Mheng'an birb colony species (squalla)


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
Mh'engan birb species idea
  • 50% common male (build like Eitan (with an extra nice bootey low virility but and lower sensitivity)
    • Workers, combatants and literal fuckbait (with how many hypersexed species there are)
  • 2% breeding male (High as fuck fertility and balls like a Kui-tan, but build like our precious little Kase and extremely sensitive)
    • Pathetic little boy birds that serve for quick fertilization
  • 38% common Female (Lay eggs and always give birth to common female or common male)
    • Workers, combatants and also (to a lesser extent) literal fuckbait
  • 5% Scouter herm (Zephyr with wings can rarely give birth (full-on pregnancy and becomes infertile afterward) to Nest Alpha otherwise same birthing as common female)
    • Even lower virility than common male, and lower fertility than common Female
    • Will initiate "hunts" on male naleen whenever they spot one in an attempt to get pregnant with a nest alpha.
  • 4% Nest mother (don't lay eggs but give birth (twins or more, children slightly stronger than those of egg layers) to all but Nest Alpha, also takes care of the young)
  • 1% Nest Alpha (Large Mh'engan birb/naleen hybrid always herm, incredibly strong fighters by nature can beat nearly anyone in a one on one, usually but not always infertile)

Also the species is usually in a mutually beneficial relationship with nearby venus pitchers (mutual protection for both; "Training" the young and prisoner "interrogation" for the burbs; nutrients and spreading of seeds for the pitchers)

Had this idea and I kinda want to flesh it out (I literally only have the species dynamic in mind) not even what they are gonna look like

Basic concepts developed in the discord are dumped here for a bit

Basic concept helldump:

Codex Wip:
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