Merge Pull Request #802 stealth-nerfed Exhibitionism!


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
- //Exhibitionism reduction!
- if
- ( !(pc.armor is EmptySlot)
- && !(pc.lowerUndergarment is EmptySlot || pc.lowerUndergarment.hasFlag(GLOBAL.ITEM_FLAG_EXPOSE_FULL) || pc.lowerUndergarment.hasFlag(GLOBAL.ITEM_FLAG_EXPOSE_GROIN) || pc.lowerUndergarment.hasFlag(GLOBAL.ITEM_FLAG_EXPOSE_ASS))
- && !(pc.upperUndergarment is EmptySlot || pc.upperUndergarment.hasFlag(GLOBAL.ITEM_FLAG_EXPOSE_FULL) || pc.upperUndergarment.hasFlag(GLOBAL.ITEM_FLAG_EXPOSE_CHEST))
- )
- {
- if(pc.isChestExposed() && pc.isCrotchExposed() && pc.isAssExposed())
- { /* No reduction for a full set of exposed clothing! */ }
- else pc.exhibitionism(-0.5);
- }

changed to just

+ //Exhibitionism reduction! Reduces exhibition if chest, crotch and ass are not all exposed
+ if(!(pc.isCrotchExposed() && pc.isAssExposed() && pc.isChestExposed()))
+ pc.exhibitionism(-0.5);

No longer can you avoid losing exhibitionism progress by simply leaving an undergarment naked. Now, you have to have something exposed when the clock strikes midnight or half a percent of exhibitionism turns back into a pumpkin.

Was this intended? Birujo y u do dis?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I'm more curious about why the stat degrades over time at all still. Also got to say that I'm generally against this. There's only one item that goes in one's armor slot that provides exposure that's available prior to antland, and losing points because you happen to be on Tavros or doing something that requires you to be in actual kit is annoying due to point gain having diminishing returns at high levels.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Beats me.. I don't think it should degrade at all, or at least, certainly not so quickly. It seems like the sort of thing that you'd get used to a lot faster than you'd get...un-used to, y'know?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There is set system for alcohol and kui-tan tolerance that is making it kui-tan getting drunk and then getting sober at different speeed I think. So it could be added here with setting getting score higher faster then lowering it over time. About score never drop down..I think this is kinda like behaviour: the more you do the higher it get but stop doing it and you will slowly start forgeting so I wouldn't be after making exhibitionism never drop and only rise.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
There is set system for alcohol and kui-tan tolerance that is making it kui-tan getting drunk and then getting sober at different speeed I think. So it could be added here with setting getting score higher faster then lowering it over time. About score never drop down..I think this is kinda like behaviour: the more you do the higher it get but stop doing it and you will slowly start forgeting so I wouldn't be after making exhibitionism never drop and only rise.

Alcohol tolerance never decays, and that's a stat that would make much more sense for you to 'lose' over time. Especially over the short span of time (a few months) most people's characters probably have been out looking for their fortune at this point.

As it currently stands, it's just an annoyance to have to micromanage it, especially since gains are so slow (whereas you can spam alcohol and be at 100 within a few ingame hours with no repurcussions)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Trogdor Ahh err my bad I mean getting drunk and then becoming sober -_-' Space tanukies got her slight difference compared to other races.

To early for me to think clearly :/


Jan 8, 2016
Alcohol tolerance never decays, and that's a stat that would make much more sense for you to 'lose' over time. Especially over the short span of time (a few months) most people's characters probably have been out looking for their fortune at this point.

In fairness, alcohol tolerance doesn't fade that quickly. The course of the game (<1 year) isn't really long enough for it to be a significant point of contention, imo.

As for exhibitionism, I always assumed it fading was to do with segregation of gameplay/"story". If it didn't fade, you'd permanently be an exhibitionist. If you want to stay an exhibitionist, you just need to perform exhibitionist behaviours (assuming you like that kind of thing, there's no reason anyone who wants to be an exhibitionist wouldn't). So in the end the fading is there as a pretty slow 'off switch'.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
As for exhibitionism, I always assumed it fading was to do with segregation of gameplay/"story". If it didn't fade, you'd permanently be an exhibitionist. If you want to stay an exhibitionist, you just need to perform exhibitionist behaviours (assuming you like that kind of thing, there's no reason anyone who wants to be an exhibitionist wouldn't). So in the end the fading is there as a pretty slow 'off switch'.

For PC to become even a mild exhibitionist you need to engage in an activity directly related to the kink a dozen times. Moreover, the first stage of exhibitionism applies only minor changes to the scenes that have variants based on it, and when/if the negative consequences of high exhibitionism score would be implemented, they probably wouldn't be applied to that level. If the character reaches the second threshold, the player is pretty much guaranteed to enjoy exhibition-related content.

Having some way to revert the process is a good idea, but I'm not sure that the daily stat decay is the best solution and I'm positive that the current rate at which it happens is ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Probably timespan we got something to do ingame still affect rate of decay. Aside few long terms things still 4 to 6 weeks is all we need to complete 95% of content without much rushing.

On other way of reversiong it would be making some actions lower it so there would be no need to use current way of decay. But well what would it be that stil fit for game theme?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Probably timespan we got something to do ingame still affect rate of decay. Aside few long terms things still 4 to 6 weeks is all we need to complete 95% of content without much rushing.

On other way of reversiong it would be making some actions lower it so there would be no need to use current way of decay. But well what would it be that stil fit for game theme?

Well, just off the top of my head, a system where you lose 4% exhibitionism progress if you don't engage in any exhibitionism scenes all week would be functionally the same rate of decay as what we have now, for non-exhibitionists. But it would be a lot easier and less tedious, for those who want to be exhibitionists, to make sure they do one exhibitionism scene in a week, rather than making sure they're naked every ingame day at midnight.

Edit: Looks like Jacques is reverting the change.
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