Marble's Addiction


Feb 5, 2017
Is there a way to recruit Marble into camp without getting addicted to her milk? I want her in my camp, but I'd like to avoid the addiction.

On a side note, her purification quest states that it starts when the player is not addicted and Marble needs to nurse. Does this mean post-addiction? Or with no addiction at all?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
To recruit Marble, you must at some point become, at least partially addicted to her milk, and then get her affection score high enough by the end of the quest. If you become 100% addicted, the addiction will become permanent, but if it's below 100%, the addiction will disappear completely over a short time, with no lingering effects on the player after it is gone. Technically the quest starts post addiction, as that's the only way to get Marble in the camp, but functionally the two (post and no addiction) are the same.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
To recruit Marlbe as non addict PC must first...get addicted to her milk. I know it's heresy but... After first msg that PC get about been adicted and visiting Marble can pick or to go for fully addict path or to fight the addition at same time winning Marble affection.

First scene is that Marble ask if PC still want to be nursed by her (after PC got notification to be addicted to her milk) and then choosen option is to say no. She will flip ut , get sad and scene will end with PC returning to the camp. After some time that PC withdrawn effects will kick in PC going t find Marble again and form this point PC need to pick option to say s/he still like Marble more that due to addition. On Smutosaur should be said which one of three options need to be picked.

Then player must visit her each time game say that PC feeling withdrawn effects to again be nice to Marble while keep making her sure it's her enot her milk PC want truly. And with such patern after few days when PC addition (showed in Stats page) would drop low enough scene for her comming to camp will proc and PC gain perk to be resistant to her milk.

For purification it starts 7-14 days after she joined. I think it's such amount - maybe be slight longer than 14 days even.


Feb 5, 2017
Thank you both. I wanted to avoid the addiction altogether because of Izma's reaction to it, but I'm also a completionist.