Marefolk question?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
i have a question about marfolk male's on the body type to be non wild do they need to have breasts can they be flat chested but still have a lot of femininity to be non wild or do they need the breasts too? i'm mainly just curious if a non wild femboy could work in lore?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Alchemy works better on the Champ than it does for normal people so the corollary is that it doesn't work as well on anyone who is not the Champ. It's likely that combination just doesn't do anything for marefolk; Consider Belharan Stew, which literally couldn't exist as its described if it had the kind of transformative effects on the general population as it does on us.

Alternatively that combination may work on marefolk but with limitations, so hypothetically instead of being able to remove breasts with enough uses it can only shrink them down to some theoretical minimum.
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