Nastizia Questline Bug


New Member
Aug 26, 2021
I did the Nastizia questline, but after the fight with Riya, I had 'You're still in a fight, you ninny!' on my screen. It disappeared after I fought something else, but on Dhaal, I went to put on my dress for the party and was thrust into a fight with Riya, which I won. After I won, I was given this error code. Seems to me like the game doesn't realize I ever left the fight with Riya.

 Version: 0.9.026-BACKER-ELECTRON#2693 Message: a.victoryFunction is not a function Stack:
TypeError: a.victoryFunction is not a function
    at o (file:///D:/Downloads/TITS/resources/app/main.b878c2e7.js:1:10377643)
    at Object.func (file:///D:/Downloads/TITS/resources/app/main.b878c2e7.js:1:10378055)
    at e.value (file:///D:/Downloads/TITS/resources/app/main.b878c2e7.js:1:16588639)
    at Object.freeze.s.FUNCTIONS (file:///D:/Downloads/TITS/resources/app/main.b878c2e7.js:1:30119173)
    at HTMLDocument. (file:///D:/Downloads/TITS/resources/app/main.b878c2e7.js:1:11108320)