn button and think with your brain for 2 seconds then go back to beating your meat.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
@river_song25 For the future, here's how it works: when you click a button, you will flip its state, and the state of every button adjacent to it. So if it's in the middle, you'll flip the button you click, and the ones to all sides forming a box around it. It does not wrap around edges, so the amount of buttons flipped turns smaller when you get to the edges.

Since the way to solve it is to turn all of them off, you will want to click the buttons that at any given time turns off the most amount of buttons, while also turning on the least amount. I've also found that if you can manage to get the remaining on buttons to group up in a corner, that makes it easy to "finish them off" as it were


Aug 27, 2015
You need to select 'ceroline' in the moustache waxing scene, then 'flamenca breakdown' in the date scene, in order for Senor Override to win Azra's heart.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
it's easy for anyone to say. pay attention to what happens when you press a god damn button and think with your brain for 2 seconds then go back to beating your meat.
From your lack of MANNERS when it comes to leaving messages for other people its obvious SOMEBODY didn't get enough attention growing up as a kid, and it also obvious what YOU use YOUR tiny little brain for if you can't TRY being nice to somebody asking for help. You need some serious psychiatric help pal.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
From your lack of MANNERS when it comes to leaving messages for other people its obvious SOMEBODY didn't get enough attention growing up as a kid, and it also obvious what YOU use YOUR tiny little brain for if you can't TRY being nice to somebody asking for help. You need some serious psychiatric help pal.

That buttmad tho


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Since I downright hated this £$%& puzzle in the Stellar Tether quest and I can sympathize a lot with the OP's frustration and annoyance at smartass, unhelpful answers, here's the honest solution:

1.Click buttons in the second-to-rightmost column until all of the buttons in the rightmost column are off.
2.Click buttons in the middle column until all of the buttons in the second-to-right column are off.
3.Click buttons in the second-to-leftmost column until all of the buttons in the middle column are off.
4.Click buttons in the left column until all of the buttons are off.

To hell with bloody lights out puzzles.