leveling up and scene skipping


New Member
Dec 20, 2015
I couldn't figure out where else to put this but I need help. First is there a generic exploration path to follow (Like in CoC) to level up cause everywhere I go I get DESTROYED (I just started and the only help I see regarding this is YouTube vids and I'm trying to avoid spoilers) . Ok after visiting the lake (after getting momo the first time) I had a scene pop up then quickly disappear while returning to rigard something to do with a girl or something I ignored this cause I thought I had heavy fingers happened again while exploring slums after breastfeeding gossip scence it showed itself for a brief second then back to regularity. I cleaned my screen ignored it again till it happened just before I went into the bar to talk with Miranda. I feel like deleting and downloading the game will fix the issue but I just want to check if it's a bug or not.


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
I can barely tell what you are even trying to say... but whatever it is, it's not a bug. Moved.