Lubricated skin doesn't activate the Pheromone Sweat perk


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
If the in-game description of "Skin Clear" is to be believed then Steele having the lubricated skin flag, means that they're secreting a sweat. However, the "Pheromone Sweat"-perk doesn't activate with it at all.

At least reading the scene, when Steele acquires lubricated skin via the item, gave me the impression that it would at least "award" the lower level bonuses of "Pheromone Sweat".

Skin clear description (the last part of it):
Shortly after, your skin begins to glimmer, the torrential output of liquid slows to a crawl. It doesn’t stop, though, continuing to cover you in a perpetual layer of slickness. Shrugging, you experimentally brush a hand across the surface of your body, shivering as it slides across your newly lubed skin.

When Steele's skin already has the "aphrodisiac" tag, then adding "lubricated" to it, also describes it as aphrodisiac sweat in the character description.


Aug 26, 2015
I'll need your save file to look into this more, but from what I gather, "Pheromone Sweat" only levels per "Sweaty" layer, so lubricated skin is a separate value (though it does contribute to the Pheromone Sweat perk). Also, aphrodisiac skin is also treated as separate from pheromones (one is for contact, the other is for scent, at least how I interpret it so far--though I can see how the generic use of the word may make things confusing).


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
(though it does contribute to the Pheromone Sweat perk)
Oh, it does. I didn't do enough testing, I just realized. I falsely believed that "Lubricated Skin: 2" was it's own thingy in combination with the aphrodisiac skin tag.
  • Pheromone Level: 10/10 ┕ Musky Pheromones: 5 ┕ Alpha Scent: 4 ┕ Jungle Queen Scent: 4 ┕ Pheromone Sweat: 0 ┕ Lubricated Skin: 2
Could you maybe make it so, that it's clearer for players where those 2 points come from? Other than that, I was just "holding it wrong". Sorry.


Aug 26, 2015
Could you maybe make it so, that it's clearer for players where those 2 points come from? Other than that, I was just "holding it wrong". Sorry.
Sure, what do you suggest? I think "Lubricated Skin" is pretty self-explanatory, but if there is confusion there, I'd like to correct that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Screenshot 2024-08-13 225318.png

I can only say what would've helped me, but I'll try to make a sound suggestion: Moving "┕ Lubricated Skin: 2" a bit more to the right, so it becomes a bit more obvious that it's a sub category of "Pheromone Sweat", could help.
  • Pheromone Level: 10/10
  • Musky Pheromones: 5
  • Alpha Scent: 4
  • Jungle Queen Scent: 4
  • Pheromone Sweat: 7
    • "┕ Lubricated Skin: 2
    • "┕ Sweat Level: 5
Something like this maybe? You guys already did it perfectly with the "Pheromone Level" and its sub categories, leading up to "Pheromone Sweat". So I'd just expand on that.


Aug 26, 2015
Okay, I made an adjustment for the next release. The Pheromone stats should now print out more accurately as a nested list, where applicable.
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