Mimbrane Trust Grind


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
 So Mimbranes.I love those little bastards to bits, but there are two major annoyances when it comes to improving your relationship with them.

1) For some reason in a couple of recent builds the chance of triggering reproduction scenes while sleeping on board your ship got really low. Sleeping in any of the auxiliary resting spots like Xenogen Camp works every time.

2) Being unable to tend to your Mimbranes in any location other than PC's ship is a massive pain the butt. It goes against the 'unrestrained adventure ahoy!' idea at least some of the devs/writers stated as their preferred tone for TiTS. I see no reason why you can't feed them in any location that's save enough for you to sleep.

 I'd really like to see those things changed at some point. Alternatively, to know why devs made those design decisions and why they think that things should remain the way they are.


Allowing us to feed them in the areas that you can sleep at would be handy


Aug 26, 2015
Added some changes in a pull request.

Sleeping on the ship shouldn't affect the rate of notice messages for mimbranes, I don't think. It might be possible, however, that follower and pregnancy messages might override the mimbrane messages from triggering, but aside from that, their rate should be consistent throughout. In any case, I increased the chances from 3/100 to 5/100, so there should be a slight chance that they may appear more often. There was also an old bug where two or more long notice scenes may stack on top of each other, making sleeping-waking seem overly long, so I've fixed that too.

As for the feeding, I made it have a more specific check now. Your character should be able to feed them on the ship or in specifically private locations--doing it out in the open or in public areas is still avoided.