Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


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Jun 30, 2016
Emily just found this all quite funny as she took her own clothes and put them on, Feeling her goo on them for the first time. She shivered, "Woah thats new....", she said to herself. She then looked at her own average breasts. "You know.... I could make some adjustments....", she said with grin and then her bust, hips, and butt grew out making her short shorts and white t-shirt just a bit tighter. "Mmm~ this on the fly body editing is nice.....", she said as she cupped her own breasts. Sala blushed and then quickly got her favorite pink tube top and black baggy shorts. Jezzy just slipped on her jumpsuit and had to adjust it a little as her breasts had grown since she last wore it. Mika still had her blue shirt and black shorts combo it had been some time since she last wore clothes she felt.... constrained somehow..... it was odd. She pushed it to the back of her mind. Lover just borrowed some of mika's clothes since they were so close in size.

Soon the station loomed over head and Penny's ship got the go ahead to land.


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Oct 1, 2015
She finds her pants, boots, tanktop and duster, throwing them on before piloting the ship down to the landing by and making an easy set down. "Well.. here we are! You lead the way this time Mika."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked over at Penny, it had been sometime since she'd last seen her in her full outfit. She was the only person she knew that could actually look good in a duster.... "Right, Well um welcome to my home station Uh.... Wave rider station.", she said motioning behind her.

It was a very clean and sharp looking place. there were many busy lanes with people going about their business. It was colored in cool tones like grey, silver, and and differnt shades of blue. It was calm and cool, like an ocean breeze. There were many squiliden, humans, and La'cutom with a few Sharx spotted here and there. And maybe even a few races Penny didn't know about. It was small compared to most stations but were still a lot of people. It of course had everything a space city would need. Supermarkets, clothing stores, apartment homes and the various factors that would make use of the many raw materials mined from the small rocky word Ocomox. But the main thing that drew many to live her was the great university of WR-U, it where Mika got her degree in archeology. but there where a whole heck of a lot of other things one could learn there.

Mika showed them around giving a few comments about the history of the station and when the university was founded. It turned out that it was founded after a enterprising Squilliden Archaeologist made a finding on the world below them and set up a base to study the strange ruins found on the airless rock. Eventually it became the Wave Rider station named after the man who founded it.

Soon however, they then made their way to the housing district and soon found themselves in a very tall apartment building. "I use to well.... I sort of still legally... live here. We have a pretty um spacious living space. My mother is one of the chief engineers on the station along with my father, so.... they got a pretty nice place to raise me in...", she said as she lead them inside. It turned out the lived on the very top floor, only few families lived up there as they were reserved for the station maintenance crew.
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Oct 1, 2015
Penny follows along with big shiny eyes full of curiosity. The people, the places... whatever some of that decor was, it all fascinated her! She tried to listen to Mika's history lesson but she kept getting distracted by something or someone who was going by. Sure most of her thoughts were about how they looked out of their clothes, but some of them were honest thoughts of wonder! "Wow... the very top!?"
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Jun 30, 2016
"W-Well yes. It's not that special though I mean uh.... Lets uh.... go see them shall we?", she said as she lead them to a door marked 170. She gave a deep breath and knocked on the door...

there was a slight shuffling inside as Mika's mom went to the door. In the next moment it was open and there in front of them stood Mika's Mom, Mira Maxwell. Penny had seen her a few times before but now she could see her in the flesh. She was taller than her daughter by a few inches and her base color was green unlike Mika who was red. Her tentacle hair was also longer and got darker at the tips. Penny could see just where Mika got her looks, She was quite beautiful her face just looking like more mature version of Mika's and perhaps a little less round. She wore a rather fancy looking pair of rounded classes with gold chain on the back, while the eyes behind it were amber just like her daughter's. She wore a red, plaid, long sleeve, button up shirt that held back what looked like a bust that was even bustier then Mika's. She wore black leggings below that with some comfortable looking shoes. Her hips were also wider then Mika's more akin to Jezzy the the rest.

She gave a happy gasp as she saw Mika her little girl here at her house again! "Honey!" she shouted as she pulled her into her arms and hugged her tight! "Eeek! U-Uh um h-hi Mom....", Mika said slightly Muffled by her mom's boobs. Then she spied Penny and gasped again, "Oh and you brought Penny too! Oh how wonderful!", she squealed in excitement as she took Penny by the hand and then pulled her into her hug with Mika. "Oooh! It just so good to see you!"


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Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiles happily as she watches mother and daughter embrace. Her smile only gets larger as she is dragged into the embrace, happily hugging both of the busty squid girls. "Hello Mira! It is very good to finally meet you in person! I can see where Mika gets her charming looks. However... there are a few others you have to meet now as well."
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Jun 30, 2016
Mira looks over Penny's shoulder to see the whole pod! She was surprised by just how many girls Mika was with! Why it was a like harem! Penny's mom had explained the concept of a pod to her before, but seeing it first hand was a bit surprising. "My goodness! so many beautiful ladies~." she said looking at each one in turn. Sala waved a little, Emily put and arm around Sala, Jezzy gave short bow, while Lover gave a wink. "I think I remember heather saying something about you girls... You'll have to tell all about yourselves. Please, do come in, I was just making some green tea.", she said motioning everyone inside.


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Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiles happily and steps in first, looking around their home with child like wonder! "Wooow! Nice place you have here!"


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Jun 30, 2016
"Why thank you dear~.", Mira said playfully as she followed in after them. The words simple, rounded, stylish would be what would use to describe her childhood home. Everything was organized but still set out in way that made it feel more homely then regimented. the living room was rounded with curved couch, a holo screen custom build by Mika's father sat at the other end. Mika's father didn't seem to be around. "Dav, Mika's father, is out right now but he'll be here later. But anyway! Please have a seat! Frist I just have to know about that little adorable girl you brought with you~.", Mira said as she started pouring tea for everyone. "You mean.... me?", Sala said sitting down on the couch with Emily still holding on. She now understood the feeling Penny had when it came to being close to Mika all the time.... "Oh yes, Sala right? Heather told me quite a bit about you. You're a bit special I hear. ", she said with warm grin, while very tactfully hinting at her hermdom.

"Penny must be quite lucky to find a girl like you out and about.", she said passing a tray around with the steaming green tea. "W-Well I.... I guess she is....", Sala said beginning to blush. "And you're smitten with my little girl are you~?", Mira said giving Sala a slight smirk. Mika and Sala both looked at eachother then quickly looked away blushing. "Well I mean.... we uh ya'know l-like each other a bunch. Even if we don't say too much to each other.....", Sala said hand in the back of her head trying to hold in her blush.


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Oct 1, 2015
Penny heads over to the couch and sits down with a smile, looking to Mika and patting her lap before looking to Jezzy and patting the spot next to her. "Yes! Sala is a very special girl and a beloved member of our pod! As for my own luck... well it depends on what point you are looking at. Luck with pod mates? Oh yes, great luck! Luck with ship functions.... not so much."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh my, well at least it seems you ship is ok now.", Mira said as she sat across from pod. MIka sat on Penny's lap daintily feeling a little silly to be doing that with her mom watching. Jezzy took a seat after taking a drink. "Aw.... I think i can remeber green tea.... yeah good stuff.", she mused. "Oh And you must be Jezzy, the poor girl who's lost her memory?", Mira said after patting her hand. "Oh.... yeah that's me.... I try not to let it bother me too much....", she said looking away wistfully. "Oh and where's that fun girl? Emily? The doctor? She was human right where is she?", Mira said looking over all the girl with a slightly confused look. "Oh dear.... We didn't tell anyone....", Emily said looking at her gooey hand.


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Oct 1, 2015
"That is Emily!" She says cheerfully, pointing to the other galora in the room. "Loooooooooooooooong story short, we found a race changing ray that... uh... ok I am not good at the smart bits, that is Mika's area. But from what little I could understand, it changes all of you into something else... but for real. Like, no time limit or risk of changing back without another zap of the gun." She pauses for a moment. "Mika, did I get that right?"
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Jun 30, 2016
"Uh um, yeah... that's the.... long and short of it really...", Mika said a bit at a loss to add anything. Mira's eyebrows raised and she looked closer at Emily, while emily gave a half smile at her. "Uh, yep have a real face and arm now.... being gooey is really fun!", she said shrugging. "Well now, that's... a bit hard to believe but, she really looks like the Emily I've seen in pictures you've sent Mika.... If i were you I'd keep this a secret. The who knows how people will act if they heard about something like this.", she said cautiously. "But! that being said I think you look great dear!", she said grinning warmly. "thanks Mrs.Maxwell!", Emily said smiling back.

Then her eyes went to Lover. "Ah and this is?". "Lover ma'am. I'm well.... kinda an android. I have chosen to live life in a body and I love it! I've also made it my duty to help Mika and Penny in any way they need.", Lover said brightly. "Goodenss you really do have an interesting set of girls around you Penny~. So tell me.... how is Mika doing you know, "coming out of her shell" wise?", she asked he voice taking a very subtle teasing tone.


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Oct 1, 2015
"Oh you know, slowly but surely. Honest it is both great and disappointing. It is getting harder and harder to make her squeak and try to hide behind the nearest object. At the same time, the universe seems to have it out for her clothes so I am sure with enough patients she will end up naked... oh... in a shopping mall or something!"
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Jun 30, 2016
Mika seemed to turn completely red and curl up in embarrassment. "P-Penny! M-Mom!", she squeaked. Sala would blush too out of habit.... the thought of Mika stark naked in a mall (again) made her grow a bit hard. "She has done that once actually! Remember when we had her be our doggy! It was great!", Emily said chuckling. "C-Can we not talk about this in front of my mom!", Mika squeaked still curled up.


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Oct 1, 2015
"I think in front of your mother is the best time to talk about this!" She says with a big grin on her face. "Your daughter can be quite the naughty girl when put in the right situation!"
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Jun 30, 2016
Mika groaned and had her hand over her face, She really wanted to change the subject she looked like she was about to say something but Emily cut across her. " Yep super naughty. didn't we have her stand in for a model in an anatomy class? That was the best!", Emily said grinning the teasing was just too fun. Mira would chuckle, "Oh dear me how did that go?", she asked Penny knowing tha Mika would not spill the beans.


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Oct 1, 2015
"Oh that was pretty fun! She got to stand naked in front of an entire college class room and show off all her bits! For science of course." She says with a wink. "Including how stretchy she is... and how your people can ink things!"
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Jun 30, 2016
"Oh wow! So adventurous~. My little girl is finally getting out there and having lots of fun! I can't thank you enough Penny dear.", Mira said after giving her a quick hug. Mika meanwhile was balling up even more her here colors shifting to try and change the same color as the couch. "Oh Mika, don't hide.", said her mom rubbing her daughter's back. "So tell me what brings you here? did you just come to visit?", Mira said taking a seat again. "No a-actually.... we need to use your supercomputer mom. there's this code i can't seem to crack.... I-It's uh..... for my research.", Mika said, glad that the subject was finally off of her. "Oh really? Well then I suppose I can let you use it. Though, if it's really hard to crack it might take while. But that just means you get to spend more time with mommy~!", Mira said teasingly.

After that Mira let Mika input the data from the body changer to be slowly decoded by Mira powerful computer. she normally would just use it for her job as an engineer, usually to make many calculations about her projects, she would try to predict any faults in her designs by running tons of simulations on her machine. So, it had to be powerful... Making it perfect for decoding as well.

"Well like i said that might take some time... so why don't you girls go have some fun!", Mira said grinning warmly.


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Oct 1, 2015
"That sounds better than just sitting around here waiting on a computer! What is there to do around here on the station Mira? Clubs? Bars? Amusement parks?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Well do have all of those things... I'd recommend the arcade. Its super cool! Right Mika?", Mira said grinning. "Well.... yeah actually, Though they probably have gotten new stuff since the last time I was there.....", Mika said as she remembered the old place. "Ok lets go!", Emily cheered. "Ok have fun! oh and be her for dinner I'b be making traditional squiliden foods!", Mira called after them as they left. "Well she's nice....", Jezzy said. "Oh yes, I would very much like to talk more with her.", said Lover. "Well I'm glad she doesn't mind this whole..... er.... pod situation. It kinda weird when i think about it....", Sala said rubbing the back of her head. "Ya'know.... It's like we're in some kinda harem anime eh?", Emily said chuckling. Sala rolled her eyes at that.


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Oct 1, 2015
"Meh, that just gets into the old argument of arguing ideas on how to live your life. Rather than doing that, why don't we go play arcade games? That sounds like way more fun if you ask me."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
And so they made their way to the arcade with little trouble, the place was quite easy to find. the Wave rider arcade was a very retro in look and style. lots of hot pinks and light blue lights would add to the retro feel. the sign was even made with real neon! It had a sort of class all its own... inside were games that were anything from decades old to current cutting edge VR. Sala would gravitate to the older games... she quite liked the twin stick shooters of yester years, Emily was happy to watch and join in here an there with her, her hands on her whenever she could. Her no galora form just made her want to touch Sala at all times... Jezzy would play the shooting simulators not surprisingly she was quite good at them... Meanwhile Mika would take Penny around find something for them to do together. only then did Mika find something in the back of the place that certainly wasn't there when she was a kid.....

There was a new wing of the arcade called the "XXX-treme gaming wing" Mika would look at it for a long hard moment. "Oh dear..... does that mean.... what I think it does?", she said cautiously.


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Oct 1, 2015
A horrible mischievous grin slowly spreads over her face as understanding washes over her as they see that sign. "Oh yes! That is exactly what it means! And we are soooooo doing that! No arguing!" She grabs Mika's hand and starts tugging her gently towards the back section.
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Jun 30, 2016
A darkly clothed human man would open the black velvety curtain with a knowing grin, lovers were quite drawn to this place, so he knew what he saw when he saw it. He would give curt nod to Penny as she dragged Mika inside. Mika would squirm here and there as she tried to make excuses. "W-W-Wait! B-B-But! It's bit sketchy.... d-don't you think?", Mika said slightly dreading what she might see once they round the corner, but also maybe just a tiny bit curious.

Around the corner they found a place as large the arcade they just came from except it was far darker inside and there was thumping music playing in the background. scantily clad ladies of many different species would serve drinks to the patrons. they would wear cute mini top hats with collars and cuffs while their crotches and breasts would be covered only with black c-strings with little bows and little black pasties. Sometimes people would give them the tokens they won to make them take off their small covering to walk about naked.

But next to that there were all manner of lewd games everywhere! Some were just pornified video games that you could simply fap to as you played but also there were lewd versions of "whack-a-mole" called "take-a-dick", where a player would have to "catch" a certain number of dildos in their butts or pussies to win. there were lewd crane games full of colorful sex toys. and there were a large number of two player sexs games, some could even be controlled buy taking a dildo as a joystick and then move on that to control the game. Penny could have sworn she even saw exhbibonist machines like the one Mika had an "unfortunate" accident with.... some people were using them even now..... Mika almost fainted on the spot! she'd never been exposed to so much lewdness at once!


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Oct 1, 2015
"This is it... I can never top this." Penny says with wide eyes full of wonder. "The top of the pervert chain. I think this is heaven in space." She looks around at all the games, her smile slowly fading a bit. "I don't think I can play most of these... I think it would be cheating." Her smile instantly comes back. "Which means you will have to win me some prize tokens Mika!" She grabs her wrist again and starts walking her towards the 'Take-a-dick' machine!
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Jun 30, 2016
Mika had a hand over her mouth as her knees wobbled and colors would shift from light blue, to yellow, then to purple lust. All around them were the sounds of games and lots of lewd moans of pleasure. there were signs that would show a busty squillden girl butt naked with a thumbs up. it read: nudity friendly zone! feel free to show some skin! Make sure to keep track of you stuff though, and have fun!" another read, condoms and lube provided free for playing customers. feel free to fuck on any of our extra soft benches!

Mika would look around all over trying to advert her eye from all this lewdness, but no matter where she looked there were pussies, butts, penises, and boobs all over the place, be them real or on a screen. Mika stumbled in Penny's grip as she said, "W-What!? M-Me?!" with her voice getting cute and squeaky like it so often does in these sorts of situations.

Mika even began to change to the same color as the very dark red velvety floor around them. "Fuck!", cried a four armed pink skinned alien girl as she came on the machine, a dildo thrust into her lewdly exposed pussy. she had to keep moving her crotch to keep up with the thrusting dildos appearing out of the holes. Everytime she took one it gave here a point! she got bonus points for taking one in the butt at the same time as her pussy. They only stayed up for as long as someone could push one inside before they would slip back in. Every once and a while a gold one would pop up that would be worth more points! there were was place to place you feet to keep you steady while trying to penetrate yourself on the shiny rubber dicks. Mika would watch half in horror and half in lust as the big four armed girl would get a high score! once that happened she was allowed to fuck herself silly on the machine while a cute little jingle was played behind her.

She got off after she got off, squirting and moaning in triumph. She would get off and wink at Mika and said, "Good luck cuite~!", said the four armed busty girl not even bothering to put her pants back on.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well that was a real performance she just put on! You gotta one up her Mika!" She says happily, already having undone her blazer and let her tits hang free again. "Come on girl, get out of those clothes and win me some prizes! IT would be too easy for me to do it... being made of goo and all!"


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Jun 30, 2016
Mika's heart "ka-thumped" in her chest as she was put in front of the machine, her legs wobbling. "B-B-But E-Everyone will l-look at me!", she said meekly, looking at Penny over her shoulder. Perhaps Mika just needed tiny bit of convincing,
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Oct 1, 2015
She grins and takes off her coat, freeing her big gooey breasts before hugging Mika from behind, gently cupping her boobs in her hands. "And that is a good thing." She coos into her ear while gently groping her chest. "You have so much so show Mika, after all, you are likely the descendant of a fertility goddess." She gently slides her hands down and starts tugging gently on her shirt. "Why not show it off hmm?"
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