Naruto's Monstrous Daily Life! Character Art (30 Pieces Done) [Update 12/29/17]


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015

This is Aturdokht, or Atur for short, a Fire Elemental girl. She's an OC I designed for a fanfic I'm planning out and took a particular shinning to. The picture itself is one I commissioned from an artist on Deviantart called nextArtist. He draws a lot of muscle girls if you're into those (not really my thing, though, to be honest). Her physical design is based off of the Final Fantasy X version of Ifrit.

Her name means "Daughter of Fire" in Persian (according to the internet, anyway). She's passionate and hot-blooded in everything she does and has trouble with anything requiring subtlety. In that same vein, she requires blunt explanations as she takes everything literally. She isn't very smart and a bit gullible. She cares deeply for her friends and loved ones. She loves spicy food, especially chilli and curry. Her hair and fur can turn into flames when she gets excited or angry. This can cause problems when wearing normal clothing, so she has a variety of chain-mail clothing that she wears, her go to outfit being the chain-mail bikini in the picture.She's best friend with a Yuki Onna named Setsuko, another OC from the fanfic I'm planning that I took a particular shinning to that I plan to commission a picture of next month when nextArtist has finished his commissions backlog.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Quite interesting combo of OC' and ice ^^

And this fire gall looks nice (maybe it's artist fault for drawning her so cute)


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
 Atur was designed to be a foil to Setsuko, but I ended up liking her more so I spent more time on designing her appearance and personality and decided to commission her first. In the plan for the story, which takes place in the world of Daily Life with a Monster Girl, she is basically required to be close to Setsuko at all times. This is because it is supposed to balance each others powers out, otherwise the area they live would have a heatwave/constant cold and snow, and since they're supposed to be living on a farm in a relatively temperate part of Japan, that is very bad. The idea comes from the chapter of DLwaMG that has a Yuki Onna character that helps run an inn and it is freezing for several blocks around the inn, but rest of the town is normal. Atur considers them friends immediately, but Setsuko begrudgingly accepts the situation, but is too polite and quiet to complain and Atur is too dense to notice. To Setsuko, Atur is essentially one of those people you don't like but are forced to be around, but by a certain point (in the story) you get so used to them you miss having them around if they're gone. Besides being a foil in personality, I plan to apply it somewhat to her appearance by having her a lot bustier than Atur, but having her wear mostly conservative and non revealing clothing. Atur and Setsuko were originally named Ifrit and Shiva, but with Atur's design that ended up being a bit too on the nose, so I changed them to something a bit less specific, but still had meaning (Setsuko can be translated as "snow child").
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Interesting setup for their relationship. I only feel bad if some get 'between' them and start to be frozen to the bone on one side and burned to the crisps on the other. Would that Yuki Onna be quite similar to typical one or you added in her character/appearance desing some unusual twist? Yeah I kinda curious now how will she be looking.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
 Similar to how Atur's design is based off Ifrit, I designed Setsuko somewhat with the (general) Final Fantasy verson of Shiva in mind. She would have very pale skin, but with a blue tint. She has sky blue hair that she wears in a long single braid, either kept behind her back or pulled around front, which she plays with when she is nervous or irritated. You can probably guess how she wears it when she's interacting with Atur. They don't have to be next to each other, but the opposite ends of their home is about the limit of the distance before problems start to occur at the edge of the "range" of their powers (which would actually be outside the farm, but not in an uninhabited place). She generally wears kimono's whose color palette range from bright white to shades of blue all the way up to navy blue and many of them have snow and ice themed patterns, but they all use an indigo obi. She wears white tobi socks and sandles. Her eyebrows are the same color as her hair, but look more like thick dots than eyebrows (something popular among nobles both male and female in olden days of Japan). Her blushing, as opposed to being red, is blue and only gets darker the more intense her blush. Though she binds her chest, she is still noticeably busty even through her conservative kimono. She is very unimpassioned and tends to look at the world in a very pragmatic way, which tends to come off as cold and detached. Her sense of humor mostly involve making dry sarcastic comments, but only does so when sufficiently annoyed, and they tend to go over Atur's head. She enjoys reading and drinking warm tea, but she is an absolute disaster in anything cooking related, even boiling water, and generally needs someone to make it for her. Her favorite food is plain vanilla ice cream with nothing on it. She is generally very polite and quiet, especially around around new people, but is rather cynical and untrusting in her thought process.

I have to admit I made up probably more than half of this while I was typing this, so thanks for giving the opportunity and motivation to write this out. You can actually find a link to the planning doc I'm talking about in a topic in the "general bs" forum. There are like 29 OC's in it including but not limited to: a nerdy pig girl/orc, a milf kitsune (whose appearance isn't planned out yet), a gothic lolita tsundere loli monoeye, her huge blacksmith cyclops younger half sister, a plant girl who's flirty when naked but incredibly shy and nervous while wearing clothes, a teenager looking devil woman who's older than she appears and constantly behind on what's popular, a pirate shark mermaid who is also a One Piece fan girl, and a matronly "dairy breed" centaur who often tries to get the protagonist to "sample her milk". I haven't worked on the doc in about a month, so I need to update Atur and Setsuko's descriptions. I haven't made individual designs for most of the characters, so for now they look like the images at the bottom of the doc.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I have to admit I made up probably more than half of this while I was typing this, so thanks for giving the opportunity and motivation to write this out. You can actually find a link to the planning doc I'm talking about in a topic in the "general bs" forum. There are like 29 OC's in it including but not limited to: a nerdy pig girl/orc, a milf kitsune (whose appearance isn't planned out yet), a gothic lolita tsundere loli monoeye, her huge blacksmith cyclops younger half sister, a plant girl who's flirty when naked but incredibly shy and nervous while wearing clothes, a teenager looking devil woman who's older than she appears and constantly behind on what's popular, a pirate shark mermaid who is also a One Piece fan girl, and a matronly "dairy breed" centaur who often tries to get the protagonist to "sample her milk". I haven't worked on the doc in about a month, so I need to update Atur and Setsuko's descriptions. I haven't made individual designs for most of the characters, so for now they look like the images at the bottom of the doc.

Hahah inspiration can be sometimes found in strangest places, right?

Would look for that gdoc a lil later. All those others charactes seems quite like from quite popular monster girl encyclopedia species...especialy that sharkmermaid sounded like one of those lovely ladies from there xD


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
A vast majority of the characters are based on "subspecies" of the main girls of Daily Life with a Monster Girl. The image references at the bottom of the doc appeared at the end of each episode of the anime and show subspecies that haven't actually appeared in the series. One of the things I want to do with this fic is give focus on girls/species that haven't gotten too much screentime, have only appeared once, or haven't appeared at all. That means that outside of Lala the Dullahan, none of the other girls who lived with Kimihito (who isn't in this story) will appear. It's partially because I love characters who authors don't develop much, because it gives a lot of room for creativity in fanfiction without having to say you're changing something already established. I updated the topic a short while ago, but it was just an edit instead of a new post, so it should still be on the third page of "general bs".
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I seen few of this reference pic from that gdoc to which link was in this other thread you meantione in this thread (errr...think I not mess up pointing out connection, right?) You know where I could see a lil larger version of those pics?

PS. looking there looks like your avator could have been inspired by large size arachne subtype ^^


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
I seen few of this reference pic from that gdoc to which link was in this other thread you meantione in this thread (errr...think I not mess up pointing out connection, right?) You know where I could see a lil larger version of those pics?

PS. looking there looks like your avator could have been inspired by large size arachne subtype ^^

Yeah, that's definitely it. I got the avatar image from genbooru (it's pretty much the only time I've ever used that site). Unfortunately there is a severe lack of fan art for Large Breed Arachne. If you search "daily life with a monster girl supspecies" in Bing Image Search, they pretty much all come up in the first three rows (I stopped using Google after they made it so if you search for too much porn they lock safe search on). What did you think of the characters? Some of them aren't that developed, but a there are few I really like the ideas I came up with for them. I've been working on the doc more today as I was feeling motivated, and have gotten a good amount done, after not doing anything too serious for about three months. Most of what I had originally written took less than two weeks and the majority of that was in about half of that amount of time, so I think I might've burnt myself out for a while. I'm still very happy with what I've written, though. I've altered some of the guidelines that will allow for a possible more action-y sequel.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You made quite a lot charas to be used for fanfic. Which one caught my eye/was interesting...well both kitsune based ones, that dragonewt one, large breed arachne, And I still pondering over that great demon one girl.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
You made quite a lot charas to be used for fanfic. Which one caught my eye/was interesting...well both kitsune based ones, that dragonewt one, large breed arachne, And I still pondering over that great demon one girl.

Well, this world allows for a lot of variety in characters, and I'm not as restricted in what I can do with my own characters. Kuzunoha and Luz are an interesting case. I originally intended Kuzunoha to have a personality like Luz (who is from the manga), but because the Kuzunoha of folklore was a mother, I really wanted to make her milf-y, but the two personalities didn't mesh well, so I ended up doing what honestly felt like the logical conclusion and made her Luz's mom. I'm not sure if you're referring to Draco or Qilo, but I'm really happy with how I designed their relationship dynamic. It sort of works as Naruto being able to see him and Sasuke from an outside perspctive. I added the antler thing for Qilo today because I thought it would be interesting and that I could probably use it in the story. Thera is special to me because she's my favorite type of monster girl, so I want to get just right. Unfortunately I haven't had too much insperation for anything special I can do with her. I'm also really happy with Mal. I have this funny image of her walking into the room dress like a hippy (bell bottoms, head band, etc) and actually being shocked when she's told they're  out of style...and have been for like 50 years lol
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm not sure if you're referring to Draco or Qilo, but I'm really happy with how I designed their relationship dynamic.

I meant Qilo as I was looking over OC you made not using as connect point with cannon like Draco. But I like her (Draco) in manga too thou she not much like your typical dragonewt female -_- (oh well they saying such ones females also exists but I was like...why, why her?)


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
I meant Qilo as I was looking over OC you made not using as connect point with cannon like Draco. But I like her (Draco) in manga too thou she not much like your typical dragonewt female -_- (oh well they saying such ones females also exists but I was like...why, why her?)

Yeah, Draco is a fun character. I can easily see her being written as either a lesbian or just someone whose lack of social skills make it seem that way, so for the sake of the story I chose the latter. I had this funny idea as I was going to bed last night about something I could do in the possible sequel in Naruto's world. If you're familiar with the fourth shinobi world war in Naruto, you'll remember that if an Edo Tensei character feels at peace they can pass on and end the technique on their own. I had this funny idea of Naruto encountering an Edo Tensei Jiraiya and after some kind of battle (because of the Edo Tensei) seeing all the different girls he's with and the old perv being so proud of his ability to get laid that allows him to pass on. Then I'd probably get serious and have Naruto get Lala to help keep his soul around long enough to have an actual talk, but the concept of THAT being what allows Jiraiya to pass on is too funny and believable to pass up on if I end up doing it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You could just go and try make your own OC for Lala race (sry I forgot how it's spelled and too lazy to check - dulhan or smth like thiat it's I think).

Heheh yeah Draco at start really was putting good front of been a lil bit less amnly than typical male...until her lil secret spilled out hue hue.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
You could just go and try make your own OC for Lala race (sry I forgot how it's spelled and too lazy to check - dulhan or smth like thiat it's I think).

Heheh yeah Draco at start really was putting good front of been a lil bit less amnly than typical male...until her lil secret spilled out hue hue.

Part of what I want to do with this story is focus on characters with less screentime, are only one off characters, or subspecies that that haven't appeared yet. Lala has very little time in the limelight, so she was okay to be included since I'm not adding any of the other main girls, but it may actually be easier to make my own Dullahan (I always remember her species because I've seen them as monsters in several JRPG's). I don't know yet, but I'll consider it. I'm not sure how writing a chuunibyou would go so it would probably be for the best, but I'll have to see what I come up with.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah it's ok. Well Dullahan in DLwMG seems kinda like she's reaper that comes for each living being so it may clash with this fact if another pop up. But then again would be wierd if in that setting Lala will be only one of her kind...stilll it could that she's one that special case when there is no more Dullahans and new could only 'born' when current one cease to exist somehow.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Yeah it's ok. Well Dullahan in DLwMG seems kinda like she's reaper that comes for each living being so it may clash with this fact if another pop up. But then again would be wierd if in that setting Lala will be only one of her kind...stilll it could that she's one that special case when there is no more Dullahans and new could only 'born' when current one cease to exist somehow.

It would makes sense that there would be a whole race of reapers, possibly multiple species. Thousands, if not millions, of people die everyday from age, disease, crime, accidents, etc, at all hours of the day. I don't think a single person, even one who can teleport like Lala, could keep up with that pace.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah most myths meantioning of single one reaper that deal with whole universe seems to suspend belives too hard (well if not some just not care for what can or can't be done so then if he hear that Lala deal with monster girls universon death personaly it would be like LoL Rammus reply: Ok!) Ohh wait ...there not seen armalido (kinda 99% sure I written wrong this name - well you can google Rammus to see what species I have in mind) girl in monster girls species...or I not looked deep enough? o_O

On Lala topic...I think that fanfic you making she would be sufficient to take care of death n neibourhood without need for one of her sisters.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
I looked up Rammus. Looks like Bowser if he had a much more simplistically designed head. I don't play League of Legends, as I'm not big fan of co-op or multiplayer games or shooters or PvP in general. The closest thing to long range weaponry I've enjoyed using in a game was the bow in Toukiden, since it made doing single player with AI companions a lot easier and had lock on. I honestly have no idea what the setting of LoL is, as about half the fan art I've seen looks like it's set in an urban city, but the other half makes it look like a fantasy. Also, as a side note, it's getting a bit difficult to understand your grammar. I don't want to offend you, but I honestly struggled with trying to make sense of that last post.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh that my fault for not looking over posts sometimes before hitting send button. So I not gonna take it as offence since I know english isn't as perfect as it's not my native one to use. LoL is generaly fantasy setting with some of champions skins having high advanced technology look. It' about 3-6 poeple depending on game mode try destroy nexus in enemy base and genre for this game is MOBA (some like Overwatch that got it own hyper thread in general section of forum).

In last post I got sidetracked when meantioning Rammus -_-' So you can ignore my mubling on this. I wanted say that Lala for setting of manga or anime or your fanfic is enough to be only one Dullahan. Not much point to creating another girl that belongs to her race for sole reason of Lala itself been from the main cast of manga. Even if she's quite side character in this main cast. She had few chapters when was in spotlight then went again into shadows to show up from time to time to comment something. Which I felt was always to make situation a little bit more comical after her comments.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Ohh that my fault for not looking over posts sometimes before hitting send button. So I not gonna take it as offence since I know english isn't as perfect as it's not my native one to use. LoL is generaly fantasy setting with some of champions skins having high advanced technology look. It' about 3-6 poeple depending on game mode try destroy nexus in enemy base and genre for this game is MOBA (some like Overwatch that got it own hyper thread in general section of forum).

In last post I got sidetracked when meantioning Rammus -_-' So you can ignore my mubling on this. I wanted say that Lala for setting of manga or anime or your fanfic is enough to be only one Dullahan. Not much point to creating another girl that belongs to her race for sole reason of Lala itself been from the main cast of manga. Even if she's quite side character in this main cast. She had few chapters when was in spotlight then went again into shadows to show up from time to time to comment something. Which I felt was always to make situation a little bit more comical after her comments.

It's fine. I thought you might be a non-native English speaker, so it's all good. The problem with Lala isn't so much that she is a main girl, but that she is a chuunibyou (middle school syndrome). People with chuunibyou tend to speak in a very fantastical round about way, and I don't have confidence that I could write that well. Also, as someone with Asperger's Syndrome, her non direct way of speaking can be confusing for me as a reader, so I don't think I could convey as not blunt a way of speaking as that is. I already have issues about whether or not I can write normal dialogue, much less that kind. Like the other topic says, this is my first serious attempt at writing any kind of narrative. I've wrote a few not very serious ones for school, but I always had to end them right after the set up because they would have exceeded the rather short page limit otherwise. I think it would be better if I made my own Dullahan or did some research into other kinds of reaper creatures (there is a specific collective term for mythological creatures that guide spirits to the after life, but I forget the name) and made a girl out of them. I'll let you know if I come up with something.

Edit: Looked it up. Creatures that guide the souls of the dead to the afterlife are collectively referred to as "Psychopomps". They don't judge the dead (ie choose if you go to heaven or hell), though, they just guide them. If a religion has more than one afterlife, it's usually a different deity who does that.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
I just had an interesting idea. Apparently in some cultures (human) shamans can be be a type of Psychopomp. My idea is mostly playing into the stereotypical association of the word "shaman", but I think it's interesting so I want to run it by you (and anyone else who ends up reading this). What if I made a witch doctor girl who was a living voodoo doll? She could know some magic and alchemy/potion brewing, as well as be kind of mischievous. I'd have to put some more time into developing her personality, appearance, backstory, and how her body actually works, but I think it's an interesting idea with some serious possibilities. What about you?

Edit: Her name would probably be Mojo (her secret real name being Mojoy, but she'd be to embarrassed to let people know), after the (optional) living Voodoo Doll party member from Chrono Cross, Mojo (or Mojoy, if you end up doing the side quest for his final technique). One of my favorite games, but it doesn't seem to get enough love, or at least as much as it's predecessor Chrono Trigger.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Living shaman doll...sound similar to me as girl that is one of plant type of monsters. Similar to this dryad from manga. Shaman dols are usualy made from wood not other less normaly found in nature materials so it would indicate her been some kind of plant girl. Knowing magic as the one called sometimes nature magic so spells that would manipulate nature (probably stronger effects on plants than animals).

Padon for been confused: what you meant asking what about me? I failing to try quess your meaning (my derpy lvl of english probably play role in it) :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Living shaman doll...sound similar to me as girl that is one of plant type of monsters. Similar to this dryad from manga. Shaman dols are usualy made from wood not other less normaly found in nature materials so it would indicate her been some kind of plant girl. Knowing magic as the one called sometimes nature magic so spells that would manipulate nature (probably stronger effects on plants than animals).

Padon for been confused: what you meant asking what about me? I failing to try quess your meaning (my derpy lvl of english probably play role in it) :(

Sorry, I didn't phrase that too well. I meant what do you think of the idea? I want her to be a living Voodoo Doll, as in mostly made of straw. I'd probably give her a back story as something like she was made by a lonely human Voodoo Priest who wanted a daughter using his magic and raised her like his own and taught her everything he knows. It would be like a "Living Doll" monster girl, but made of straw and straps (and maybe some kind of magic core that acts as her soul) instead of plastic or wood. Her body would be rebuildable if damaged (sort of like the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz). She could probably argue a lot with Moreno (the mad scientist Blue Oni) over "Magic vs Science". The more I talk about this, the more I'm convincing myself I should do this. So expect her to be in the doc soon. I'm taking Lala out, but I may or may not make a Dullahan OC if I end up not wanting Mojo to fill in as resident Psychopomp.

Edit: Is the Dryad you're referring to Kii? She's not going to be in the story. Her body is part plant part flesh, same with my 2 plant girl OC's. Mojo would probably have no actual flesh and her body be held together by magic.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Kii...yes indeed I meant her. On your idea well I could say I partialy replied in last post not even knowing it was this thing you asked. But I will add few more thoughts on this.

That more expanded idea reminded me few creatures from Coiling Dragon. It was those monsters that real body was small stone that using it inner magic powers was gathering some elements around core creating huge shapes. Like magma core of size around height of human gathering stones/magma around itself to form beast size of small mountain. And untill someone destroy this small core it was immortal.

That vodoo doll made of straws and having core quite much remind me of those monsters. I think it's good idea to expand using core that contain soul and material like straw of similar ones to it forming actual body around core. Plus it sounds much like thing voodoo pristress would make.

Say what type of mosnter girls of this anime/manga you like most? You know just pure curiousity of mine on this subject.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Thanks for the feedback. Maybe I'll make it so she can make different kinds of bodies to put her "soul core" into for different purposes, but the straw one is her default/favorite/original. As far as Monster Girl series go, I'm only really familiar with Daily Life with a Monster Girl, Rosario + Vampire, and T-Rex na Kanojo (which I guess you could argue is a Dino Girl manga and not a Monster Girl one, but I'm counting it) and I enjoy them. My current favorite is T-Rex na Kanojo because the lack of a harem stops it from being a constant "will they won't they" and "who will he choose" situation and Churio is adorably viscous and is adorably gloomy. Daily Life with a Monster Girl is next because I really like all the different kinds of girls and their personalities. Rosario + Vampire ranks last because Tsukune chose Moka instead of a harem ending and Outer Moka ended up merging with Inner Moka, both choices by the author I didn't like.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh Churio...she's adorable. But once I start to think about what will happen if she ends up in CoCverse it was...unpleasant. I mean imagine her trying to give PC blowjob...and you know she like to 'taste' in specific way all thing she take to mouth. Both other dino girls there are interesting too I admit. Well I ended at season 2 of manga finished (I think) and thinking when will be season 3 commin out translated.

R+V also read whole manga (dunno I should be saying Moka was so cool and adorable youkai girl but somehow her succubus love rival took the spotlight for me).

So which one of main cast girls in Daily Living wirh a Monster Girl you like? Or one of out of main cast girls was the one you liked?

Also good thing to make that doll to have few 'spare' bodies.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Just wait for Churio's teeth to fall out to be replaced, and you have your window of opportunity for a blowjob. Today I found out chapter 24 of T-Rex n Kanojo actually came out in English yesterday and read it, so you could check that out if you haven't already. In Daily LIfe with a Monster Girl, my favorites are Tio and Cathyl. Cathyl being one of my faves honestly has nothing to do with her being a cow girl (I don't dislike cow girls, but they aren't my fetish like they are Fen's), I just like tall, strong women who aren't overly muscular (I also like short girls, not just the tall ones). Cerea and Manako are my second favorites, with Rachnera being in third. The funny thing about me liking Arachne (Large Breed Arachne being my favorite kind of monster girl) is that I'm absolutely terrified of bugs, but I attribute most of that to the mandibles/pincers and the fact they're so small that they can be on your body without you noticing, even deadly ones. Arachne have neither of those traits, so I'm perfectly okay with them. I think, anyway, since I don't know how I'd react to seeing one in real life. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
But if it would be npc with her character it would cry and hide whole time of been toothless :/

I most liked Cenorea in early stage of manga plot. Bus ince our MC gainged girlt hat olikes to lay with silk I switched to her. So still centaur girl is 2nd but now Rachera is most liked girl of the manga/anime cast. Spiders irl aren't so scary well at lest I never freaked out seeing one of them so far and they were few quite big for species that living in my local area. Not actualy seen tarantula one spider so who know if I would freek over seeing it or not.

Seen few hours ago 24th chapter for T-rex n Kanojo. I wonder if that mean there will be still 2-3 more chapter that will be counted as part of season 2...


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
It's a very deep seated phobia, and I don't have a whole lot of control over the reaction. No tarantula's venom is actually deadly, actually. Their bite would be irritating, but certainly not deadly. There is only one recorded case of someone dying from a tarantula's bite, and they died from the infection, not the venom. They aren't really dangerous, but they are big and hairy, so they're probably a lot more intimidating to most people. Honestly, I think the hairiness makes them look a bit less scary, sort of like a stuffed animal toy, but I'd probably still freak out if I saw one near me.