Make Me Wet - v0.0.3 public


Mar 22, 2018
Hey guys!

over the past few months I worked hard on my erotic game project called "Make Me Wet". I recently released version 0.0.3 for the public!
You all can download and play the latest version now!

game description
At the start of the game you move into an apartment that you are sharing with your roommate "Rebecca". The aim of the game is to develop a relationship to her, win her trust and make her lust rise - with all the consequences...
You can raise her lust by touching her body in different situations and raise the relation to her by doing things or saying the right words. To make this easier you can find out what she likes by browsing the net for her online profile or hacking her computer to read her diary.
The game uses sounds which in my opinion is one of the most underrated elements in most games with adult content.

You can find a more detailed description and download it on my patreon:

It seems to me that there are very experienced adult game players in this forum. It would be amazing if some of you could give it a try and give me some feedback. I really would appreciate all kind of feedback! I think I managed to remove the biggest bugs. At least on my machine it runs without problems now.

Thank you in advance!
- femfac

some screens of latest version 0.0.3



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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
Look, I'm sorry. I really had to wrestle with myself over whether I should say this, or whether I should subscribe to the principle of "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all", especially since I haven't actually played the game, but you did say you wanted "all kind of feedback". So I'm sorry, but...

I don't really think I can bring myself to play this because that girl has THE creepiest face I've EVER seen in a 3D porn game. Those eyes. She looks like some kind of creepy eyeless mutant who painted large colourful eyes on the bare stretch of skin on her upper face in a desperate attempt to fit in with normal humans. Makes me think of the fendahl core.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2016
Have to say I'm with Jash on this one, I perhaps wouldn't have said it so harshly, but he has a point


Mar 22, 2018
Alright Alright I get your point. And as I said, all kind of feedback is appreciated. So thanks for that.
Could you also make / link a good example for "sexy eyes" as you excepted them? This would be very helpful for me.
And is there anything else in the graphics that you dislike besides her eyes?


Active Member
Jul 1, 2017
I don't really have a problem with the eyes but I'm guessing the irises are too big. Perhaps even the eyes themselves too big but thats hard for me to say. They seem to have almost anime eye proportions which can look a bit odd when not on an anime character. Also while having a more detailed explanation on patreon is fine, it would help you out a lot to post at least a brief description on whatever forums you post the game. A lot of people won't click a patreon link unless they have already decided they want to play the game.

For anyone curious. You play as a guy (i think?) who moved into a new apartment and you have a girl roommate. You are supposed to "make her wet" as the title implies through dialogue choices and touching her (not sure if that means like touching her arm when you talk or something more "direct"). Sex will ensue eventually if successful. Basically a dating sim. One girl for now but plans for more in your apartment building.

Doesn't really seem to be to my type of game so I wasn't planning on trying it out myself but the idea is sound and I imagine a lot of people would like the idea of it if it's executed well.


Mar 22, 2018
Thanks for the feedback. I will update the description of my initial post of the thread.

The advice with the eyes was a very good one I think (also thanks to Jash!). I'm already working on it. Thanks ;D


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
Thanks for the feedback. I will update the description of my initial post of the thread.

The advice with the eyes was a very good one I think (also thanks to Jash!). I'm already working on it. Thanks ;D
Oh, you're welcome. I'm glad I didn't accidentally discourage you from coming back here. I think YSlayer put a pin in it; the eyes look like an anime girl's eyes put on a non-anime girl, kinda like this. Also, it might help if your preview images showed Rebecca making an expression other than smiling- it would play down her "doll-like" appearance.

Also, now that I take a really close look at her face (something I'd been avoiding doing before because she creeped me out) I think there's far too much space between her eyes and her actual cheekbones, and her eyes seem sunken back into her skull relative to her nose. It's more obvious depending on the angle- in your preview images, look at the one second from the bottom on the right. Look at the gap between Rebecca's left eye and her mouth, especially compared to the gap between her mouth and her nose. It's HUGE. I even went and looked at myself in the mirror (and turned my face to that angle and smiled like that) to make sure I wasn't just imagining it- I wasn't. The face is the SINGLE most-important aspect of a character's design in a porn game, because if it's even subtly off the uncanny valley effect will kill any boners dead.

I also read a comment from someone who'd played it that Rebecca seemed like she was originally meant to be your sister and that you pretty obviously rewrote it to remove the incest angle because of Patreon's guidelines. Dunno about that myself, but is there any truth to that?


Mar 22, 2018
Thanks again for the excellent feedback. I'm feeling a little bit honored that even when you stand in front of a mirror are thinking about my game ;D

Discouraged is the wrong expression I think. The stronger feeling is disappointment - when you are working on a character that you created entirely by yourself and worked on it for over half a year that in the end scares some people to death isn't funny at all. But I learned a lot from this, I'm improving and carrying on to make it better. In the end learning doesn't work without making mistakes I guess...

About the incest thing: Actually I think you can easily rewrite or manipulate almost any game to either content incest material or not. It's this easy as renaming the character role "your girlfriend" or "your neighbor" to "your sister" or if you are a little bit older rename it to "your daughter" if you like. The character then just doesn't call you by your character's name anymore but calls you "brother" or "daddy". Take any game and probably this will work without problems and in the end also appear "pretty obviously"...
The point is: what a player imagines and interprets into a character's role while playing a game is completely his own decision and not under control by anyone. I can only say for my side that incest content was never intended in my game.
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Mar 22, 2018
After all the constructive feedback and input I made it to rework her complete face. To replace her old face with the new one
I had to re-render a large part of the the game's images. But finally it's done!

I recently published version 0.0.2 to my dear patrons who also gave me motivation to go through this process.
So if you want to check what her new face looks like you can just visit my patron to see some renders (I also will change the screens above).

I think I will make this version public soon. So all can play the version with the new graphics.
And again: any kind of feedback is appreciated!

Thank you so much guys!


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
The anatomy is certainly a lot more realistic and less creepy. I'd say there's still room for improvement, but I doubt you want to completely redo all the game's art over and over again trying to get it perfect, so I guess it's good enough and presents a unique style.

I'll have a look at it some time when I have the time (and when the free version comes out).


Mar 22, 2018
Thanks again for the feedback. Just the fact that you are considering to have a look makes me happy :D

I surely will continue to refine some parts of her body or her face as the project progresses but for the time being I'm heading to create new content. It's also planned to introduce more characters later so their appearance will profit from the improvements I already made / will make on "Rebecca".


New Member
Sep 12, 2017
I'll be checking this out. tbh I have no issue with the look of the main character. Actually I find it refreshing that an adult game has a "realistic" character. Every damn game has the same super boobed milfs usually so I for one am happy that someone has created a character that actually stands out. After all this thread has people talking about her. for the good or the bad comments people are noticing her. Which is a good thing. Most of the characters in these games are highly forgettable to say the least.
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Mar 22, 2018
Thanks for your kind and motivating feedback!

I wanted to create a unique style which was the reason why I decided to create my very own character models.
This way surely costs more energy and time than to just buy some finished models. So it is a pleasure that people are appreciating the style I create that way.


Active Member
May 20, 2017
really high potential. i really look forward to the future development of the game! btw, do you plan to implement any further fetishes into the game like preggo, or prostitution? or do you plan to implement the ability to explore the city and interact with it?