Most OP Characters in COC

Anon John

New Member
Sep 24, 2015
Hey guys, 

I have a few sets I think are pretty awesome, tell me what you guys think.  Sort of organizing them from my favorite to least favorite.  I know some of these only work in Kitteh6660's COC mod.  Check it out here:

1) Anemonaga (Anemone & Naga)

My thoughts:  I've been able to 2 hit corrupted Marae with this set.  It's that awesome! You can ascend multiple times without leveling up with an Anemonaga

How it works:  The naga's constrict ability constricts your foe.  You have two choices after this.  You can constrict or tease.  Constrict deals damage while tease deals increased lust damage.  Always use the increased lust damage because it is extremely overpowered.  Increasing your tease ability increases lust damage done.  I can 2-3 hit corrupted Marae with this.  Constrict only connects if your opponent's speed is significantly lower than yours.  This is where the Anemone comes in.  The Anemone hair grants you the ability AnemoneSting.  This deals lust damage to your opponent and slows them down considerably every time.  It also costs no fatigue unlike the constrict ability.  Always use AnemoneSting before Constrict as it will lower your targets speed, thus increasing the likelihood that Constrict will connect.

How to acquire: Get a shriveled tentacle from the boat and snake oil from a naga in the desert.  Spam both until you have ass length anemone hair and a snake lower half. 

Turning into an Anemonaga will grant the following max stats:

Strength: 100

Toughness: 100

Speed: 110

Intelligence: 100

2) Cenotaur (Centaur and Minotaur)

My thoughts:  This one is really interesting and neat, but not very good after you've ascended.  I'd recommend not ascending after getting this set.

How it works: The Minotaur's blood will boost your Strength to max 120, Toughness to base 110, Speed to base 100, and Intelligence to base 90.  Give it a few Taurinums after it is a full minotaur to give it a minotaur upper half and a horse lower half.  This will boost it's max speed to 120 and retain the other stats.  I'd recommend going through Kelt's training and getting bow skill to 100.  Then kill Kelt and take his bow to increase damage.  Bow damage is scaled by Strength and Speed, and as both of these are maxed 120, you will deal a considerable amount of damage with it.

How to acquire:  Get Minotaur's blood from killing Minotaur's in the mountain.  To get Taurinum, give Rathazul 2 Equinium and 1 Minotaur blood.  In order to make a female Cenotaur, replace Minotaur blood with La Bova.  Be careful when turning your character into a minotaur/cow, as it can result in you going into rut/heat respectively.

Base Stats:

Strength: 120

Toughness: 110

Speed: 120

Intelligence: 90

Corrupted Nine Tailed Fox:

My Thoughts:  The Corrupted Nine Tails is pretty cheap.  You can immobilize your opponents turn by turn while reducing their speed.  

How it works: While wearing the Inquisitor's Corset/Robe, you can spam the Terror move as many times as you want causing your foe to become too scared to attack.  You're also granted the Corrupt Fox Fire perk, though it is slightly worse than the white fire spell, so just stick to white fire.  The strategy is to keep spamming terror and using white fire on the off turn.  Terror rarely misses, so you can generally win every fight with ease.  It's similar to Akbal's Whispered ability, but more accurate and reduces speed.

How to acquire:  Use the corrupted fox jewel (obtained by taking a fox jewel to Lumi's Lab and upgrading it for 100 gems) at every interval of 10 intelligence.  Before you reach 20 intelligence, use it until you get a tail. You get one tail for every 10 levels you use it.  It is not guaranteed, so you may have to save/use it to make sure your intelligence doesn't get too high.

Base Stats:

Strength: 100

Endurance: 100

Speed: ?

Intelligence: ?

These were my three favorite/cheapest sets.  I'm going to add a few more notes for those who don't know.

1) In order to get a ridiculously strong light weapon, get the appearance to trigger Raphael's scenes.  Go through Rapier training with him and when he finally has sex with you, your rapier skill will be 5.  Then go to the Deep Cave and get the Jeweled Rapier.  I believe this will make it the most powerful weapon in the game.

2) Go to the lake until you get Izma's gauntlets by defeating her 5 times.  They may not seem powerful, but they have an increased chance to stun your opponent.  It also has a chance of making your opponent bleed which causes damage over time.  Couple this with the Double Attack perk (two hits means more likely to stun and bleed) and the Tactician perk (Increases chance to stun based on intelligence), and you'll be stunning every other hit!

If you guys have any cool sets (especially hybrids like the first two) please post them in response to this thread!


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
mino+ naga (heavely ox serpent if u add harpy wings,feathery hair and feathered arms,yeah..... creepy as hell but the speed......)

harpy +naga

spidermorph+kistune (spider arms face and possibly legs)

cat morph +harpy (wings and harpy arms)

the last tbh is my fav.... just sounds soooo cute........

now this is just a theory but it's 100% ugly and never tried it and dk if it would work

naga+harpy+raccoon........ yeah.... naga tail, raccoon face, fur and penis, feathery hair, feathered arms, and harpy wings.

I HAVE NO CLUE IF IT WORKS....... though the speed will be completely insane.... +40

the best light weapon is the flintlock pistol from the mod because it's speed based not str based.

either that or the spear with all the light weapon perk, tactician, lunging, double attack and etc. It doesn't hit hard but it deals roughly the same damage for most enemies. it's good point isn't heavy damage but steady damage. Now if u want something really OP get the Hammer from the weapons shop DB perk brutal blows and wail on them.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't recall being able to get >100 in stats. Is that a TF thing, or a Kitteh mod thing?

Anon John

New Member
Sep 24, 2015
mino+ naga (heavely ox serpent if u add harpy wings,feathery hair and feathered arms,yeah..... creepy as hell but the speed......)

harpy +naga

spidermorph+kistune (spider arms face and possibly legs)

cat morph +harpy (wings and harpy arms)

the last tbh is my fav.... just sounds soooo cute........

now this is just a theory but it's 100% ugly and never tried it and dk if it would work

naga+harpy+raccoon........ yeah.... naga tail, raccoon face, fur and penis, feathery hair, feathered arms, and harpy wings.

I HAVE NO CLUE IF IT WORKS....... though the speed will be completely insane.... +40

the best light weapon is the flintlock pistol from the mod because it's speed based not str based.

either that or the spear with all the light weapon perk, tactician, lunging, double attack and etc. It doesn't hit hard but it deals roughly the same damage for most enemies. it's good point isn't heavy damage but steady damage. Now if u want something really OP get the Hammer from the weapons shop DB perk brutal blows and wail on them.

Interesting post... It gives me some good ideas.  I really like your harpy/mino/naga idea haha.  It sounds really ugly but I want to try it out :p

I also need to find a good set with the flintlock.  I like your ideas. Got anything else?

Interesting post... It gives me some good ideas.  I really like your harpy/mino/naga idea haha.  It sounds really ugly but I want to try it out  :p

I also need to find a good set with the flintlock.  I like your ideas. Got anything else?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015



or kitsune

remember flintlock is a speed based weapon so str doesn't factor in a mush and the DB shouldn't nerf it as much but ALSO you can only attack 4 times with flintlock before you reload. Kitsune would gain a pretty good attack with it. Cat morph mostl because it would look sexy with the tight pants and shirt or suit clothes other than that nah. This weapon is best for speed based characters (obvious).

derp face

so get the agility, tactician, lunging for some reason works...., and lightning strikes after those but alternate between them and lust resistance perks. Always alternate between fighting perks and lust resistance once u get to lvl 3-4 because your ass will be sticking up in the air for think with a dick.

dragon scale robes are best for characters that intend on using spells no as a main attack but as something to debuff enemies or buff in melee fights. agility perk is recommended after level 14-17. so don't spam white fire k?

Characters that use the tease skill. this is my recommendation...

all lust resistance perks....

both speed recovery perks

seduction perk

Evade and runner perk (no DB)

masochist perk

infest special attack (yeah if your not into worms don't worry it's helpful but optional) if you do get this get the improved self control and the iron man perk

exgartuan or h/e u spell it possessing u (optional)

bondage straps

now depending on this... speed or str, str get the great shield and w/e shield perks there are no wep and for speed jeweled rapier and blade master perk

now if you into this sorta thing let ceraph stick all 3 fetishes on u fyi after the third u wont be able to attack but i don't think that affects the blade master perk

the reason for the infest special attack is that it lowers lust but also make it rise faster

also recommend brow brew or bimbo liqueur because it adds another 20 to the lust cap so with the improved self control u have 140 lust but your min lust is 40 or 50 depending on if u have worms or not.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Just corrupted ninetail? Clearly youve not tryed hard enought heres the scariest things I ever came up with.


120 strenght

100 thoughness

135 speed

90 inteligence

My scarblade build


100 strenght

90 thoughness

150 speed (YES freaking 150 speed!)

100 inteligence

If there was ever 1 build flintlock pistol is OP with its that build not only flintlock gains a scaling on strenght it also has a massive scaling on speed and can hit harder then scarblade when properly traited

Dragon spider kitsune

?? str (whatever that is its realy low)

115 thoughness

110 speed

130 inteligence (yea 130!)

(by adding spider fang leg and arm to a 9 tailed kitsune with fox ears and tails having dragon wings horns and optionnaly scales you get this kind of uber bullshit)

Now this is only a guess as ive never tried them but i figure it would be able to come up with pega siren taur
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I wonder if other perks to increase stats would count too. So many people here showing most optimal combo of races to get mega bonuses to stats while few also showed OP combo due to synergy of specials. So tempted to see waht type of monsters I could create in Xianxia mod ^^ (I think in few days would post results of tests)


New Member
Aug 25, 2016
Just corrupted ninetail? Clearly youve not tryed hard enought heres the scariest things I ever came up with.


120 strenght

100 thoughness

135 speed

90 inteligence

My scarblade build


100 strenght

90 thoughness

150 speed (YES freaking 150 speed!)

100 inteligence

If there was ever 1 build flintlock pistol is OP with its that build not only flintlock gains a scaling on strenght it also has a massive scaling on speed and can hit harder then scarblade when properly traited

Dragon spider kitsune

?? str (whatever that is its realy low)

115 thoughness

110 speed

130 inteligence (yea 130!)

(by adding spider fang leg and arm to a 9 tailed kitsune with fox ears and tails having dragon wings horns and optionnaly scales you get this kind of uber bullshit)

Now this is only a guess as ive never tried them but i figure it would be able to come up with pega siren taur

What does Pega Mean?


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
What does Pega Mean?'re really gonna necro a two-month dead thread to ask something you could figure out by googling?

E: and this is the second necro, damn. This isn't just thread necromancy... This is Advanced Thread Necromancy.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Xianxia: Any build built around the Enchanter job is pretty op atm.  Take the perks to autocast charged weapon, charged armor, blind, blink and might and you're pretty much invincible and omnipotent, regardless of your equipment and offensive playstyle.  All you need is to keep your lust within black and white restrictions and have your int high.  You can go around nude and beat Lethice into submission with your bear hands without too much difficulty.  Difficulty catches up in NG+(+)(++).


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Swift Justice (alternatively, The Lazydin):

Strength: 100

Speed: 100

Int: 40+

Toughness: whenever you feel you need it

Corruption: 0

other than that it really doesn't matter in terms of species. I played this with a pure human. You equip the beautiful shining sword and get all the perks that increase basic attack damage (double-attack, thundering blows[as far as I can tell, this still applies even with double-attack limiting your effective strength], precision, lightning strikes, lunging attacks)

Just this will get you past just about anything, including things that were meant to be defeated via lust, simply by spamming basic attacks. HOWEVER...

no stat is useless. We need at least 40 int for the bits and pieces of spellcasting we'll be doing to help out with tougher encounters (charge weapon for general damage, helps a bit with longer fights like bosses; blind helps with A LOT of fights, letting you take on enemies way higher level than you for faster exp gain; and whitefire gets us into the sandwich lair, because we cant attack very well while blinded), and getting mage-perks isn't useless since charge weapon applies Spell Effect Modifier. Meanwhile Toughness and relevant perks gets sprinkled in whenever you feel you need it, as there are some hard-hitting enemies out there and blind only lets you dodge so much. In particular, Kiha ignores blind entirely so you're going to be tanking that axe to the face. We'll also be going for the highest defense armor you can get  your hands on (plate as soon as  you can afford it, goo as soon as  you have access). And just plain being able to carry more items is really nice (since we wont be using black magic's heal, we'll want some healing items to recover every once in a while, though the further you are in the build the less you'll need them)

We do not, however, give any fucks about teasing or black magic. Both of them are pretty shit. Even with rank 5 seduce it's going to be slower than just killing them normally half the time, and it's never vital outside of two fights: the cumwitch (if you felt like it you could wait until your overleveled and kill her normally anyway and not really miss out on anything. Or just tease her normally, it's not that hard even at rank 1 tease) and Lethice's minotaur (which is endgame, by which point you've probably already maxed out your Int and randomly found enough black books to get the arouse spell. With his lust aura it should be ready to use in time for when you need it). And black magic forces you to play risky for spells that can backfire, and even when they work they're really not that great: arouse is good for the previously mentioned case and nowhere else; heal can be nice if you're out of healing items, but they're not that hard to find and once the build's complete we'll only ever need healing for lethice's gauntlet and maybe the phoenix tower. Meanwhile Might, while it does stack with charge weapon, is literally just a worse charge weapon.

What really makes this build great though, is that you don't have to jump through any hoops. The only item you have to farm is the books so that we can get our magics. Other than that everything is unlocked naturally by leveling up and gaining stats, and doesn't require you to be any specific species or gender or anything. It's easiest to do if you choose speed as your skill and religion as your history, but neither of those are actually required either (the gargoyle, jojo, and arian can all reduce your corruption, and all are accessible rather early on)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Officialy in CoC Xiangxia stronguest race would be Fenrir. I wont even mention the abominable stat this 10 body part tf provide


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
What about Treant/Dryad at highest possible race score bonuses? They not weak either there aside been just terrible slow moving that may only gimp build relaying on pushing speed advantage to the limits ;)


New Member
Aug 25, 2016
0're really gonna necro a two-month dead thread to ask something you could figure out by googling?

E: and this is the second necro, damn. This isn't just thread necromancy... This is Advanced Thread Necromancy.

I tried googling it and nothing came up which is why I asked the question. And why does me commenting on this topic bother you in the slightest? What does it do to you?


Jan 1, 2016
The only stat the REALLY matters in your level. When you are level 50, everything is crushed in just a few hits and do almost no damage at all. I play Kitteh's mod, and once you hit level 20, just farm xp from the Behemoth until you have 103,500 xp and you can go straight to 50.

My own hero's stats are:

Level 50

105 Str

110 Tough

100 Speed

110 int

100 Libido

100 Corruption

80 Fertility (base, almost 150 buffed)

I have 1180 hp and regen 100-200 hp per round.

Weapon is Lethice's Burning Whip, was jeweled rapier before.

Armor is goo girl armor, whatever her name is.

Using a Power Ring.

Piercings are all fertite cept for nipples which is lethite.

Perks are too many to list by time you hit level 50, but I do have uncorrupted 9 tails.

Transforms are:

Demonic - High heels, indigo skin/scale tone

Spider/Sandtrap - Ebony nipples, spider arms

Fox - 9 tails, fox ears

Dragonic - scales, large wings, 4x 12" horns, dragon breath

Misc stats:

Tease 5

Thieving max

Rapier 4

No bow skills