Nastizia bust is displaying the incorrect character, Also Azra is dockblocking me >:C


New Member
Mar 30, 2022
Hi there, just started the Breeding Competition questline to and Nastizia is displaying the bust for Roxy of all things.
I'd successfully completed it on a previous JS save, (maybe a week or two ago?) and it was using the appropriate bust for the delightfully crazy babymaking princess.
Also, since this last patch went live (prior to and still including the clength fix) I've been unable to do the docking scene with Azra. I've tried shrinking and growing a few different species of ma dongs, smashed through a new save aswell just to see if somethings funky and I can't seem to get it to work for the life of me. I've been well and truly over the thickness threshold.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Please don't break our dongs again :p