Lusamine Blurb Idea Thread


Jun 24, 2016
There's a mercenary deer-girl coming to town who could use more quips -- so for all of you weirdos out there who want to potentially get something in the game without credit, this is the perfect chance for you! Before you post, please read these requirements!
  1. It must be about one of 6 topics:
    • People (local Hawkethorne residents, mercenaries & companions)
    • Tronarii (if you haven't read the wiki or chatted with Jen, do so first)
    • Advice & Tips (like brushing your teeth)
    • Encounters & World (things that don't fit into People or might be context hints to guide the player)
    • Puns (you fucking know what these are)
    • Random & Misc ("shitpost" material that doesn't fit any of this or is completely absurd/unrelated)
  2. It must be a simple topic/pitch -- this is so I can sort through them quickly.
  3. Try not to give outright spoilers if you do a topic that may be one. The goal is to help people/give them a path/way to seek out hints, not ruin things for them.
If you can follow these three things, post below! And try to format it as Topic: Idea. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
canuck land.
Pun ideas:The local bakery has the best doe. Those frost manders are Neat but some are violent they need to CHILL OUT. If you wanted to get a harpy mad you would have to egg them on.
Advice:Fur care she has a deer tail does she also have deer legs with fur? How to maintain bronze armor color. (mercs busts have colored armor apparently you can color Bronze.)
Random encounter: Lusamine feeding a wild deer (we hear wyd elfs are connected to nature why not show it?)

More Ideas for random encounters: Cait and Lusamine gossiping about other town folk or companions.
Talking to sugo about hair care. Lusamine getting shit face drunk with the mercs. Lusamine talking to Ethryn about that sweet hawk.
Last edited:


New Member
Jan 27, 2019
Advice: "Beware of the forest mushrooms! Never eat any new, unknown edibles raw unless you have a good idea of what they'll do to you. Always try to experiment with them through alchemy first!"
Advice: "Remember to always bring camping supplies with you when you go out exploring! Being able to set up a place to rest and recuperate between battles can mean the difference between victory and anal eradication!"
Advice: "Try to make good practice of sensing and exploiting the weaknesses of your enemies! Sometimes a battle is won not through brute force, but through careful strategy!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Here's your big chance to get a completely uncredited line into the game under someone else's name is a good one.


Jun 24, 2016
Here's your big chance to get a completely uncredited line into the game under someone else's name is a good one.
Yeah, because a single idea or two -- completely rewritten -- is credited in all works of writing.

Just shut up dude.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Acting like you're doing someone a favor by using their material and not giving them any credit for it -is- a glib quip.

It's one thing to ask for help but it's another to joke about how it's their big chance to get all the glamor of an unpaid internship.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
canuck land.
Acting like you're doing someone a favor by using their material and not giving them any credit for it -is- a glib quip.

It's one thing to ask for help but it's another to joke about how it's their big chance to get all the glamor of an unpaid internship.
You are making a huge deal out of something minor. One it is bubble Lords Character. Two these are ideas not like he's asking to make a full doc. You make it sound like he is asking people to do the work when he is simply asking for ideas. So please drop it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
I never picked it up. Pointing out the glibness of making a joke about giving him ideas - and formatted in the way he'd like to see them, no less - for the honor of getting absolutely no credit for them is just that. If that jab hurts then maybe it'd be worth acting a little more conscientious when asking for ideas.

It's not to the same extent of course but working in academia and publishing I've seen far too many people who're perfectly willing to put their name on other people's hard work with the attitude that the opportunity was more than enough compensation.
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Resident Coke Addict
Aug 5, 2018
"I hear that Garret guy is only interested in women. That's a shame; I was going to try to set him up with Boomer"
"How do you think Gwyn deals with all those kids running around?"
"I think Garret is actually Gwyn's baby daddy, and neither of them want to fess up."
"How do you think Garth got his limp? Any time I ask, I just get glared at. He's <b>really</b> good at glaring."

"Have you seen the hair on some of the orcs of the Kervus Tribe that's set up camp in the foothills? How do you think they get it to be that nice?"

"Our Lieutenant is Jenerally pretty nice, even if she puts on a grumpy face most of the time."


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2018
Colony 9
  • Encounters: PC finds Lusamine in the woods and helps her fight off some wolves. PC finds the reversal of the food chain to be amusing (assuming regular, normal deer exist in this world).
  • Puns: Possibly silly mode exclusive; if your character is a wyld elf with deer features, Lusamine exclusively calls PC "dear". ex. Opening line: Great to see you again, dear.
  • Shitpost: Ivris and Lusamine run into each other in town (literally) and have a difficult time untangling their antlers (assuming Lusamine has antlers that is).