Monstergirls in FoE?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Praise be to all things Monster Girl

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
See the difference? Hint; the muzzle and fur.

I would say in case of kitsune that still have one tail it not different than fox-morph. Well maybe it just act more human-like. And each tail for kitsune in some legends mean their: A) lived for some time, B) their innate powers growning stronger.

And the same legends when describing 9 tailed kitsune even reaching stage of giving them god powers. Or at least those that could one see them as gods. And shapeshifting ability that why their could turn into human shapes (as Etis meantion that not per see their orginaly meantioned innate powers but mostly meantione as one their gain during getting more tails as I see it - "fox fire" would be more fitting to be called innae kitsune power). That power gave alos legends how kitsune spirit possesing human females (and others was ofc deciding this cuz said woman had fox like characteristic trait of her face - mostly shape of checkbones or some claim she had also some marking like kitsune). Plus nine-tailed kitsune usualy getting whole new names to represent them been at the pinacle of their powers so when we see 3-5 tailed kitsune we could say it's kitsune but with 9 tailed one we should think if it just normal kitsune or it's one of those inari (mostly called good ones kitsunes) or wild/field (usualy seen as those evil kitsunes).


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
#1: A lusty troll witch in a swamp or a forested mountain's cave somewhere. She offers assorted special alchemical brews, both in the "healing potions" sense and in the "reliable sexual boost" sense, but you gotta offer her something worthwhile in trade. Fortunately for you, she doesn't get a lot of loving, and she's willing to trade for that. Femdom, maybe potion-related sex. Perhaps go the whole hog and make her focus more on life/fertility related magics?

#2: A spunky spitfire goblin pyromancer... like, imagine if Tamani from CoC and Lina Inverse had really hardcore drunken lesbian sex and made a baby. That's basically what this girl would be like. She could be an established NPC, such as a bandit queen type, or perhaps a follower if she took off well enough.

#3: A Hydra-girl. Essentially a scaly-skinned lizard-girl with draconic horns, a pair of "maw-tentacles" (tentacles coming from the back, each tipped with a snake-morph's head) and a "tail-maw" (like the previous, but placed where a tail should be). Huge appetite for semen and breast milk. More of a unique boss monster, potentially tameable as a pet if you manage to keep beating and feeding her?

#4: An owl or raven based harpy. Shy, bookworm type who has access to a stockpile of tomes you need somewhere. A blushing virgin but also a huge covert pervert, so very easy to seduce her, but watch out, because she's surprisingly aggressive in bed once she gets over the shyness.

#5: A "sahuagin" (sharkgirl/lizardgirl hybrid) sailor/smuggler who hangs out in the Maiden's Bane and occasionally relaxes at the lake near Rigard, possibly in other locations along the river if they end up existing. Hard-talking, hard-drinking, hard-fighting, hard-fucking ladette. Sort of a cross between Miranda and Cassidy, sexuality wise.

#6: A female golem or living doll maid you find stranded in a wizard's tower. She's been abandoned for a long time as a "defective product"; she's obedient enough and very loyal, doing everything she should, but she's snarky and sarcastic rather than the bimbo personality she was supposed to have. She might be a potential non-combat recruit to help out around the gemstead, or she just might be willing to shag your brains out if you'll let her leave the tower.

#7: An "ettercap" (four-armed, four-legged spider-girl). Not really sure what to do with this girl as a character, but I know she's someone I want. Maybe a kunoichi style character theme? Sexy ninja warrioress?

#1 - I like the idea because it would be nice to have more vendors in FoE. Also, the idea of her using some of her potions on you piqued my interest.

#2 - I loved Tamani in CoC, so I'm interested in goblin girls.

#3 - I could imagine her using the tentacles to explore your body while drinking from you.

#4 - You had me at "shy, bookworm".

#5 - Since we already have lizardmorphs at the Crossroads, it would be nice to see a sharkgirl.

#6 - This reminds me of the gargoyle chick in CoC. I like the idea of having a monster girl made out of stone. It doesn't seem to get done a lot. :)

#7 - After watching Monster Musume with my wife, I'd have to say that I'd probably like this one the most. The spidergirl's bondage fetish in the anime was hot. I also have a thing for kunoichis.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Myself, I like #1, #2 (if only because Slayers brings me good memories), #3 and #5.
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Vagabond Prince

New Member
Mar 24, 2016
First FOE's strenght is its big tent approach.


Another thing I like is that FOE is also not exclusively all about the ladies/feminine-herms [sometimes CoC felt like a endless stream of large cleavages] .

Honestly, I have to agree with this feedback. I don't mean to be a downer or rain on anybody's parade, but the biggest draw to FoE for me is that there is a decent amount of appeal for male and female partners... but the more I read about future plans, the more it sounds like everything being written is catering to a heterosexual audience, and I know I will lose interest if that happens.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I have to agree with the second and the last post. We have plenty of monster girls on CoC and TiTs.

Many of us ended favoring FoE over them for its more balanced m/m-m/f-?/? content and diversity of characters. Adding some monster-girls is good, but overdoing them would make the game lose its charm. since the other main games of this forums are full of them.

We have to take on mind the disponibility of time of the writer, though, because there are some already made characters that need writing and implementation, and adding the task of creating a bunch of new monstergirls would be tiring for the dev-team. But in the end, they have the last word.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
I don't have anything against monster girls, but TiTS is already full of those.

While I'd love to see some (The raven bookworm and the sharkgirl have me interested), I think it would be better to develop something other games didn't do, for example romancable males. And I'm not calling for m/m right out of the bat (as much as I'd love it) - Think about the heterosexual girls!


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
I do have to agree that you don't want to make this game cater to just one orientation. I think that one of the reasons that I'm drawn to FoE, the most, is that it is diverse. I couldn't imagine how limited you'd be if you were trying to play a hetero woman in TiTS and CoC.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
I for one am thankful that these games offer more than just smut!

I've been working on the wiki a lot, and it makes you realize how much more there is to the game. It's an actual game where you can focus on getting gear and making sure you give yourself the correct stats when leveling up. I didn't get that experience with TiTS or CoC. I don't even bother worrying about what I'm choosing for weapons or gear in TiTS. If it has better stats, I just choose it. However, in FoE, I've been looking more into gear and abilities to take out my enemies. Don't get me wrong, I love the smut, but it is amazing that there's more to it (hence, me making sure to get the entire wiki updated).

Also, everyone has different tastes. If the writers are mainly into one thing, i.e. Monstergirls or Furry, then it's probably not going to be the same quality of work when you ask them to do something that they're unfamiliar with. I don't really think I'd have the talent to help with writing, but it would be nice if some other players could start submitting their on work to help keep FoE diverse. I read in another thread (the F/F preg one) that the writers are basically all men. It would be nice to get a couple of female writers in to give some more scenes from a woman's POV. Anyways, that's just what I think.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
I've been working on the wiki a lot, and it makes you realize how much more there is to the game. It's an actual game where you can focus on getting gear and making sure you give yourself the correct stats when leveling up. I didn't get that experience with TiTS or CoC. I don't even bother worrying about what I'm choosing for weapons or gear in TiTS. If it has better stats, I just choose it. However, in FoE, I've been looking more into gear and abilities to take out my enemies. Don't get me wrong, I love the smut, but it is amazing that there's more to it (hence, me making sure to get the entire wiki updated).

Also, everyone has different tastes. If the writers are mainly into one thing, i.e. Monstergirls or Furry, then it's probably not going to be the same quality of work when you ask them to do something that they're unfamiliar with. I don't really think I'd have the talent to help with writing, but it would be nice if some other players could start submitting their on work to help keep FoE diverse. I read in another thread (the F/F preg one) that the writers are basically all men. It would be nice to get a couple of female writers in to give some more scenes from a woman's POV. Anyways, that's just what I think.

We used to have Del. She was responsible for Kiai, Lei, and the desert caravan.

Del has been MIA for a while now.

To be honest, all other writers have been for a bit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I've been working on the wiki a lot, and it makes you realize how much more there is to the game. It's an actual game where you can focus on getting gear and making sure you give yourself the correct stats when leveling up. I didn't get that experience with TiTS or CoC. I don't even bother worrying about what I'm choosing for weapons or gear in TiTS. If it has better stats, I just choose it. However, in FoE, I've been looking more into gear and abilities to take out my enemies. Don't get me wrong, I love the smut, but it is amazing that there's more to it (hence, me making sure to get the entire wiki updated).

It's sort of funny, since there are very few pieces of equipment with confusing stats in FoE, and they are mostly unique quest rewards. And character stats... Confusing, too. Want to take out tough enemy? Grinding few more levels on weaker foes is your best bet.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
It's sort of funny, since there are very few pieces of equipment with confusing stats in FoE, and they are mostly unique quest rewards. And character stats... Confusing, too. Want to take out tough enemy? Grinding few more levels on weaker foes is your best bet.

I grinded on enemies at the Crossroads for so long. I've finally moved onto the Hills. I think that I've learned more about the stats in FoE thanks to the wiki. I still have no idea how I'll take out Lagon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I grinded on enemies at the Crossroads for so long. I've finally moved onto the Hills. I think that I've learned more about the stats in FoE thanks to the wiki. I still have no idea how I'll take out Lagon.

Grind level 22+, phys build (str/dex/sta). Obtain Gol Whip (AFAIK most powerful weapon for now), max out Fighter and Bruiser for MC. Buff pinpoint on MC, spam D./T. Attack and Crushing Strike.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
It's sort of funny, since there are very few pieces of equipment with confusing stats in FoE, and they are mostly unique quest rewards. And character stats... Confusing, too. Want to take out tough enemy? Grinding few more levels on weaker foes is your best bet.

I wouldn't be so hasty. The entire combat system is going to be revamped; we're going to be heading from a multiplicative stat system to a additive one. A lot of this stuff will be invalidated down the line.

The first step (status rework) is almost done, making statuses more useful.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
I wouldn't be so hasty. The entire combat system is going to be revamped; we're going to be heading from a multiplicative stat system to a additive one. A lot of this stuff will be invalidated down the line.

The first step (status rework) is almost done, making statuses more useful.

Dear god...I'll have to redo so much on the wiki. xD


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I wouldn't be so hasty. The entire combat system is going to be revamped; we're going to be heading from a multiplicative stat system to a additive one. A lot of this stuff will be invalidated down the line.

The first step (status rework) is almost done, making statuses more useful.

Well, I'm saying how it is now. Status effects... Are that changes already in game?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
how about an Empusa/Mantis. shes like supper cute.



She can be like an Assasin who charged with Killing you and taking the orb thing. You beat her up a bunch of time without raping her and she falls in love with you. Then promises to serve you and not the Demon lord.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
how about an Empusa/Mantis. shes like supper cute.

She can be like an Assasin who charged with Killing you and taking the orb thing. You beat her up a bunch of time without raping her and she falls in love with you. Then promises to serve you and not the Demon lord.

You're saying that this girl would be taking orders from Uru or something??


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
how about an Empusa/Mantis. shes like supper cute.

She can be like an Assasin who charged with Killing you and taking the orb thing. You beat her up a bunch of time without raping her and she falls in love with you. Then promises to serve you and not the Demon lord.

Images omitted by me for convenience. I like this idea, and I'd prefer it over the other choices given to us. The dynamic is a lot more interesting than simply meeting a monster girl and romancing them normally. I also like the doll/construct maid idea. Doll monster girls never seem to get much attention.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
The idea of turning one of Uru's minions does sound interesting. I wonder how Kiai would feel about that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Oh I would imaging he would hate it, the chance for bickering between them would be high. I think shes appealing for those of us who play to "gain power." I definitely go for Em version more with the 4 arms and the shyness. For this game I think; serious sadist, only once she falls in love she gets all soft and only to her lover. The personality of mamono would be perfect, think Katarina.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
Oh I would imaging he would hate it, the chance for bickering between them would be high.

Nothing like a little conflict between party members to make things more interesting.

I definitely go for Em version more with the 4 arms and the shyness. For this game I think; serious sadist, only once she falls in love she gets all soft and only to her lover. The personality of mamono would be perfect, think Katarina.

I like this angle. A sadist with a soft spot for her lover... yes, I like this angle quite a bit. A trained assassin for an evil demon lord should have a bit of an edge to them, afterall. I would be delighted to have a character like this in the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
We used to have Del. She was responsible for Kiai, Lei, and the desert caravan.

Del has been MIA for a while now.

Pity she had a definitively different voice, particularly the second and third had some nice change of pace/ inversion of expectation.

Her loss definitely shrinks the big tent. :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Pity she had a definitively different voice, particularly the second and third had some nice change of pace/ inversion of expectation.

Her loss definitely shrinks the big tent. :(

Blame Dels disappearance on Beth, though shes not hard to find if you walk into the right bar.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Blame Dels disappearance on Beth, though shes not hard to find if you walk into the right bar.

Doesn't Akther meant writer going under name Del? I know Del (writer) is responsible for quite few pieces of content in FoE (Our silent bodyguard Lei for royal twins is for ex. Del work).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Doesn't Akther meant writer going under name Del? I know Del (writer) is responsible for quite few pieces of content in FoE (Our silent bodyguard Lei for royal twins is for ex. Del work).

I know, it was a joke.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
But still both Dels went suspicious silent don't they? :p
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