Looking for game with Female pov or optional Female pov


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Could you please clarify? Are you looking for a female protagonist, narrative POV or graphics POV?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Games with a female protagonist, right?
As Klaptrap said, TFgamessite is a good place to look for if you're not picky, the caveat here is 99% of the games in there are about guys who get transformed into women and the drama that ensues. Magical trans people aren't my thing but maybe you don't care about that. I feel like I should warn you, specially if you're a woman - the majority of sex games around here (and other websites) are heavily catered to guys and their tastes. If you don't like being a submissive, i.e; subjected to humiliation, rape, abuse, turned into a bimbo slut, all of which was probably forced upon you, then you're out of luck as that's what most games with female protagonists are about. Apparently, your only purpose in life is to suck dick and/or use your body to move up in the ranks. Also games with lesbian content are a trap - they were written and fetishized by guys so don't expect any REAL lesbian relationship building.

That aside, try Roundscape Adorevia, its relatively famous and allows you to play a female character, plus it contains a variety of fetishes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
being a submissive, i.e; subjected to humiliation, rape, abuse, turned into a bimbo slut, all of which was probably forced upon you, then you're out of luck as that's what most games with female protagonists are about. Apparently, your only purpose in life is to suck dick and/or use your body to move up in the ranks.
That's not being a submissive. That's being forced to become a doormat. But I get your point here. Back when I used F-List, I noticed how most "dom" profiles I came across were way too similar to one another.

Now, I don't believe that "no male can "get" what a female/lesbian wants" or that female/lesbian tastes are so and so. Couch once posted something I found quite insightful on the matter. Here's the thread in question: https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/co...-the-appeal-of-male-to-female-tf-for-me.3867/
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
That's not being a submissive. That's being forced to become a doormat. But I get your point here. Back when I used F-List, I noticed how most "dom" profiles I came across were way too similar to one another.

Now, I don't believe that "no male can "get" what a female/lesbian wants" or that female/lesbian tastes are so and so. Couch once posted something I found quite insightful on the matter. Here's the thread in question: https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/co...-the-appeal-of-male-to-female-tf-for-me.3867/

Yeah, I get what they're saying. I'm not against the genre itself or female doormats, I just wish the entire (videogame) market wasn't so biased towards guys and their fetishes. Its really hard to find a game where the main protagonist is a strong female who can kick anyone who decides to treat her as a cocksleeve. My motto in videogames is this: "I don't mind sucking dicks and being submissive but it has to be on my terms and not just because YOU want it." I prefer games that have both situations (forced and consensual) as there are cases where its necessary to be at the bottom of the pile in order to give us a reason to climb up the ladder. The feeling of beating everything and everyone and becoming top dog after a strenuous amount of ordeal can be its own reward IMO.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm not against the genre itself or female doormats, I just wish the entire (videogame) market wasn't so biased towards guys and their fetishes. Its really hard to find a game where the main protagonist is a strong female who can kick anyone who decides to treat her as a cocksleeve. My motto in videogames is this: "I don't mind sucking dicks and being submissive but it has to be on my terms and not just because YOU want it."
My thoughts exactly. Just because I want to play as a female (or a female herm) who adores being a cumdumpster it doesn't mean my character has to be a vapid bimbo or a husk of a person without a sense of self-worth. I really don't want to think that every male has that as a fetish, just like I want to think there are femakes who like that stuff.
Personally, I try to avoid those games in which female characters having sex is seen as something shameful and disgusting, yet male characters having the same goal is the best thing ever and encouraged from every angle.

I wonder if that's why I can't really find games which cater to my interests :p


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
That's not being a submissive. That's being forced to become a doormat. But I get your point here. Back when I used F-List, I noticed how most "dom" profiles I came across were way too similar to one another.

Now, I don't believe that "no male can "get" what a female/lesbian wants" or that female/lesbian tastes are so and so. Couch once posted something I found quite insightful on the matter. Here's the thread in question: https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/co...-the-appeal-of-male-to-female-tf-for-me.3867/

I still having nightmares...

Yeah, I get what they're saying. I'm not against the genre itself or female doormats, I just wish the entire (videogame) market wasn't so biased towards guys and their fetishes. Its really hard to find a game where the main protagonist is a strong female who can kick anyone who decides to treat her as a cocksleeve. My motto in videogames is this: "I don't mind sucking dicks and being submissive but it has to be on my terms and not just because YOU want it." I prefer games that have both situations (forced and consensual) as there are cases where its necessary to be at the bottom of the pile in order to give us a reason to climb up the ladder. The feeling of beating everything and everyone and becoming top dog after a strenuous amount of ordeal can be its own reward IMO.

My thoughts exactly. Just because I want to play as a female (or a female herm) who adores being a cumdumpster it doesn't mean my character has to be a vapid bimbo or a husk of a person without a sense of self-worth. I really don't want to think that every male has that as a fetish, just like I want to think there are femakes who like that stuff.
Personally, I try to avoid those games in which female characters having sex is seen as something shameful and disgusting, yet male characters having the same goal is the best thing ever and encouraged from every angle.

I wonder if that's why I can't really find games which cater to my interests :p

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
My thoughts exactly. Just because I want to play as a female (or a female herm) who adores being a cumdumpster it doesn't mean my character has to be a vapid bimbo or a husk of a person without a sense of self-worth. I really don't want to think that every male has that as a fetish, just like I want to think there are femakes who like that stuff.
Personally, I try to avoid those games in which female characters having sex is seen as something shameful and disgusting, yet male characters having the same goal is the best thing ever and encouraged from every angle.

I wonder if that's why I can't really find games which cater to my interests :p

Have you tried my game? You're free to be as promiscuous as you like and the game won't judge you for it. Some 'jerk' characters might call you a slut if you take traits like 'Sultry' and they're trying to insult you but you can just kick them out of bed and go find someone you like better. Otherwise, no-one will care if you sleep around unless you've been cheating on a committed relationship.

The game does have plenty of fairly submissive content, although it isn't a serious BDSM game and you can also be quite take-charge if you like. One of the core gameplay aspects is that NPCs make decisions and you can let them take the initiative and see what happens. Sometimes they can be quite aggressive if you're dating an asshole but with the right character build it's easy enough to shut them down. If you avoid the 'Low self-esteem' trait and take a decent willpower then it might meet your requirements.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm not really into non-fantasy games and impregnation is not my thing, sorry. But that doesn't mean I will never try it. Especially now that you cared enough to type to me and drop some of its features.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm not really into non-fantasy games and impregnation is not my thing, sorry. But that doesn't mean I will never try it. Especially now that you cared enough to type to me and drop some of its features.

Cheers, I hope you enjoy the game if you do decide to give it a try.

You can avoid most impregnation content by taking the infertile trait (to prevent accidental pregnancies) and going on the pill via the "visit your doctor" weekend action (to stop impregnation-risk dialogue). However, while the game's playable without pregnancy-risk, you would be missing out on a fair chunk of content and of course there's not much you can do about the modern-day (ish) setting - you could give yourself a custom race of "elf" or something but you'd still be going to nightclubs and working in sales, not adventuring in a dungeon somewhere!

Hey, Newlife is cool.

Thank you :)


Jun 20, 2017
I'm not really into non-fantasy games and impregnation is not my thing, sorry. But that doesn't mean I will never try it. Especially now that you cared enough to type to me and drop some of its features.

Lust Doll and Lillith's Throne might be up your alley. Both are fantasy in nature, though Lust Doll has more of a post-apocalyptic setting with some fantasy creatures strewn about. But both are "make your own character and just kinda do what you want".


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I like Lust Doll, even if it isn't 100% what I am looking for. I haven't tried Lilith's Throne yet, so to the "to do" list it goes!


Jun 15, 2017
Games with a female protagonist, right?
As Klaptrap said, TFgamessite is a good place to look for if you're not picky, the caveat here is 99% of the games in there are about guys who get transformed into women and the drama that ensues. Magical trans people aren't my thing but maybe you don't care about that. I feel like I should warn you, specially if you're a woman - the majority of sex games around here (and other websites) are heavily catered to guys and their tastes. If you don't like being a submissive, i.e; subjected to humiliation, rape, abuse, turned into a bimbo slut, all of which was probably forced upon you, then you're out of luck as that's what most games with female protagonists are about. Apparently, your only purpose in life is to suck dick and/or use your body to move up in the ranks. Also games with lesbian content are a trap - they were written and fetishized by guys so don't expect any REAL lesbian relationship building.

That aside, try Roundscape Adorevia, its relatively famous and allows you to play a female character, plus it contains a variety of fetishes.
One where you play as a submissive or forced submissive.