Edit: Got my answer. Was pointed towards this post, which clearly states that mod are not wanted. Will leave the rest of the post up for posterity, but I've got my answer and won't be releasing any tools.
I'm creating and have created some tools to mod Trials in Tainted Space. Figure I can release it to the public for everyone's use, but wanted to get some questions and thoughts from the dev team and general community before I did so.
I'm creating and have created some tools to mod Trials in Tainted Space. Figure I can release it to the public for everyone's use, but wanted to get some questions and thoughts from the dev team and general community before I did so.
- Unlock modding for the community.
- Prevent redistribution of anything from the game itself.
- Avoid the need for dev involvement.
- Every moment that y'all are handling asks to support this toolset is a moment y'all aren't spending elsewhere.
- Maybe? Make it easier for content to be pulled into the game.
- Not sure how I feel about this one, but it's a thought.
Distributing the Toolkit/Mods
- Browser Extension to repack/edit game files to inject the toolkit into the game.
- The game won't have to be re-distributed with the toolkit or mod added.
- Mod Loader
- Makes mod releases easier.
- Prevents the need for re-distribution of the game.
- Content Adding API for interactions, buttons, stories and plots.
- Meant to add new content to the game.
- Content Edit API for inline edits
- Meant to edit existing game content.
- Additions vs Changes
- Adding content is safer than changing content.
- Changing content can result in unexpected behavior.
- for example, two mods changing the same section of text.
- Utilizes pre-generated hashes and positions instead of substring matches because...
- I don't want to include game content inside of the toolkit or any mods I make.
- Future-proofs against the case of large mod sets. Hash lookups are far more performant than substring/string matching.
- A static code analyzer can easily tell when a text hash has changed.
- Game Engine Bindings
- Indirectly exposes engine/game methods to the modder.
For Dev Team
- What concerns would y'all have? I know the game has had issues with mods re-distributing backer builds of the game in the past, so would prefer to work with y'all so that mods that utilize the toolset are incentivized/forced towards practices that would make y'all happy.
- Are y'all even open to publicly available mods and tools for Trials in Tainted Space? If it's a complete non-starter to release a mod publicly, even with mitigations, I'd prefer to know now rather than spend the time necessary for a public release of the tools.
For Modders
- What capabilities, that I've not mentioned already, would y'all like from a toolset?
- Do folks even want a toolset? No point in my releasing things to the public if I'm the only one using it.
For Both
- What kind of licensing would y'all like on the toolset? I tend to use an Apache license for open source projects, but am fine with something more restrictive if necessary.
Because there's often content I'd like to see in the game. While I can submit it, I'm more apt to take things into my own hands. I can suggest content, but that requires dev team interest and bandwidth to implement it. And I'm sure the devs and the community would not want to see an imbalance of content catered to my own wants. So rather than giving y'all more work, I'm more inclined to be about it of my own volition. Then if y'all do like it, can just pull it in then.
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