Missing Meows, Kids with Evergreen, Kiyoko Magicock?


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2019
Been playing for a while, but I'm holding back on a couple of quests on my main save for consequences that uhh have yet to be written (I'm not a backer, so if backer-only info, then that's why I haven't found it!).

For the Missing Meows quest (they've been in that cave for a long time whoops): if I choose not to keep them as my harem, will we ever see them again, or does that just straight-up lock us out of any more of their content? I don't particularly want this character to have slaves, but I want to know if I should maybe save and seriously play a backup where I kept them on.

RE: Kids with Evergreen, will there be a way to interact with our kids? She hints that they'll grow up very quickly and invites us to visit them, but thus far there's really no way to do that. It's likely a very low priority thing, so I'm not especially bothered about it, but it's been nagging at me for a while!

With regards to Kiyoko, I pretty unwaveringly play as a cuntboy and lose interest really quickly when I have to change it. I know the magicock is slated to be incapable of impregnation (damn! I accept it and am sure there's a good reason for it, but damn!), and that the Astral Plane overrides sterility modifiers. Given that we need at least one kid to free Kiyoko and that she's got a lot of awesome content I love going through, would the magicock item be able to bridge that gap despite its being sterile outside the Astral Plane?

Absolutely not trying to throw shade here, so I hope it doesn't come off that way, but while I understand certain things' being strictly gated - like Garret's preferences! - I don't feel that it really works for accessing a companion character with huge storylines. I feel like I'd lose out on really awesome content that took a lot of hard work to create and impacts the overall game. I'm not super opposed to growing my character a temporary dick if need be, but I'd strongly prefer the magicock route.
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The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
-The Cat Harem will be permanently removed from the game if you pay for them to move on. If it helps you feel better, they're not actually slaves per se, they can go as and when they wish, it's just that they want to stick with you. Plus, there're plans for the future to optionally recruit them into the Temple of Mallach Cait will set up in the old ruins where the tutorial takes place that her junior will caretake while she's gone with you, so that they have some kind of vocation while still doing the things that they love to do.

-There are no plans for content with children produced with Evergreen. Generally speaking, unless someone is willing to write in-depth and extremely extensive child-raising content, don't expect it.

-Maaaaybe. I have no idea how things work in the code but as far as it's been explained to me a magicock will work exactly like a real one, just that it can be de-equipped and with a few caveats. I wouldn't be against it if it happened, but you'd need to ask whoever implements the tool itself.

Given the aesthetics and focus of the character I have absolutely no regrets doing what I did, nor will it ever change.


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2019
-The Cat Harem will be permanently removed from the game if you pay for them to move on. If it helps you feel better, they're not actually slaves per se, they can go as and when they wish, it's just that they want to stick with you. Plus, there're plans for the future to optionally recruit them into the Temple of Mallach Cait will set up in the old ruins where the tutorial takes place that her junior will caretake while she's gone with you, so that they have some kind of vocation while still doing the things that they love to do.

-There are no plans for content with children produced with Evergreen. Generally speaking, unless someone is willing to write in-depth and extremely extensive child-raising content, don't expect it.

-Maaaaybe. I have no idea how things work in the code but as far as it's been explained to me a magicock will work exactly like a real one, just that it can be de-equipped and with a few caveats. I wouldn't be against it if it happened, but you'd need to ask whoever implements the tool itself.

Given the aesthetics and focus of the character I have absolutely no regrets doing what I did, nor will it ever change.

Thanks so much for the in-depth response! I really appreciate it. I've definitely got a much better idea for what direction I want to go in, now (and maybe, if I can iron out my writing and parsering well enough, a couple of submissions...eventually. Start small, start small).

Regarding Kiyoko, I definitely agree - her character itself absolutely works pretty damn perfectly, and changing such a fundamental aspect of it would be a really shitty thing to demand of you! I was referring to needing a specific set of genitalia in order to get her out of the orb in the first place and having her as a companion in the physical world at all. It's great from the perspective of, well, her entire character and the way kitsune culture seems to operate, and I love it. For me, the mechanics of having what's essentially the option to grind for Kiyoko's max amount of tails and curves, while being able to unlock a variety of different scenes in the process so that it doesn't even feel like grinding, appeals so strongly to the way my hyperfixating ass operates that it feels practically fuckin' heaven-sent. It's not even gated behind a particularly difficult transformation, either, which is also easily removed, so from a gameplay standpoint there's really nothing holding anyone back. It's just my own hangups!

...I feel like I'm arguing against my own position, at this point, but essentially, it requires a transformation I'm not particularly comfortable with, and having it be circumventable via the magicock (solely within the realm of the Astral Plane) would completely negate that issue for me or any other player who doesn't particularly want to grow a dick.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
For the Missing Meows quest (they've been in that cave for a long time whoops): if I choose not to keep them as my harem, will we ever see them again,

If you don't take the cats, you'll be permanently locked out of their content, but you might see them again in passing -- they already appear in a bad end where Arona enslaves them again, and it's likely they'll show up elsewhere.

RE: Kids with Evergreen, will there be a way to interact with our kids?

You won't be able to interact with them in any really meaningful way (eg. Kinu) but I would like to do some events related to them at some point. Considering the sheer size of her character, though, Evergreen's going to be a work in progress for some time.
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