Little gripe with the Omnisuit...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You literally have to provide a list of scenes to fix. Since it requires each one to be fixed to support fully exposed clothes. End even fully exposed support does not mean omnisuit support, since it may mean different things. It can as well be heavy armor without some bits as well. So it may require specific check for "armor" which is either as comfortable as own skin or some thing which comes to armor slot but is not a clothing (not sure if there are ATM, but generic check is always better).
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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2016
You literally have to provide a list of scenes to fix. Since it requires each one to be fixed to support fully exposed clothes.
I have yet to come across a scene that supports omnisuit, and I've been using it since release.

Granted this post is about 97% likely a shitpost.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Seriously doubt it's going to be treated as anything but clothing. It was added as a backer promise/commission, of sorts.

As for all this things like this, "maybe if it was coded from the start".
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, it can be solved by changing its slot from "armor" to "accessory." So scenes would assume you naked. But wasting accessory slot doesn't seem to be a great idea to me as well.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Just add more accessory slots, bro.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Most scenes seem to completely disregard it, making the PC get out of it as if it was normal clothing. Literally unplayable, plz fix, k.

To be fair, the lack of support for the omnisuit has to do with how the parser treats clothing. Its literally just [pc.Armor], and then that calls a blurb for how that specific armor is taken off. If you'd like more support for the omnisuit, there are two options: writing scenes with specific, branching interactions if you are wearing the omnisuit, so that it has descriptions of you fucking a person with the suit on and having it fill with the products of you and your partner (like Terensha's scenes) -OR- gating content behind wearing the suit, so that it can be written solely for the intention of using the second skin-like properties of the suit.

Know what both of these options require?

Additionally scenes written specifically to support the item. Are you interested enough in seeing support added for the item to write for it?


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2016
To be fair, the lack of support for the omnisuit has to do with how the parser treats clothing. Its literally just [pc.Armor], and then that calls a blurb for how that specific armor is taken off. If you'd like more support for the omnisuit, there are two options: writing scenes with specific, branching interactions if you are wearing the omnisuit, so that it has descriptions of you fucking a person with the suit on and having it fill with the products of you and your partner (like Terensha's scenes) -OR- gating content behind wearing the suit, so that it can be written solely for the intention of using the second skin-like properties of the suit.

Know what both of these options require?

Additionally scenes written specifically to support the item. Are you interested enough in seeing support added for the item to write for it?
wouldnt it be faster and more plausible to just code it like [if_pc.armor=omnisuit] to bypass the stripping scene for pc? i think its less about the cumflation of the suit, and more that you strip it off, yet the flags for skin/vagina/whatever color stay as the shiny black as if you had it on.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
wouldnt it be faster and more plausible to just code it like [if_pc.armor=omnisuit] to bypass the stripping scene for pc? i think its less about the cumflation of the suit, and more that you strip it off, yet the flags for skin/vagina/whatever color stay as the shiny black as if you had it on.
Oh, it is easy. Problem is - every scene in a game needs this code.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
wouldnt it be faster and more plausible to just code it like [if_pc.armor=omnisuit] to bypass the stripping scene for pc? i think its less about the cumflation of the suit, and more that you strip it off, yet the flags for skin/vagina/whatever color stay as the shiny black as if you had it on.

For coding, yes. But I was referencing the parser call used to identify pc armor for descriptions when writing. Unless a scene is specifically written to support the omnisuit, it will treat it like an other piece of clothing in the scene. That's why I pointed out that new scenes would have to be written, or additional branches added to existing scenes to support the suits unique properties (such as doubling as a second skin, absorbing fluid, filling with fluids during sex, etc).

Hell, I'd love omnisuit support. I think its a nifty item, and there's a lot of interesting possibilities that it opens up. But that requires effort on the part of those that wish to see it happen. "Literally unplayable, plz fix, k." doesn't sound like the words of someone who wants to write new scenes, which is why I pointed out that's what needs to happen so they and others can enjoy the item in question.

As for the color changes with the suit off, that's probably an actual issue. I didn't write the omnisuit, and I have no idea what changes it causes when it covers you, but it sounds like its setting the pc's various colors to black and the game is using that even when the suit is taken off. You might want to post that in the bugs thread so someone can look into it.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2016
Oh, it is easy. Problem is - every scene in a game needs this code.
Yeah i know that, which is where the main issue arrises. I was mostly pointing out there wouldnt have to be totally branching scenes for every scene like owens seemed to be suggesting, just a piece of code bypassing the stripping scene.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Maybe somehow code it in a way that the omnisuit becomes your skin instead of armor? So that the [] varibale returns something along the lines of "shiny black omnisuit surface ". Which should result in sentences like "Syri runs her hands over the shiny black omnisuit surface of your well shaped ass and licks her lips."
Removing the suit then could praobably done via a new option in the Appearance screen.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
I think that's only Ren's suit, the one the player wears somehow lets fluid through.

Probably. I was simply referencing it since the items are similar in the long run. My main point is that there's a significant gap between generic use of the item (the parser call), and having the item function like it says it does (specific scenes written for the omnisuit). If people want more omnisuit specific scenes, then there needs to be written more omnisuit specific scenes. Hence me basically saying "If you want it, write it"

Maybe somehow code it in a way that the omnisuit becomes your skin instead of armor? So that the [] varibale returns something along the lines of "shiny black omnisuit surface ". Which should result in sentences like "Syri runs her hands over the shiny black omnisuit surface of your well shaped ass and licks her lips."
Removing the suit then could praobably done via a new option in the Appearance screen.

I actually really like that as an idea. The only issue is how you would get the game to check for the item. Maybe have the suit add a skin flag that overwrites the skin type? And then removes it when its taken off? I dunno. The whole item is a puzzle.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Maybe somehow code it in a way that the omnisuit becomes your skin instead of armor? So that the [] varibale returns something along the lines of "shiny black omnisuit surface ". Which should result in sentences like "Syri runs her hands over the shiny black omnisuit surface of your well shaped ass and licks her lips."
Removing the suit then could praobably done via a new option in the Appearance screen.
It does. But collar still goes to some slot. Though... It possible to make it not use a slot at all, but it would require dirty hooks to have actual stats.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2016
I suppose you could give each clothing item a function that gives text for how you remove it. "You pull your armor off" vs "You press the off button on your energy clothing" vs "You ask your goo clothing to let you out" sort of thing. You'd still need to update all the scenes to call the function, but after that you (hopefully) wouldn't need additional support for clothing that gets removed in different ways.