Maternity and Pregnancy Question


Active Member
Aug 28, 2021
Hi... I have 2 questions:

1. If you have 2 active pregnancies and you go to Maternity on Tavros will it speed through both pregnancies or just the shortest one? I want to give my tentacle kid a sibling and being in maternity is the only way I've found so far to keep the baby, but I don't wanna be stuck there for the duration of my Zil pregnancy.

2. If I'm in the Nursery when I give birth will the drone scene be skipped and the baby/babies automatically go into the nursery?

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
1. If you have 2 active pregnancies and you go to Maternity on Tavros will it speed through both pregnancies or just the shortest one? I want to give my tentacle kid a sibling and being in maternity is the only way I've found so far to keep the baby, but I don't wanna be stuck there for the duration of my Zil pregnancy.
Tried this out on my pc, who had 10 hours left on one pregnancy and 10 days left on the other. Went to the maternity area and said yes to the full duration, and it skipped ahead 10 hours leaving my pc with the 10 day pregnancy still to go.

Interestingly, doing this skipped the probe scene even though this was a breedwell rahn eggnancy, so I'm guessing the tamani drone didn't get the newborns? I wonder if my Steele will get sanctioned for this at breedwell?

2. If I'm in the Nursery when I give birth will the drone scene be skipped and the baby/babies automatically go into the nursery?

I then skipped time in the nursery and waited until I had less than 8 hours left on the other pregnancy, and just went to sleep in the pc's apartment inside the nursery. The scene that displayed was the drone turning up to collect the children even though I was inside it. I think the game only skips the drones if you choose to do so in the nursery prompt.

Additionally, I don't know if you're aware, it's not an all or nothing choice. when in the nursery apartment you can choose "Maybe" and select a custom time to stay (it's given in minutes) with the time until your next scheduled birth displayed.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2021
Additionally, I don't know if you're aware, it's not an all or nothing choice. when in the nursery apartment you can choose "Maybe" and select a custom time to stay (it's given in minutes) with the time until your next scheduled birth displayed.
I had no clue actually. lol I'm definitely gonna be paying more attention at the Maternity prompt text time I'm in Tavros; being able to customize a time is a million times better than being stuck in there constantly.

Tried this out on my pc, who had 10 hours left on one pregnancy and 10 days left on the other. Went to the maternity area and said yes to the full duration, and it skipped ahead 10 hours leaving my pc with the 10 day pregnancy still to go.

Interestingly, doing this skipped the probe scene even though this was a breedwell rahn eggnancy, so I'm guessing the tamani drone didn't get the newborns? I wonder if my Steele will get sanctioned for this at breedwell?

Ok, that's awesome as hell. That means I can do what I was gonna try and I can be out there in the wilderness once more.

I saw in another thread that you get a warning for it if you do maternity with a breedwell eggnancy and that the babies go to the nursery (and after that I think you get in some trouble for repeating it) but I'm not sure how accurate that is since I never tried to do that the last time I played the game.

I then skipped time in the nursery and waited until I had less than 8 hours left on the other pregnancy, and just went to sleep in the pc's apartment inside the nursery. The scene that displayed was the drone turning up to collect the children even though I was inside it. I think the game only skips the drones if you choose to do so in the nursery prompt.

Ok, so either way I get the drone unless I do maternity.

Thank you so much for your responses; been a major help. :)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
Maternity time skip just finishes the next pregnancy due. Of course the other pregnancies will advance the same amount of time.

If you use the maternity function, or any other means of timeskip, to skip a breedwell pregnancy, the kids will go to the nursery without any decision from you and you will get sanctioned. this is due to the structure of how pregnancies and time skips interact. So don't timeskip breedwell pregnancies unless you want to get sacntioned.

As you noticed, as long as you leave a little time left and then have the birth normally, you will get the drone scene as normal.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
Maternity time skip just finishes the next pregnancy due. Of course the other pregnancies will advance the same amount of time.

If you use the maternity function, or any other means of timeskip, to skip a breedwell pregnancy, the kids will go to the nursery without any decision from you and you will get sanctioned. this is due to the structure of how pregnancies and time skips interact. So don't timeskip breedwell pregnancies unless you want to get sacntioned.

As you noticed, as long as you leave a little time left and then have the birth normally, you will get the drone scene as normal.
Couldn't Breedwell pregnancies be modified to act like Zephyr's pregnancy, the pregnancy is paused until time passes normally and then Steele gives birth immediately?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
Zephyr pregnancy is set up completely different than standard pregnancies. There is no birth outside of the nursery. At the end of the pregnancy all it does is send an alert to steele to go to the nursery. They are free to ignore the alert indefinitely until they go. So the pregnancy could last 10 years if they never went to the nursery. As soon as they step foot in the nursery, the birth scene triggers. And that still doesn't stop them from using the maternity function in the nursery to timeskip and skip the birth scene.

Certainly rahn preg could be redesigned that way but it would cut out giving birth outside of wherever it is the birth scene was set to trigger, steele could decide not to go to the trigger location and delay the pregnancy indefinitely, the birth/drone scene would have to be rewritten, and there would still be the problem of skipping the drone scene using the maternity function.

Wily Rodent

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2021
I feel like there should be just a setting in the nursery computer on how to handle breedwell pregnancies...
Basically make it so that the nursery doesn't even send out probes when you are out in the field and any breedwell children born within the nursery will be sent off to breedwell as well.

That being said, the whole maternity function could be redesigned to work a bit better:
I'd like a function that skips to birth but stops for any significant codex update (such as email messages and updates on the status of certain quests) I mean, who the hell stays in a maternity ward for 4 months due to a difficult pregnancy and then afterwards checks their mails and realizes that something of importance happened three months ago?
It would require changes to how codex updates work (mostly an "important" flag) but I feel like the maternity function would be far easier to use if you didn't have to pop a save before just in case you skip something important. I've only had that happen with the frost wyrm time skip which is far more crudely implemented than the maternity function, but sitting on Uveto for four months and realizing afterwards that Roxy had given birth on Tavros all alone was kind of harsh given how easy it would have been for Captain Steele to just hop over for a quick visit.
I'd wager reading your mails is one of the things you can still do even while pregnant.

Honestly, maybe the game just needs a clean implementation of a "time skip" function that can be used for whatever people will come up with in the future. Then that time skip feature can be used by the nursery's maternity function and the frost wyrm and whatever else allows significant time skips. Just code it clean once and save yourself a lot of spaghetti code in the future.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
Would it be possible to make Maternity Wait check if the next birth is Rahn?
Sure. I guess the code could be customized to stop 1 minute before a rahn birth. Perhaps I will look into it next time I have no other projects to work on. Right now I have a lot of upcoming preg to code.

Wily Rodent, time skip is really just using the processTime function for large lengths of time. It would take a major redesign of it for it to have the option to stop on key events. However the idea of a special menu to allow setting if a rahn born in the nursery should get sent to breedwell or not could work. Again, it is something I can look at when I have time.
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