Looking for players for d&d and an StarWars Campaign


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hi , I am recruiting players for old republic star wars d20 tabletop rpg and a 3.5 d&d CoC Campaign both in roll 20 with the same group of people (but you aren't forced to join both if you don't want to)
the games occur Monday at 6 am west coast (-8h GMT) they alternate on a weekly basis (one week one game another week the other)

CoC d&d
It uses the setting of corruption of champions with the extras made by the revamp mod. Players are around Lvl 15, a lot have happened so far (many dungeons have been cleared ) there are also some changes to the 3.5 system to fit more with CoC.

It is still at the starting point, no major happening so far .While adult in theme and containing sex it isn't the major focus of the campaign.

please contact me if you are interested.


Feb 22, 2016
I am hosting a session of the Star Wars game this morning. It's heavily story driven and all races and classes are welcome. A quick google search will provide you with online source books if you don't already have any already. All of the players are friendly though their characters may not be. Come join the adventure in a galaxy far far away today!


New Member
Apr 19, 2017
this seems really entrusting, i also have a roll20 account just pm me and ill send it to you