[MECHANICAL CHANGE] Spoiler Mode for Codex Logs


Jul 21, 2017
A toggle similar to silly mode that would show unstarted quests, unmet characters, and uncompleted objectives in Quest and Encounter logs in the Codex, rather than simply not showing them.

The idea is that, in lieu of an actual achievements system, this would better allow completionists (like myself) to keep track of what things in the game still have yet to be done (rather than copying gameStats.as and using it as a to-do list and deleting stuff when it's done (which requires access to an up-to-date copy of gameStats.as (so non-donators like me have to either hope that the public GitHub repo will up to date with the latest public build this month or go through the hassle of decompiling the SWF and waiting actual minutes for it to output a hopefully-complete, 887+-thousand-line-long TiTS.as to sort through))).

if(flags["BOTHRIOC_QUEST_QUADOMME_TO_SUMMIT"] != undefined)

output2("\n<b>* Quadommes to Summit:</b> " + flags["BOTHRIOC_QUEST_QUADOMME_TO_SUMMIT"]);
if(spoiler) output2(" of 4");
if(flags["BOTHRIOC_QUEST_QUADOMME_TO_SUMMIT"] >= 4) output2(", Enough quadommes!");
else if(spoiler) output2("\n<b>* Quadommes to Summit:</b> 0 of 4");
if(flags["BOTHRIOC_QUEST_BETA_NYREA_BAITED"] != undefined) output2("\n<b>* Quadommes, Beta Nyrea Baited, Total:</b> " + flags["BOTHRIOC_QUEST_BETA_NYREA_BAITED"]);
else if(spoiler) output2("\n<b>* Quadommes, Beta Nyrea Baited, Total:</b> 0");

Essentially, this would just be adding a lot of "else if(spoiler) output2("\n<b>* foo:</b> Not done");" lines.

I've already set up the toggle that would enable this (pretty much just copy-pasted from the silly toggle), and I've added the actual display text to over half of the quest log, but I realize that this may also cause implementing more stuff in the future to require a bit of extra work, so I figured I'd get feedback here (and hopefully an OK from staff) before continuing.