Looking for a game


New Member
Nov 22, 2016
Hey guys. I'm looking for an adult text game set in a fantasy medieval world.

The story goes something like this. The MC's mother took the MC and his sister to live with their aunt after their father was killed or died mysteriously. The game begins in a city where the aunt's home is located. The city map is divided up into districts (the slums, business district and etc). I played a pre-alpha or demo version where you cannot leave the city and there were few things to do. Another random detail is that in the prologue the MC could choose to take with him a recipe book or something before leaving home with his mother and sister to live with his aunt.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sounds like you're talking about a game called Niburi. Originally it was a developed using the RAGS system but then they decided to redo it as a Flash based game. However development has been very infrequent at best. Here's the link to the current blog: http://niburithegame.blogspot.co.uk/
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
...and here was me thinking that anyone would read that and see it for the joke it was
I realized it was a joke, it just didn't clicked with me because 1) I'm not american and 2) I don't care enough about politics to start a whole debacle about it on a porn forum. Better that way too. "Know thy place" as they say... but you're new here so you'll learn. ;)
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