Looking for a game


New Member
Feb 2, 2018
Hey peeps! I'm looking for a specific H-Game. I remember playing it back around 2018-2019 timeframe. From what I can remember, there was no main plot but you could move around from tile to tile trying to find loot and such to arm your character. I'll also attach my (poorly) drawn picture of what the map/tile system looked like. The wilderness was disjointed like my picture below but if you were in a town, the tiles were uniform and had more cohesion. If you were in the wilderness, sometimes you'd run into raiders that could defeat you and then have their way with you. Additionally, there was this sort of cult of futanari, the game described them as dressed up in robes and if you were a female and entered their area, they would try to impregnate you. There was also a statue of a futa goddess there that you could touch and it would transform your MC.

If anybody has ideas for what the name of the game was, let me know. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2016
This sounds suspiciously like an early build of CoC2. If so, you're certainly on the right website.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2015
also looks like Tits.. or how it looks when i lasted played before it jumped the rainbow


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2020
Yes, this sounds somewhat like CoC (original version).

I actually prefer the original version to the second generation one. It felt more like you were on a mission, actually questing. CoC2 went down more of the 'open world' concept and it lost that directed feeling. Some would call that an improvement, but I don't know, I still like the original just a little more than the second one.