Looking for people to collaborate with on a brothel-style game


New Member
May 21, 2016
This is aimed to be something in the vein of games like Slave Maker, Whore Master, Sim Brothel, etc. In other words yet another brothel management kind of game. The genre has a lot of potential but I feel like every game is inevitably bogged down by micro-managing, soulless repetition of generic cut-and-paste content, and poor writing. I'd like to create a game that avoids those pitfalls. Streamlined gameplay that mostly manages itself with a little guidance from the player so that they can focus on immersing themselves in their interactions and sex with other characters.

The title I had in mind was Harem & Brothel. Like the name suggests, you're meeting characters and you have to decide for each one whether you want to make them your lover or turn them into a prostitute, with different events, conversations, and consequences depending on each choice. The idea is that you get to keep all your favorites for yourself and use the rest to earn money. Make money with the brothel, make babies with the harem.


^ Some character sprites I've made to potentially be used in the game but also just for fun. In true brothel-management fashion the characters are drawn from various games and anime and whatnot in one big crossover. Not all these sprites are complete, by the way.

In these games what you typically do is order your characters around with zero actual interaction with the world itself, and the only thing resembling an obstacle is basically how long the player can keep going until they get bored. Those are two big design issues that I want to tackle. You've got actual adversaries, obstacles to your success which threaten to defeat you if you do poorly. Organizations, businesses, factions which are all doing their own thing separate from the player with set objectives. They can be friendly, neutral, hostile, vary depending on the player's actions, whatever. If you've played Sengoku Rance or Long Live the Queen, it'll be something like that--it starts simple but more and more enemies get introduced the further in you get.

You'll have to deal with events each turn (which is a day or week or whatever) and decide how to react, influencing your relationship with these other groups, and eventually become big enough to wipe them out, take them over, or just get them to leave you alone. A basic example of this might be Don Corneo from FF7, he's got his gang and they're becoming hostile towards you because your business is getting threatening. You can either go to war with him or try to capture Tifa somewhere, if you don't already have her, and offer her as a present to get on his good side.


Along the way you're recruiting characters into your ranks and giving them orders, something like in this image. There are three ways that I want to differentiate this from similar games.

First is that there's no notion of needing to rest. The characters have energy but they basically just work each turn until it's empty and then it gets refilled when the next turn begins, so there's no micro-managing all your workers every turn to see who needs to rest and who's ready to work again.

The second is to have a battle-fuck system (RPG sex combat if you're unfamiliar with the term), a mini-game, or something like that. The sex in these management games is typically unsatisfying because there's no substance, you just get the same couple sentences each time and that's that.

The third is to have individual events written for each character to give flavor to their interactions with the player, their sex scenes, and their overall role in the world. Every time I think about this genre I arrive at the same conclusion, that there will never be a satisfying game until one of them includes actual hand-written content instead of generic messages leaving everything to the player's imagination.

Who I'm Looking For:

I can handle the character sprites and RPG Maker side of things. The two big roles I'm looking to fill are a lead writer and area mapper. I probably will contribute to the writing here and there, but I'm a slow writer and I think it's just too much for me to handle on my own. As for a mapper, again, it's something I can do if I invest enough time but other people are faster and better and it would just be more efficient for me to put my efforts into other areas.

If you're interested in writing, it would help to be decently familiar with a broad range of games and anime, or willing to check out ones you haven't played/seen. I'm not gonna expect you to marathon through a bunch of shit or anything, just be willing to take a look at the source material and get a feel for it. I can probably provide you with basic scenarios for most characters I've got planned anyway and bounce ideas back and forth, so you hardly have to know everything like the back of your hand or anything like that. Also, if there are characters you personally want to add, that's cool, too. Events would additionally on average probably be shorter than, say, CoC. I think "brief" is probably the aim here, so don't feel like you have to write massive amounts unless you want to.

As for a mapper, I was thinking of largely incorporating locations from the source material, but I think there will be original locations as well, so it might be best if you feel confident about making both. In the end the most important thing is that the areas just look good. Exploration is a thing that most of these kinds of games don't have, but I think it would go a long way over the whole game just being played by navigating menus. I don't mind if you want to use RTP, custom graphics, or whatever floats your boat.

Those are the big ones, but if you want to contribute in some other way I'm open to hearing it. For example, I'm not worried about finding a scripter but I won't turn you away if you're offering. A second pixel artist would depend on what you're contributing. An illustrator would be nice but I'm obviously going into this not expecting to find one. Input and brainstorming on game mechanics and design is welcome, I've got general ideas right now but getting specifics figured out wouldn't hurt. So yeah, just feel free to speak up if this type of game interests you and you want to help in any way.


Sep 1, 2015
*raises hand* I humbly offer my assistance with writing. 

An interesting thing might be also to have a few males you can prostitute. I know personally I get bored with all women games. 


New Member
May 22, 2016
I can write fairly well, it was what I was majoring in, in college before I decided to take a break to get my life sorted out. I can't really help on the mapping though. I've tried mapping in RPGmaker a lot and I have to say, it's annoying as all hell. I think it's mostly making sure that maps align well that trips me up, but I'm also certain I couldn't make them appealing to look at.

That being said, I ahve played a lot of adult games, and have been interested in the idea of making a brothel like game. I do like your sprite style, though perhaps it would be better to make some less blatent copyrighted characters.


New Member
May 21, 2016
Awesome, I'll send both of you a PM soon.

*raises hand* I humbly offer my assistance with writing. 

An interesting thing might be also to have a few males you can prostitute. I know personally I get bored with all women games. 

I'm completely open to having a handful of characters like that. I was already planning on having some recruitable males for certain tasks and even a method to gender-bend Cloud into a female, so it's not a big deal to take it a little further.

I can write fairly well, it was what I was majoring in, in college before I decided to take a break to get my life sorted out. I can't really help on the mapping though. I've tried mapping in RPGmaker a lot and I have to say, it's annoying as all hell. I think it's mostly making sure that maps align well that trips me up, but I'm also certain I couldn't make them appealing to look at.

That being said, I ahve played a lot of adult games, and have been interested in the idea of making a brothel like game. I do like your sprite style, though perhaps it would be better to make some less blatent copyrighted characters.

Yeah man, mapping is no joke. You really underestimate how much goes into it until you try it yourself.

The copyright thing is honestly kinda par for the course with this genre, I think as long as it's a non-commercial game it'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
The copyright thing is honestly kinda par for the course with this genre, I think as long as it's a non-commercial game it'll be fine.

Put at least a disclaimer at the start of the game that it is a parody game or something along those lines and ofc that all the properties belong to their respective owners yada yada... Just to be sure as you can never be save enough with such stuff


New Member
May 21, 2016
I can write some things. Not a lot, though...

At this point I'm really more concerned with finding a "main" writer to stick with the project rather than a lot of minor ones, but once the game is more fleshed out I'm open to having a lot of different people contributing smaller amounts. Thanks for the offer, though.

Put at least a disclaimer at the start of the game that it is a parody game or something along those lines and ofc that all the properties belong to their respective owners yada yada... Just to be sure as you can never be save enough with such stuff

I'll be sure to, thanks for the suggestion.


New Member
May 22, 2016
At this point I'm really more concerned with finding a "main" writer to stick with the project rather than a lot of minor ones, but once the game is more fleshed out I'm open to having a lot of different people contributing smaller amounts. Thanks for the offer, though.

I'll be sure to, thanks for the suggestion.

Well that's what I'm interested in, do you have a good way to contact you off the forum?


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
May I suggest a map based on midgar sectors but not exactly? Let's say it's post FF7 and there's no more materia being used as energy so the Shinra system has collapsed. Now they're using geothermal, generators, and solar energy while trying to figure out a system of local government. That would give Cloud and others a chance to gain power while building their lives and businesses. Now the workable part of this is that there's an existing template all over the internet that can be modified to avoid any issues and that would speed up the process of map-making and building.

I own all the final fantasy games from FF to FFX and have an emulator so I can play on my desktop or laptop since someone killed my PS3. She was very careless and was stacking games next to the console and had moved it so it couldn't ventilate and literally roasted the PS3 while I was sleeping.
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