Lagon fight


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Ok so as not to derail the bug report topic, moving this discussion here. :)

Ormael, I didn't use any potions in any of my fights. Perhaps oddly enough, I found the Gol Queen to be harder fight (comparatively to level) than Lagon. I did golem at lvl 7, Orchid at lvl 10, Gol at lvl 13 (after getting Layla), and Lagon at lvl 17, and Gol at lvl 13 was quite a bit harder than Lagon at 17. I think its mostly because of the Cheer ability which makes the Lagon fight a lot easier since he and his cronies mostly just do basic physical attacks, his adds in particular do so little damage with Cheer active that you can pretty much ignore them (except for the wizards, kill those fast, but they have only around 100 hp so they get one shotted by everyone except Kia). Whereas the Gol has several nasty abilities that apply various debuffs to your entire group, especially that one that can sleep and/or confuse the whole party, which can easily disable Kia for several turns.

Also at least for me, Terry does lot more damage than Layla (single target that is), just like looking at the basic attacks against random mobs, Terry hits for around 700 while Layla only does around 400, with both Terry and Layla being same level. I believe this is mainly due to Layla not using equipment, which is quite a serious handicap. Layla is certainly lot more durable though with around double the hp of Terry. (I have put every point from Layla's level-ups to strength, Terry's mostly to dex with some in spirit and stamina to make him not get one shotted by bosses).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Adding context to this would-be discussion by placing a link to the former thread would be useful.

If Layla has much less atk and way more hp than Terry at the same level, have you considered that she's naturally a tank; in which case pumping her with strength was pointless and only turned her into a master of none.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Adding context to this would-be discussion by placing a link to the former thread would be useful.

If Layla has much less atk and way more hp than Terry at the same level, have you considered that she's naturally a tank; in which case pumping her with strength was pointless and only turned her into a master of none.

Well actually its mostly because Strength also increases hp quite a bit. And Layla seems to gain more stats per point put into them than other characters also.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If Layla has much less atk and way more hp than Terry at the same level, have you considered that she's naturally a tank; in which case pumping her with strength was pointless and only turned her into a master of none.

Problem here is for phys fighters we can only choose from Fighter or Bruiser jobs with both been or balance or more ofensive oriented job with same stats bonuses made up to futher argument it. So till we get some phys oriented job that will focus more on defense Laya will be made into hybrid of tank/dps. Knight side of job tree would make her more use of this innate tankiness and well kinda I do wonder on that no equipment thing. But looking at her gdoc it meantion of 4 jobs exclusive to her with all of them tied to her chimera nature.

Heh Lagon final fight at lvl 17. Now you gonna get all those goonies jelly looks that was hardly able to beat him with around 23-26 lvl party. All enemies you beaten quite early lvl-wise but well I never was trying beat each of them asap rather at moment when I can breeze throu foghts without worry that one single bad randomn thing can make me loose whole fight (which doing those enemies at quite low lvl's is always). Other part is making each party member learn specific jobs in presise sequence that would futher make good results easier to get.

So yeah I admit you well planning party grown to beat all bosses earlier than many people (and to think back in a days poeple was thinking that beating Lagon with 3 ppl party around 23 lvl was something ^^). - MESeele you can read here about context of this thread.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well actually its mostly because Strength also increases hp quite a bit. And Layla seems to gain more stats per point put into them than other characters also.

Ah. Tbh, I haven't placed any stat points yet. I replied only with basic rpg knowledge. Not surprised that Layla gets more from it too though; her growth rates are nuts.

Thanks for the link Ormael, though it turns out I posted on that thread too haha. I think a lot of people were saving their lvl points for later when the classes and skills are better known. So it would make sense that players that spent them all would have stronger parties in general. Layla and the Bruiser class weren't available for most of that thread either. Though as you said, choosing class priorities when leveling characters also makes a pretty big difference.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ah. Tbh, I haven't placed any stat points yet. I replied only with basic rpg knowledge. Not surprised that Layla gets more from it too though; her growth rates are nuts.

I think a lot of people were saving their lvl points for later when the classes and skills are better known. So it would make sense that players that spent them all would have stronger parties in general. Layla and the Bruiser class weren't available for most of that thread either. Though as you said, choosing class priorities when leveling characters also makes a pretty big difference.

Yeah most of stuff I talk about Lagon fight is tbh...from time when we could oly have MC, Kia and Terry plus just recent added Bruiser with no cd on any skills etc. Since then I not made any run to check how fast now we can beat him but I suppose easily now can be cut down few lvl's from former lvl req. Also I do played that way so all party members survive not letting noone loose during fight (with agon strong attack it was or matter of luck he not hit Kia or just making her tanky enough to be able stand his super attack too).

And still it may be even easier since I need to wait till all Hallowen stuff will be finaly over to ask again Alder stand on some change with party setup and which would require slight change to gui to accomodate for that, but I still think it's doable.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Ormael. The Cheer ability that Scholar job gives is the main thing that lets you take on the bosses at much lower levels, that buffs the survivability of the whole party by a lot. I did a new run today, with main character focusing on dex and be rogue/bruiser, and man was the damage insane... I literally took out phase 2 Lagon with his 4k+ hp so fast he only had time to do a single attack, and the party was lvl 18 when I started the boss fight (although liberal amounts of stuns from mc, Terry, and Layla played large part in that too). With mc using swift, triple attack, bash, crushing strike rotation, and Terry using swift, double attack, bash, dirty blow rotation, and Layla triple attack, bash, crushing blow, focus strike. rotation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The Cheer ability that Scholar job gives is the main thing that lets you take on the bosses at much lower levels, that buffs the survivability of the whole party by a lot. I did a new run today, with main character focusing on dex and be rogue/bruiser, and man was the damage insane... I literally took out phase 2 Lagon with his 4k+ hp so fast he only had time to do a single attack, and the party was lvl 18 when I started the boss fight (although liberal amounts of stuns from mc, Terry, and Layla played large part in that too).

Yes I do always make Kia open with Cheer on boss fights (well that move best for int party members and she by default inclined to rise int so just need to be sure she not die before this skill usage - that why I not always go for bosses at lower lvl's since if they attack Kia first and she get knock out all planning goes out of the window).

Not need to tell me how good bruiser/rogue MC setup is. I usualy use similar setup for MC and even insane grown rate of Layla can't make her reach such heights of the dmg output/tankiness/etc. (but she can't use all jobs so it a fair MC still is and will be strongest party member).

I wonder if you used potions if it would make fight possible to ends at 1-2 lvl earlier than currently you can. All those pots not cost so much it's hard to get dozen of them at early stages of the game too (and without buying them I easily can get over 10k gold saved).


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
The silvered buckler you get as reward from getting high score in the bulltower event can help you a lot in buffing up an otherwise squishy party member out of one shot range. I gave it to Terry myself though because funnily enough, Kia is was the highest hp member in the group, although now with the silver buckler, Terry is highest, though only by a small margin.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Silver buckler and Rani's Favor. Both are good to make squishies tough enough to not been oneshooted by Lagon. Not counting items worn in my party usualy it's as for max hp goes by MC>Layla>Terry>Kia. Putting all hp giving items making it easily reversing whole order.

I wonder if those act 1 eq from rigard shops that probably will get there eventualy will make fighting Lagon even easier. And still I feel for pure bruiser ike member of party we yet not have any fancy weapon. Terry have already 2 diff thing to pick from. Lust using MC can pick some nice things too, same as mages but bruiser types are so far left in dust. To fight Lagon with a merely greatsword wearing bronze armor and no good acc that was given to squishies -_-'

From other barrel: Anyone using at any party member Vine armor pieces from Orchid fight? (they got quite not bad stats that can help less tanky ones survive during Lagon fight)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
The Gol Whip from the bull tower is actually very good weapon for bruisers, despite having lust focused stats, it has by far the highest damage of any weapon in the game currently, like 50% higher than greatsword. Also the vine armor from Orchid actually has exactly same defensive stats as the bronze pieces, in addition to the bonus charisma and libido, so as funny as it might sound, its the best armor available in game. :) Well except for int users, for int user the wizard robe from the golem is best.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
It's a brutal fight or at least the first half is, but cheer plus using MC an Kia to heal and letting Terry be the main hitter seems to work best.
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